Birthday Party Invitation III

Now that Feng Yiyi had mentioned it, Gu Qingcheng suddenly remembered that indeed Tang Shi's birthday was just around the corner.

As for an invitation to Tang Shi's birthday party…Gu Qingcheng stole a glance at Tang Shi. He hadn't mentioned it to her at all.

Naturally, Gu Qingcheng couldn't tell Feng Yiyi that she hadn't received an invitation to the birthday party. Seeing the smug look in Feng Yiyi's eyes, Gu Qingcheng just smiled and chose to say nothing, giving Feng Yiyi an ambiguous response.

Feng Yiyi didn't notice Gu Qingcheng's embarrassment, and she assumed that she'd already received an invitation to Tang Shi's birthday party. She turned her head immediately back to Tang Shi, ignoring Gu Qingcheng, and asked, "Shi, have you ordered your birthday cake yet?"

Tang Shi, seemingly very interested in this topic, shut his laptop and said, "I'm not the one making the arrangements for the birthday party. My sister has always been the one who does all the planning for this. However, now that we're on this topic, I suddenly remember my sister saying something about ordering a few more flavors of birthday cake this time. After all, everyone's tastes are different when it comes to kinds of birthday cakes. Yiyi, what flavor would you like?"

Feng Yiyi, who hadn't expected Tang Shi to even care about her favorite cake flavor, was overjoyed. Her face blossomed into a brilliant smile as she asked, "May I pick two flavors?"

Tang Shi nodded.

Now that she had Tang Shi's approval, Feng Yiyi cocked her head thinking it over, and then she said, "Strawberry and purple sweet potato."

Tang Shi said, "Okay," seemingly making a mental note of it. Then, suddenly, he turned to look at Gu Qingcheng and asked, "What about you?"

Standing on the side and not really taking part in the conversation at all, Gu Qingcheng had assumed that she was just someone unimportant, taking up some space here. When she heard Tang Shi suddenly asking her for her favorite cake flavor, Gu Qingcheng's first reaction was that of surprise, followed by a warming sensation. Since her return home from the UK, Tang Shi had treated her with disdain and extreme sarcasm at all times. But now, he was actually asking for her favorite cake flavor. Was that an indication that there was still hope for her?

Although she was feeling excited, Gu Qingcheng didn't express it openly like Feng Yiyi had. She gave the question some thought before she looked at Tang Shi and said, "Matcha flavor."

If the truth were told, she not only disliked matcha-flavored cakes, she hated them. The flavor that she really liked was vanilla. But since matcha-flavored cakes were Tang Shi's favorite, she had to pretend to like them too. This was for no other reason than the hopes of staying in his good graces if she shared his taste in cakes.

When Tang Shi heard the words "matcha flavor," his expression turned cold instantly and he laughed with scorn. Staring intently at Gu Qingcheng, he spoke in an incomprehensible tone, "Did you say matcha-flavored? That's too bad. I absolutely hate matcha-flavored cakes. The sight of them makes me sick!"

Hearing this, Feng Yiyi's lips curled into a faint smile.

Facing Tang Shi's scorn and Feng Yiyi's smugness, Gu Qingcheng turned deathly pale.