Birthday Party Invitation IV

Noting the dejected look on Gu Qingcheng's face, Tang Shi pursed his lips and said in a more serious manner, "All right. You both can get back to work now."

One after the other, Feng Yiyi and Gu Qingcheng filed out of Tang Shi's office. Throwing Gu Qingcheng a victorious look, Feng Yiyi went back to her own desk and sat down.

Gu Qingcheng kept her eyes lowered. All this time, since the very beginning, she had overestimated her influence on Tang Shi.

Even though he had dumped her three years ago for absolutely no reason and without explanation, she had always assumed that he wouldn't go too far in humiliating her, considering that they had been friends for 20 years.

However, today she had seen for herself how Tang Shi didn't get at all upset when Feng Yiyi was hanging all over him, openly flirting. In fact, even his criticisms of Feng Yiyi had been half-hearted and uttered in a mild tone of voice. He had even indulged Feng Yiyi's asking for two cake flavors.

And as for her, Gu Qingcheng...

In his presence, she had always tried to portray herself as a cultured, submissive, and dignified lady, putting his interests first. But what she had gained in return was his sarcasm, his scorn, and his disgust.

It was probably because he couldn't stand the sight of her that he criticized everything that she did.

If the truth were told, she wasn't asking for a lot. She didn't need him to love her or to indulge all her whims and fancies. All she wanted was to be Mrs. Tang.

Suddenly, Gu Qingcheng felt very dejected.

What was more important, though, was that he didn't seem to have any plans to invite her to his birthday party.

Many among their group in society were well aware that she and Tang Shi had once been very close. Now that she was back in the country, the fact that he hadn't invited her to his birthday party would be fodder for the gossipmongers. She would once again become the butt of everyone's jokes, and the Gu family would be mocked by many in their clan.

Checking the calendar on her computer, Gu Qingcheng noted that Tang Shi's birthday was only five days away. She resolved to do whatever she could to secure an invitation to his birthday party within the next five days…


After Gu Qingcheng and Feng Yiyi had left his office, Tang Shi stood up and walked over to the window, which stood from floor to ceiling and offered a magnificent view.

The lingering rays of the setting sun radiated across the skies of Beijing, shrouding the city in a cloak of golden splendor. However, this awe-inspiring sight was completely lost on Tang Shi as he grappled with the frustration that was suffocating him.

"Matcha-flavored? Yes, that was definitely his favorite flavor. However, ever since they'd been kids and throughout the 20-odd years that he'd known her, when had she ever touched anything that was matcha-flavored?

"Did she take him for a fool who could be so easily manipulated?"

Involuntarily, as these thoughts ran through his head, Tang Shi's lips curled into a cold smile, which gradually turned into a bitter laugh.

It was really quite amusing. He had only just come to the realization that he knew absolutely nothing about this woman whom he had known for more than two decades, this woman whom he'd thought that he'd understood inside out.

For example, what type of cake did she like? What was her favorite color? What type of food did she like? Thinking about all of this, he felt increasingly horrified.

Tang Shi's eyes revealed a look of defeat.