Chapter 3

Tang Kexin might be hidden among the crowd, but she couldn't beat that man who was well hidden in the dark, quietly orchestrating the ongoing drama. It was impossible for her to guard against him. Her eyes roamed slowly as she observed the hall in silence, particularly the central stage...

The one in the middle was obviously the crown prince, with features that were extremely handsome, an elegance that was natural to the point of perfection, and a pair of eyes that seemed indifferent and calm, yet sharp enough to see through everything.

Tang Kexin's gaze turned to look at the man on the crown prince's left, and she was stunned for a moment. His sword-shaped eyebrows were like mountains, his eyes were like stars, and his lips were like cherry. His eyebrows slightly furrowed, remaining silent. He didn't even raise his eyes into his surrounding, as if nothing was worth seeing. He exuded a domineering aura that was unique to men that could not be doubted. He was as flamboyant as his own person. He should be the legendary Third Prince Ye Lan.

Tang Ke secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Even though he hadn't raised his gaze, she didn't dare to look at him and quickly shifted her gaze.

The third man however appeared to be somewhat—carefree. His skin was as lustrous as jade, and his phoenix eyes were slightly slanted upwards. His black pupils were shining brilliantly, and as deep as the autumn pond, he raised his hand and raised his eyes to mesmerize all worldly beings. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, showcasing a faint smile that could instantly captivate all living beings.

This scene caused Tang Kexin to think of a popular word in the modern era – 'monstrous genius'. If you look into the meaning of it, perhaps only they could be worthy of this word. One of them was calm, one was cold, and one who was too extravagant, but all three could cause anyone to tremble with fear.

Tang Ke hoped that the man from last night wasn't one of them. Otherwise, she really wouldn't be far from having her bones crushed into ashes.

"Master Lu, take a look." The crown prince's voice rang out once again, reverberating throughout the hall. Master Lu stepped forward and removed the white cloth, causing the women in the meditation room to scream, but Master Lu was not affected at all.

He carefully checked, then stood up and reported, "Reporting to the crown prince, the body of the deceased was not poisoned, nor injured. But I could tell also that it was not due to any sudden illness."

"How did that person die then?" Someone could not help but asked in a surprise. Tang Kexin narrowed her eyes slightly. A feeling of foreboding was instantaneous.

"Reporting to the crown prince, when this subject woke up last night, I saw someone coming out of the east wing. At that time, this subject did not pay any attention to that person, but now that I think about it, the situation seems extremely suspicious. The person I remembered came out of Sir Lin's room, and that that person's right hand was tightly clutching onto its left shoulder, as if it had been injured." Suddenly, someone stood up and said something that made the hall buzzed with gasps and whispered speculations.

Of course, the person who got horrified the most of this so-called revelation was Tang Kexin! Her heart skipped a beat and she clenched her fists. This was clearly aimed at her. It was clearly arranged by that man from last night.

This man was too insidious, treacherous, and worst, manipulative.

"Since that's the case, let's have someone check them one by one to see if there is any injury to their left shoulder." Sure enough, someone followed up in a logical manner. Just like what the adage saying 'Who picked up the phone isn't important, what's important is that the result is the same.'

"Yes! Master Lu, you inspect the male guests. Auntie Ping, you inspect the females." The crown prince gave out his order as well.

At that moment, Tang Ke suddenly felt a chill down her spine. It was as if a cold wind had suddenly blown into her neck. That person's goal was obviously to find her.

With this kind of inspection, she definitely couldn't escape. If she would be cornered, even if she had ten lives, it wouldn't be enough to stay alive. Could it be that she would die after less than a day of transmigration? Wouldn't that cause her to lose face?

It was unfortunate the crown prince had already given his order. Under the watchful eyes of so many people, it was impossible for her to escape.

The inspection had already begun and would not stop. Seeing that the people in front of her were getting fewer and fewer, and that it was her turn, Tang Kexin's heart sank. Her back grew clammier and colder, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. There were still five people in front of her, four, then three people … No, if she wouldn't move, she would definitely die. That man would order for her death!

