I Don’t Like to Be Kept Waiting III

Every single piece of information in her little notebook was about Tang Shi: his likes, his dislikes, what disgusted him… Although she clearly remembered every single piece of information in the book, Gu Qingcheng still took the time to browse through it from cover to cover. By the time she'd finished reading through the notes, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Having been in the UK and not seeing Tang Shi for three years, Gu Qingcheng wasn't sure how much his habits had changed or whether he had any new dislikes. To ensure that she didn't make any mistakes in this new encounter, Gu Qingcheng decided to get prepared by finding out how he'd been living during the past three years.

Although it would appear that Tang Shi had a wide circle of friends, Gu Qingcheng knew that, in fact, he was close only to the handful of brothers that he had grown up with. These were all the offspring of the families allied, for mutual benefits, with the Tang family. Lu Ran, Lin Jinchen, and Su Nianhua were the three guys who were closest to Tang Shi. They were so tight that they kept no secrets from one another. Gu Qingcheng knew that if she were to ask them for information, she wouldn't get anything out of them. In fact, they would go straight to Tang Shi and inform him once her back was turned.

In the end, Gu Qingcheng thought of Siyue. Siyue was the only girl who was an accepted friend to this band of brothers. She was a year older than Gu Qingcheng.

In this band of brothers, only Tang Shi was the heir to Sheng Tang Enterprises, while the other four were heirs to major shareholders of Sheng Tang.

Because Gu Qingcheng and Tang Shi had been neighbors, she had known all of them from a very young age, often hanging out with them, and she had been accepted as a part of their inner circle. Perhaps because they were both female, she had always felt much closer to Siyue than to the others.

This was why Gu Qingcheng decided that she would approach Siyue.

When Gu Qingcheng called her, Siyue had just gotten off a plane and there was a lot of interference on her phone. Gu Qingcheng had to repeat her request, "Xiaoyue, I need a favor" several times before Siyue heard her clearly. Sounding enthusiastic, Siyue replied, "Qingqing, don't be a stranger. Anything... just let me know."

After a brief pause, Gu Qingcheng asked, "Xiaoyue, what's been Tang Shi's biggest taboo over the past three years?"

At the other end of the phone, Siyue suddenly became incredibly quiet at the question that Gu Qingchen had posed to her.

Siyue's sudden silence made Gu Qingcheng nervous, so she gulped and asked, "Xiaoyue, isn't it convenient for you to talk?"

Siyue remained silent. Just as Gu Qingcheng concluded that she wasn't going to tell her anything, Siyue spoke up from the other end. But her quick response was not in answer to what Gu Qingcheng had just asked her. "Qingqing, do you realize that, to my bro, you're something that he has discarded. Since my bro no longer wants you, why would you even want to care about how he feels?"

Siyue's words made Gu Qingcheng's hands tremble, almost causing her phone to slip from her fingers and onto the floor.

So, in everyone's eyes, she was something that Tang Shi had discarded…

Lips pursed, Gu Qingcheng looked hurt as she lowered her eyes and said, "Xiaoyue, don't read too much into it. It's just that, since I'm back in Beijing, I will inevitably bump into him, and I don't want to unwittingly do or say something that could upset him."