Birthday Party Invitation VIII

Tang Shi's voice sounded extremely irritated, its tone making Gu Qingcheng sway a little bit as she started to walk away.

"Shi, watch what you're saying!" Tang Wan said, not expecting Tang Shi to be so harsh. She sounded a little reproachful.

Completely ignoring his sister's comment, Tang Shi turned around, brushed past Gu Qingcheng, and exited the studio.

Tang Wan looked at Gu Qingcheng in embarrassment, "Qingcheng, Shi's probably in a bad mood and has gone way too far with his words. Please don't take it to heart…"

Bracing herself, Gu Qingcheng looked at Tang Wan and shook her head. Then she forced a smile onto her face and said, "Elder Sister Tang Wan, I'll be off home."

Gu Qingcheng walked very quickly out of the main door of the Tang family home. As she got out of sight, she hung her head low, looking very dejected.

She couldn't stop thinking, "Did he really hate her that much? Hated her so much that he wouldn't even allow her into his family home…

"Even in the presence of complete strangers, he would at most show them his icy, distant self. But to her, he was downright cruel whenever he spoke to her.

Just like that time three years ago when, in the space of a single night, he had changed completely, becoming like a stranger to her. Through it all, she'd had no idea as to why he'd behaved in that way to her."

As she got closer to her home, Gu Qingcheng raised her head, looked up at the sky, and inhaled deeply. She forced a smile onto her face and tried hard to look relaxed.

Regardless of how much grief she'd had to take from Tang Shi, she would never want her parents to find it out. She feared that they would be disappointed with the daughter who they'd invested in and painstakingly groomed for more than 20 years.

Slowing down until her smile felt more natural, Gu Qingcheng continued walking. Suddenly, a car being driven at a very high speed pulled up beside her with an ear-piercing screeching of its brakes.

Before Gu Qingcheng had a chance to react, a powerful force pulled her over and shoved her unceremoniously into the car.

Gu Qingcheng raised her head and saw Tang Shi staring at her with a frosty look in his eyes.

Gu Qingcheng felt a little intimidated by that look.

Not saying a word, Tang Shi continued to stare at Gu Qingcheng without blinking. She could feel his breath blowing onto her face like an icy premonition.

Gu Qingcheng could feel a layer of cold sweat building up on her back. Subconsciously, she tried to move backward slightly, but in the next second, Tang Shi had suddenly lowered his head to her lips, and his hand had started feverishly tugging at the zipper of her clothes.

Gu Qingcheng knew what Tang Shi's intentions were, but this was broad daylight and in the car as well, visible to a passer-by or a passing car... "What if they were seen by someone?"

At that thought, Gu Qingcheng struggled and fought back with all her strength, not caring about upsetting Tang Shi.

Tang Shi hadn't expected Gu Qingcheng to fight back and was a little stunned. Then, a brief look of joyous surprise flashed across his face as he thought, "So she hadn't yet reached the point where she was totally and unreservedly submissive to him."

Tang Shi stopped what he'd been doing and looked into Gu Qingcheng's eyes for a long time before saying, "Weren't you desperate for an invitation to my birthday party? Sleep with me now, and I will get Tang Wan to send you an invitation."