I Don’t Like to Be Kept Waiting IV

"Qingqing, about that thing between you and him, I will say this, even though he is my bro, I think he went too far."

As she said those words, Siyue's voice was filled with sympathy.

This type of sympathy was, to Gu Qingcheng, even more hurtful than the nasty words that Siyue had uttered earlier.

"You tell me, how could it have been possible that you and my bro, who used to be so good together, could suddenly…" Siyue stopped talking and sighed softly. She stayed silent for a long time before continuing, "Qingqing, actually Bro has not changed much in the past few years. If you ask me, the one special taboo for him now is if anyone decides to sit in the front passenger seat of his car, especially women. If a woman does that, he will dump her on the spot."

At that point, Siyue's voice became slightly agitated. "Qingqing, speaking of this, did you know that Bro's most short-lived girlfriend lasted, from the time they met to the end, all of ten minutes? The reason was because when he had come to take her to dinner, she'd stupidly got into the front passenger seat when he'd told her to get in the back seat. In the end, Tang Shi immediately pulled her out of the car. Then, without saying a word, he got back into his car with a thunderous look on his face, stepped on the accelerator, and raced away. The woman was left standing by the side of the road, completely bewildered.

"Among all his girlfriends during the last three years, 90 out of 100 of them were unceremoniously dumped by him because they had stepped on this landmine of his…" At that point, Siyue seemed to realize that discussing her bro's many girlfriends over the past three years with Gu Qingcheng was not quite appropriate. Quickly, she stopped talking and cleared her throat, saying, "Qingqing, don't think too much about this. You know what it's like. In his position, he has many business functions to attend and usually needs a female companion by his side. Actually, they don't mean a thing to him."

"Not a problem, Siyue. If there's nothing else, I will hang up now."


After she'd hung up, Gu Qingcheng sat in a daze on the sofa for a while, her phone still in her hand. Then she picked up her pen and added another line to her diary.

Rule #1,893: Tang Shi doesn't like anyone sitting in the front passenger seat.

When she'd finished writing, Gu Qingcheng replaced the diary in the drawer of her dressing table in the bedroom. She then went into the bathroom to take a bath.

Tang Shi didn't like women who were too dolled up, so Gu Qingcheng applied only light makeup to her face.

Tang Shi preferred straight hair so Gu Qingcheng summoned Auntie Lin from downstairs to get her a hair-straightening iron, and she set about straightening her natural curls.

Tang Shi disliked the smell of too strong perfume, but he'd once mentioned that he liked Chanel No. 5, so Gu Qingcheng sprayed some Chanel No. 5 all over her body.

Gu Qingcheng stood in front of the mirror and appraised her image: her long, flowing straight hair and beautiful face. Satisfied that she hadn't left anything out, she walked toward the wardrobe.

Blue was Tang Shi's favorite color. So of course Gu Qingcheng's wardrobe was filled with stylish clothes for all the seasons, spring, summer, fall, and winter, clothes with one common element: they were all blue, albeit in a multitude of different shades.