Birthday Party Invitation II

Even before she'd entered the office, Gu Qingcheng could hear Feng Yiyi's voice flirtatiously saying, "Shi, just pick something, will you!"

"Stop fooling around. I'm busy." Although Tang Shi's voice sounded flat, there was not a trace of impatience in it.

"Shi, it's taken me an entire week of careful selection trying hard to find you a gift. Would you please just pick one, and we can go back to our documents later." Feng Yiyi persisted, sounding coy.

When she'd heard what Feng Yiyi had just said, Gu Qingcheng tensed up. Feng Yiyi was certainly being very gutsy by not addressing Tang Shi formally as CEO Tang while in the office. She'd been calling him Shi instead. What was worse was that she was blatantly throwing herself at Tang Shi while he was busy working. Gu Qingcheng's father had once told her that what men hated the most when they were busy working was women constantly pestering them and clamoring for attention. Wasn't Feng Yiyi afraid of incurring Tang Shi's wrath?

Keeping her thoughts to herself, Gu Qingcheng pushed open the door and walked in with the coffee, nothing on her face betraying the fact that she'd heard the conversation between Feng Yiyi and Tang Shi.

Hearing the door open, Feng Yiyi twisted her head around, and, seeing Gu Qingcheng, she paused for a second. Then, as though nothing had happened, Feng Yiyi shoved her iPad in front of Tang Shi.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tang Shi had also seen Gu Qingcheng entering the office. His fingers, which had been busy typing on the keyboard, paused for a second. Then, he took the iPad from Feng Yiyi.

Tang Shi swiped the iPad a couple of times with his finger before pointing, at random, to two items, and he asked, looking at Feng Yiyi, "These two, which would you prefer?"

Feng Yiyi cosied over to Tang Shi's side and cocked her head, studying the iPad screen with a pout, managing to look childlike and adorable. After a while, she pointed to the screen, "This one. The other one is too big and too conservative."

"Okay, let's go with what you've picked then," Tang Shi said without objection.

Immediately, Feng Yiyi's face blossomed into a brilliant smile, "That's sorted then, Shi."

Tang Shi handed the iPad back to Feng Yiyi and, in a tone completely lacking in reprimand, said, "In future, stay focused on the job during office hours."

Pouting, Feng Yiyi responded, without actually meaning it, "Shi, message received."

The two of them continued in their casual banter as though they hadn't noticed that Gu Qingcheng had entered the office.

Gu Qingcheng placed the coffee carefully by Tang Shi's right hand and, without saying anything to interrupt their conversation, took the hint and prepared to leave the office.

However, at that moment, Feng Yiyi suddenly looked sideways at Gu Qingcheng and, smiling prettily, asked, "Qingcheng, you've come in at the right time. I was just going through the arrangements for Shi's birthday party next week. Since you've known Shi for so many years, I presume that he sent you an invitation, right?"