And waiting for a passive death wasn't her style. It was at this moment that Mu Shaoyi, who had finished his turn of inspection, returned to the side.

Mu Shaoyi was the most powerful person in the original owner's memories. He was Tang KeXin's fiancé, and Tang KeXin was so crazy about him, she was too persistent for the man for her own good.

Her days were mostly about Mu Shaoyi, and to find ways to be with Mu Shaoyi. That every time she see Mu Shaoyi, she would be like a mosquito seeing blood. Of course, people had made a lot of jokes about her craze infatuation and had became the laughingstock of the entire capital.

Tang KeXin's eyeballs rapidly rotated as he pounced towards Mu Shaoyi. "Darling, I, I f-f-fear, the dead …" Relying on the memories in her mind, Tang Kexin imitated the original owner's outrageous acts and tightly hugged Mu Shaoyi's arm.

Her face appeared shaken up, but a hint of infatuation exudes from her eyes as she ogled at Mu Shaoyi. The crowd was stunned, but they were not too surprised. It was clear that this was not the first time this had happened.

A fool was a fool, and many people had ridicules written all over their faces. Liu Ruyue, who was about to walk toward Mu Shaoyu, gritted her teeth as a trace of annoyance flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"Go away." Looking at Tang Kexin's pouncing figure, Mu Shaoyi's face darkened with disgust. Instinctively, he tried to fling her away, but to no avail.

Mu Shaoyi's eyes flashed. He had used quite a bit of strength just now, but was unable to toss her away?

"Darling, I am really, really scared.... wuu… So scared." Tang Ke Er held his sleeve and cried her heart out. Without waiting for Mu Shaoyi to react, she casually lifted his sleeve and ruthlessly wiped her tears.

"What are you doing?" Mu Shaoyi's eyes narrowed dangerously as a shiver went down his spine. The disgust on his face was visible, and he was filled with fury, looking like he wanted to murder someone. This woman was actually using his clothes to wipe her tears?

"Husband, I'm scared. Wuu." Tang Ke cried even more sorrowfully and clung onto Mu Shaoyi. "Get off me!" Mu Shaoyi felt disgusted he scrambled to take Tang Kexin off of him. But before Mu Shaoyi could totally disentangled himself from Tang Kexin, she once again wiped away her tears using his sleeves. Then, she forcefully blew her nose and wiped them off all together!

"Tang Kexin!" Mu Shaoyi's expression instantly darkened. He, who was usually composed, was on the verge of going amok. Unable to endure any longer, he violently shook her off. Tang Kexin, this disgusting woman, actually blew her nose using his clothes?

In a split-second, everyone was dumbfounded. This Miss Tang was too disgusting and uncultured. A fool was still a fool. There was nothing that could be done to save her some face at this situation. In the contrary, Tang Kexin secretly chuckled. Mu Shaoyi was obsessed with cleanliness, so he naturally wouldn't be able to endure such a situation.

"Crown Prince, please allow this humble official to change his clothings." Sure enough, Mu Shaoyi immediately made a request to the crown prince.

"Right." In this kind of situation, the Crown Prince naturally couldn't say anything, not to mention the fact that Mu Shaoyi had been already inspected by Master Lu.

"Husband, don't leave me here. If you leave me, I will be afraid…" Seeing Mu Shaoyi walking out, Tang Kexin secretly rejoiced in her heart. She wanted this result, so she had to quickly pretend to be a fool and run with him to get out of here.

The Crown Prince didn't say anything to stop Tang Kexin, nor did anyone say anything. After all, she was just a fool. As they got closer to the door, Tang Kexin's heartbeat quickened. Heaven bless them, she only needed few steps, and she would be out of here unscathed.

"Wait a moment..." However, just as Tang Kexin was about to follow Mu Shaoyi out of the hall, an extremely pleasant voice was suddenly heard. The voice was pleasant to the ears, but to Tang Kexin's ears, it was like a thunder sound. Her body froze.