Get Out of My Sight! VIII

Feng Yiyi was blazing mad. How could she not have realized that it'd been Tang Shi who had agreed to hire Gu Qingcheng?

Since the first day that Gu Qingcheng had joined Sheng Tang, the Feng family had instructed her to use whatever means she could think of to kick Gu Qingcheng out of the company in the shortest time possible.

Earlier, she'd just happened to overhear Gu Qingcheng asking Cheng Xieyi about Tang Shi's whereabouts and had decided to taunt her a bit. However, she had not expected that, after three years' absence, Gu Qingcheng would still be as adept at sparring with her verbally as ever.

Now in a fury, Feng Yiyi's voice radiated hatred and shook slightly as she yelled, "Gu Qingcheng, don't push me too far. Stop looking so smug, thinking that you can get away with anything. Men always have women throwing themselves at them. As for you, since Shi hasn't seen you for three years, he must've decided that you were fresh, and he wanted to try you out again."

Hearing this, Gu Qingcheng laughed softly. With her dewy eyes radiating brilliant light that resembled ripples on water, she intentionally lowered her voice and looked straight at Feng Yiyi, as she enunciated each word that she spoke. "And now, Feng Yiyi, here comes my question. I want to know whether, to CEO Tang, you are no longer something fresh? Or, is CEO Tang not even interested in your kind of freshness?"

Feng Yiyi was speechless hearing Gu Qingcheng's words.

If the truth were told, in order to gain some respect and to be able to hold her head high within the Feng family, and also to shed her label as the illegitimate daughter, she had wanted, like her cousin, to marry one of the men in the Tang family. Only then would she have been able to have a voice within her clan.

Since she and Gu Qingcheng were of the same age, the only potential target for her was also Tang Shi. However, after she had met Tang Shi in person, she'd realized that he was not just a target to improve her life, but the true love that she had been yearning for her entire life.

In fact, she would've even been content if Tang Shi had chosen to keep her as his woman on the side. She didn't need him to marry her.

But, despite following Tang Shi around and pursuing him for many years, he had not touched her at all.

Feng Yiyi's eyes teared up, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Blinking, Gu Qingcheng said, "Feng Yiyi, have you really been so weakened by just a few words from me that you are about to cry? You will ruin your eye makeup and look ugly if you cry. Well, don't blame me for not reminding you. CEO Tang will be back this afternoon."

It was all Feng Yiyi could do to not let her tears fall.

Not bothering herself with Feng Yiyi any further, Gu Qingcheng turned and left the bathroom.


Just as Cheng Xieyi had predicted, Tang Shi turned up at the office at two-thirty that afternoon.

Followed by Su Nianhua and Lu Ran, the trio stepped out of the elevator. He said something quietly to Su Nianhua and Lu Ran, who headed directly for their respective offices. He then continued alone toward his office.

Everyone in the secretarial department put down their work, stood up, and greeted him, "CEO Tang!"

With a slight nod, Tang Shi headed straight for his office.