Get Out of My Sight! IV

Gritting her teeth, Gu Qingcheng was just about to speak up and tell them that there was a chance that she might not be joining Sheng Tang when her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Picking up her phone, Gu Qingcheng noted that it was a caller ID that she didn't recognize. Glancing quickly at her father, she answered the call.

"Hi, are you Miss Gu Qingcheng?"

"Yes, I am." Gu Qingcheng replied, before asking in a puzzled tone, "You are?"

"Hello, Miss Gu Qingcheng. I am the Manager of Human Resources at Sheng Tang Enterprises. I just wanted to confirm something with you. A while ago, you submitted your CV to us for the role of assistant secretary in the office of the Sheng Tang CEO. Is that correct?"

In fact, the CV had been submitted by Gu Zhengnan on her behalf. However, nodding, Gu Qingcheng replied, "Yes."

"Congratulations, Miss Gu Qingcheng. You have been selected for the role. If it's convenient for you, could you please report to the company this afternoon."


Gu Qingcheng reported for work at Sheng Tang at three o'clock in the afternoon. She was met by the secretary of the HR Manager and was first taken to have her photo taken for a work badge. Then she was given a brief introduction to the company, followed by a quick tour of the departments of Sheng Tang Enterprises. Lastly, the secretary took her to the CEO's Secretarial Office on the top floor of the building.

There were five individual offices and four small conference rooms on the top floor.

Four of the individual offices were lined up in a row on one side, while a single individual office took up the entire other side of the floor.

Outside each individual office were two rows of desks, and the four glass-enclosed conference rooms were located in the center of the floor.

The HR Manager's secretary told Gu Qingcheng that the four individual offices that were lined up against one wall belonged to Lu Ran, Lin Jinchen, Siyue, and Su Nianhua. The people busily working at the desks outside their offices were their secretaries.

The HR Manager's secretary walked to the desk located closest to the CEO's office and said something in a low tone to one of the women. After that, she gave Gu Qingcheng a slight nod and smiled before walking away.

The woman who the HR Manager's secretary had spoken to then stood up and walked over to Gu Qingcheng. With a welcoming smile, she asked, "Miss Gu Qingcheng, right?"

Gu Qingcheng nodded, and the woman clapped her hands and announced to the room, "This young lady is Sheng Tang Enterprises' latest employee and a new member of the CEO's secretarial department, Miss Gu Qingcheng."

That said, she introduced each person in the department to Gu Qingcheng.

Actually, that morning, Gu Qingcheng had already obtained from Gu Zhengnan information on each person in Sheng Tang CEO's secretarial department.

The older woman who was introducing her to everyone was a distant relative of the Tang family and had been the CEO's secretary at Sheng Tang for more than 30 years.

As for the other assistant secretaries, two were fresh graduates, with average family backgrounds and excellent grades at school, who had recently joined Sheng Tang. Another two were longtime Sheng Tang employees who were married with children. Of the remaining two, one was called Feng Yiyi and the other's name was Cheng Xieyi.