Blood & Hunger

Roselyn followed Crown Prince Felix as they headed towards the meeting room where the Shadow Council was waiting for them. 

"If not for my title as a Light Princess, what would have happened to me?" She found herself asking as she stopped outside the meeting hall. She was pretty aware that the people inside the room could clearly hear her.

The Crown Prince was silent for a couple of seconds before he finally responded, "For your bond with River, he still has severed it no matter what your status is as long as you are from the Light Realm. As for what Kaito did, you... you should be exterminated just to make sure nothing goes wrong." 

Roselyn felt her heart dropping to her stomach as she turned to look at the man standing beside her with no hesitation or remorse visible in his eyes. "Alright. So, my status as the Light Princess has saved me from getting exterminated... but only till I won't show any signs of turning into an abomination. Am I right, Your Highness?" 

Felix did hesitate a little this time as he probably contemplated how to answer her question. And since there was no point in denying it, he ended up nodding his head in the affirmative. "Right."

"Then what about that Vampire? The one who is the reason behind all this problem. What are you all going to do with him?" She asked as she took a few steps closer to the man, her fiery eyes boring into his icy ones and for once, there was no spark there between the two of them.

"He will be supervised too... and probably get punished too," Felix answered as he tried to take a step back but was stopped when Roselyn took hold of his arm in a death grip and pulled him closer.

"Supervised and punished? Really? Why am I even surprised? After all, this is the Shadow Realm and he's one of yours..." Roselyn was feeling so furious that she didn't even realize that her nails had pierced the skin of his arm and blood was oozing out of the cuts.

"Princess..." Felix hurriedly took hold of the girl's shoulders when he noticed her body swaying lightly. He noticed her amber eyes turning into silver sparks as they turned their attention from his face to his arm where she had been clutching him very tightly.

He immediately realized what was happening. Being the Crown Prince of the Shadow Realm, he had spent years learning about the other realms, especially the Light Realm, and how other races worked. The way Roselyn's eyes were turning into silver glitters, it was a clear sign of blood craving. 

His eyes traveled to his own arm and he noticed the blood that had started trickling down the girl's fingers. His instincts screamed at him to either pull away from the Light Fae Princess or to push her away but for some weird reason, his body refused to cooperate with his mind.

Even though not all blood exchange resulted in the formation of a blood bond between two people, their situation was quite different considering their powers had been reacting toward each other all this time.

The last thing that any of them wanted at that moment was another forbidden bond and he should be the last person to ever get bonded to the Light Fae Princess even if that happened by mistake.

He watched as the girl started pulling his bleeding arm closer to her face, the tip of her sharp fangs peeking through her slightly parted lips. His mind and body were in total chaos but both for different reasons. While the former was aware of the wrongness of the situation, the latter was brimming with excitement.

Thankfully, the double doors of the meeting room opened slightly and River stepped outside, his expression hard to read. "She's really something." Felix heard his brother muttering under his breath as he closed the distance between them and pulled the girl away from him.

"Felix, let me handle her. Go and heal yourself first." River said as he moved the girl behind him and looked at his brother, making sure that the latter was alright.

"Thank you, brother," Felix couldn't help but take another glance at the girl who had her back against the wall with her eyes closed. It seemed like she was trying to pull herself together.

Letting out a small breath, he turned around and walked down the corridor in the opposite direction. He needed to heal himself before returning to the meeting room.

- -

Roselyn was completely unaware of her surroundings until she felt something warm against her cheek.

As her eyes fluttered open, she found River looking at her with an unreadable expression on his face, or maybe she was just too distracted to pay much attention to his expressions.

She tried to push his hand away from her face but the man caught her hand with his free one and pushed it against the wall as he closed the space between their bodies and once again caged her against the wall.

"I'll advise you to keep yourself in control, Princess. Because one more mistake and you will eventually end up losing your life, a light royal or not." He warned her as he pressed his body against hers, a move that was neither planned nor intentional. His body just couldn't seem to be able to resist.

"Let me go!" Roselyn tried to get herself out of the man's hold but her current powerless and disturbed state didn't help her at all.

Her struggle only resulted in the Prince tightening his hold on her as he inched his face closer, leaving barely any space between their faces.

"Let me remind you, Princess. Before we break off our bond, we are still mates. You belong to me. So mind yourself around others." River wasn't sure if he was just annoyed with her luring every other man in his realm or if he was just frustrated with the entire thing.

Of course, he wasn't jealous. That was next to impossible. He was going to sever the bond out of his own free will, then feeling jealous was not even on the list.

Roselyn opened her mouth to respond but was stopped when someone else walked out of the Meeting Room.

"How about joining the meeting first? You both can get a room later to continue with whatever you are currently busy doing."