No Other Option but to Endure VIII

And, as icing on the cake, Tang Shi added, "One more thing, don't cry. If you start crying, you can get out of Sheng Tang right now!"

Feng Yiyi, whose tears had been about to flow as Tang Shi said all those harsh things to her, immediately held them back with everything she had.

Sitting casually on the sofa, Tang Shi flipped through each of the documents in his hands. Suddenly, he frowned and looked up at Feng Yiyi, asking in a stern voice, "Why isn't the most important document, the cooperation agreement, in here?"

Feng Yiyi panicked when she heard his question and forgot all about the cruel things that Tang Shi had just said. Stooping, she looked through each document and realized that she had indeed forgotten to include the cooperation agreement.

"Who was responsible for collating the cooperation agreement?"

Feng Yiyi turned pale instantly. She had been so busy last Friday that she hadn't seen who had printed and collated the cooperation agreement.

Whoever it was, since there had been some sloppy work done here, the person responsible should brace themselves for a serious telling off.

And her father had instructed her to get Gu Qingcheng kicked out of Sheng Tang Enterprises in the shortest time possible…

Last week, when they had been in Tang Shi's office, his attitude toward Gu Qingcheng hadn't been great. Chances were that she had unashamedly wormed her way into Sheng Tang. Feng Yiyi deduced that if she made Gu Qingcheng the scapegoat for her own mistake, there was a high probability that Tang Shi might just kick Gu Qingcheng out of Sheng Tang.

At that thought, Feng Yiyi calmed herself down and said, "Gu Qingcheng was responsible for printing and collating the cooperation agreement. Last Friday evening, I instructed her to put the printed documents in my in-tray. Unfortunately, it looks as if she didn't do so."

Feng Yiyi continued, "Our office is only four stops away on the subway. It's now 8:05 a.m. If we get it sent over, it could be here in 20 minutes. Let me call Gu Qingcheng now."

Having said that, Feng Yiyi stepped out of the lounge to call the secretarial office.

In Tang Shi's presence, she had already calculated the travel time needed to get from their office to the club. If Gu Qingcheng couldn't have the document sent over to them before 8:30 a.m., it would make her look incapable.

Going by Tang Shi's strict expectations from his staff, Gu Qingcheng would surely be placed in a precarious position.


At 8:00 a.m. on the dot, Gu Qingcheng swiped her card and entered the offices of Sheng Tang Enterprises.

Since there was a large crowd waiting for the elevators, she had to wait for five minutes before she could get into one of them. Arriving at the top floor, Gu Qingcheng hadn't even put down her bag when Cheng Xieyi immediately shoved a folder into her hands saying, "Quick, get this to CEO Tang who's at the club now. He needs this for the meeting at 8:30."

Stunned, Gu Qingcheng didn't react. Cheng Xieyi then continued, "Qingcheng, CEO Tang said that if you don't get him this folder before 8:30 a.m., you will be kicked out of Sheng Tang."