Chapter 2

Tang Kexin was at a loss for a moment as she walked out of the room and contemplate at the surroundings before her. It seemed to be a temple.. A temple?! Why would she be in a temple?

The temple was huge, and the splendid landscapes were something she had never seen before.

Tang Kexin was bewildered and confused. She turned her head to look at the room she had just exited from. When she thought of that man from before, she suddenly felt a cold and eerie feeling. Not daring to linger any longer, she quickly walked away.

"Miss, where did you run off to? Dong'er has been looking for you..." Tang Ke didn't know how far she had walked, but a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, forcing her to halt her steps.

"Miss..., Dong'er was scared to death... We've finally found you..." The young girl was crying.

"Let's go back first." Although Tang Kexin hadn't completely figured out what was going on, she had already realized that this whole matter wasn't normal.

Dong'er was stunned for a moment. She seemed to be lost in thought. 'Miss, did you just say that?' But she didn't ask any further questions and brought Tang Kexin back to her room.

After entering the room, she was dumbfounded of the furnishings, then looked closely at the clothes she was wearing right now.

Tang Kexin may not want to admit it, but she had already sensed that this matter had truly become serious. Even more serious was that she felt as if there were some memories in her mind that did not belong to her! She didn't just teleport here, did she? Or had she transmigrated to another era? Was that even possible?!

More and more memories that did not belong to her flowed like a waterfall, filling her brain, becoming so vivid. Tang Kexin's confusions slowly cleared up, and now was able to grasp the general idea of what was happening. It seemed like she had truly transmigrated, and the body she transmigrated into shared the same surname and appearance as her.

However, the original owner of this body was usually silly and crazy, or to put it bluntly, was a fool. The complete opposite of her who was a top secret military medic, a doctor of psychology! And she had actually transmigrated into the body of a fool?! How intoxicating could that be!

Tang Kexin suddenly thought of that man from earlier. If this place wasn't the modern era, but an ancient one, then what? The chilly air, the bone-piercing killing intent and the powerful aura that man could emit only meant one thing, and it was for certain, that that man she just toyed with tonight was not some ordinary man that anyone could simply offend!

He was definitely a powerful and dangerous person in this world. Earlier, she arrogantly told him that he would definitely not be able to find her, but the situation now was clearly bleak. In this era where the status and position of a man determined everything, a man like him was supposed to be omnipotent and all-powerful.

She was such a silly little girl to offend such type of a man. Tang Kexin couldn't dare to think about it anymore. Perhaps, before daybreak, someone might come to skin her alive and crush her to dust? Suddenly, she understood what it meant to not seek death but to not die.

"Miss, are you alright? What happened? How could that be...?" Seeing her in a sorry state with her hair in disarray, the servant girl was so anxious that tears started streaming down her face. The ping-pong sounds of her tears were like the sound of beans being poured out.

"Stop." Tang Kexin called out already feeling weary inside her heart. "You, go to sleep now. Don't ask anything. Don't say anything. I want some peace and silence." Even someone as calm as her was momentarily unable to accept this sudden and bizarre change. Therefore, she had to be quiet and think carefully about what to do next.

Dong'er was stunned. Her eyes were wide open, and her face was filled with shock and puzzlement. Why did the Miss seem so different all of a sudden? Doubts bubbled in her heart, but since she was told not to ask, then she didn't dare ask.

Tang Kexin was well aware of how different her temperament with the previous owner of the body. But she knew that this little girl was loyal to the previous owner so she was not worried that she would tattletale her. And for the others, she would just cross the bridge when she get there.

Tang Kexin still felt a pang of pain as she touched the deep bite marks on her shoulder where the mad man had bitten her. His bite was indeed fierce, and the wound was very deep. There was even blood seeping out from it. Although she was a doctor, there was nothing here for her to do.

She simply cleaned the wound with water, which meant nothing to her. Fortunately, it was bitten by a human and not a dog, so she didn't need to worry about rabies.

If she was to mingle with other people now, even if she was a former fool, could that man be able to locate her? But on the contrary, if she didn't move, it would be a good cover for her current identity, she would not need to make up stories. Based on her personalities and performances as the Tang Kexin in the twenty-first century, it would be hard for her to act as a foolish young miss.

And so Tang Kexin decided, to let nature take its course and to remain calm in the face of this challenging situation, and act according to the circumstances.

After tossing and turning the entire night, she was truly tired, physically, emotionally and mentally. Tang Kexin fell asleep in a daze.

"Miss, it's time to wake up now. The Crown Prince has ordered everyone to hurry to the meditation hall. Grandmaster Hui Yuan's lecture is about to begin."

It was already dawn but seeing that her young mistress had not woken up yet, Dong'er felt a little anxious. Master Hui Yuan was lecturing at the temple today. Although the matter of Master Hui Yuan's lecture was very serious, but why would the Crown Prince personally issue an order this early in the morning? Since the crown prince had personally given the order, she naturally couldn't let her young mistress missed it.

And due to this, Tang Kexin absolutely couldn't be an exception, she had to attend to the Crown Prince's order of attendance.

As she walked out of the meditation room, she met a few other young ladies. When the young ladies saw her, they all had faces of ridicules and sneers. Tang Kexin didn't pay any attention to them. However, the moment she entered the meditation hall, she felt that the atmosphere wasn't right.

Tang Kexin slowly moved forward and saw something placed in the middle of the meditation hall. Although it was covered by a cloth, Tang Kexin only needed a glance to tell that it was a corpse. Tang Ke suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Is everyone here?" The man sitting in the middle slowly spoke. The moment his voice was heard, the entire meditation room immediately quieted down, bringing with it an imposing aura that shook the entire audience.

"Reporting to the crown prince, everyone is present." The guard standing by the side replied respectfully.

"Right. Last night, Sir Lin, who lives in the second room of the second floor in the east wing, was said to have died in an accident. This is a matter of life and death, so before Grandmaster Hui Yuan can lecture, we have to investigate this matter thoroughly."

Tang Kexin's heart skipped a beat. The second room on the second floor of the east wing was the same room she had traveled to when she arrived! Then she accidentally pressed a button and fell to the first floor. How did the people on the second floor die?

She didn't know who the man on the first floor was last night, nor did she dare to know. Last night, that man gnashed his teeth and wanted to tear her into shreds. That man must have set up a trap to catch her, and if she wasn't careful, she could fall into it.

Tang Kexin had 100% reason to believe that this affair was aimed at her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gathered everyone to thoroughly investigate this matter.

Tang Kexin guessed that the man from last night was most likely in the meditation hall. He was probably secretly observing and controlling everything. It seemed that the man was far more dangerous than she had first thought.

It seemed that she had truly provoked someone she could not afford to offend. If that was the case, could she avoid it? Even someone calm as her couldn't help but become intimidated at this moment.