No Other Option but to Endure III

As he recalled that incident, Tang Shi couldn't help but smile.

Although Gu Qingcheng had only been one at that time, she had already understood the notion that if she couldn't have what she coveted, she would just as soon destroy it.

After more than 20 years, he could still distinctly remember his own expression at that time.

Despite burning with rage inside and wanting nothing more than to kick that chubby little bundle to high heaven, he'd managed to suppress his anger and maintain his gentlemanly demeanor.

He'd glared fiercely at her, his rage turning his face a brilliant red. However, she had remained oblivious to his anger as she concentrated on tearing his comic book into pieces.

"Qingqing? Qingqing?"

Suddenly, a clear, crisp voice could be heard. Gu Qingcheng immediately tossed aside the comic book that she'd already ripped into pieces and crawled toward the fence.

"Qingqing, what are you doing in the Tang family's yard?"

"Qingqing, look at you. Why have you got dirt all over you?"

Gu Qingcheng's mother scolded her as she used her handkerchief to wipe the dirt off her daughter's face. Then she looked up and noticed Tang Shi standing on the other side of the fence.

Despite the fact that he was boiling with rage inside at Gu Qingcheng, he didn't forget his manners and immediately said, "Hello, Auntie Gu."

"Hello, Shi." Stooping, Gu Qingcheng's mother said to her, "Qingqing, this little boy is the younger son of your Auntie Tang. You can call him Elder Brother Tang Shi."

Since her speech wasn't fully developed yet, Gu Qingcheng couldn't manage these four words all at one time. Unlike adults, she didn't know how to harbor grudges and had already forgotten her earlier act of ripping apart Shi's comic book. Looking at him with her bright, shiny eyes wide open, she said in a sweet and tender voice, "Elder Brother."

Since her grubby face had been wiped clean by her mother, Tang Shi noticed what Gu Qingcheng actually looked like. Her facial features, perfectly proportioned on a porcelain face, were enticingly cute. Her rosy-cheeked face was as round as an apple, making the four-year-old Tang Shi suddenly want to lean forward to take a bite of it.


Gu Qingcheng struggled with her thoughts for a while longer, before looking straight at Tang Shi. After a brief hesitation, she spoke up, asking, "Do you really mean what you just said?"

Still enjoying his memories, Tang Shi heard Gu Qingcheng's voice from a distance. Returning to the present, he had no idea what she'd just said.

Tang Shi's silence made Gu Qingcheng feel that she really didn't know what he wanted or was thinking. Sounding timid, she asked again, "If I agree to sleep with you now, would you give me an invitation to your birthday party?"

She had no other option.

The Gu family had placed all their bets on her, so it didn't matter how tough it would be for her to meet Tang Shi's demands. As long as she was capable of doing so, she would comply without hesitation.

Even if his current demand made her feel cheap and small, she just had to grit her teeth and endure it.

Tang Shi froze visibly. The gentle ripples of longing that he had just been feeling dissipated instantly. He felt like he had been thrown into icy water, and he froze up instantly.