Shadow Academy

Academy of Immortals - a fancy name that the supernaturals of the Shadow Realm had given to their most ancient and prestigious academy, and now Roselyn was supposed to attend that very same Academy.

She was not really sure what she was expecting as a result of both the Shadow and Light councils' meetings but getting restrained in the Shadow Realm and forced to attend the Academy was definitely not on her list.

But since it was an order from the Light King, her father, she had no other option but to follow his words. Besides, he had promised to get her out of the Shadow Realm as soon as possible and he was also going to send someone to accompany her in the Shadow Realm to make sure that her safety won't be threatened.

She silently followed the Second Dark Fae Prince as they moved towards the portal standing in the corner of the hallway. 

"Hurry up, Princess. There's a lot we have to do." River incited as he stood next to the portal while looking at her with his usual unreadable expression plastered on his devilishly handsome face.

Roselyn approached the man and felt his hand moving to settle on her lower back which made her look at him with questioning eyes. However, the man just ignored her stare and pushed her forward into the portal.

The sizzling energy of the portal embraced her before she was pushed out on the other side of the portal with Prince River following behind her.

Gothic architecture met her vision. The entire campus resembled a castle of ancient and horror set against a moonlit landscape - a total contrast to the Light Academy.

Large trees void of any life, leaves, or flowers decorated the ground with dark branches that were spreading in all directions.

Bats dangled from the limbs, along with other foreign-winged creatures that she had never seen in her life before.

The Academy of Immortals, commonly known as Shadow Academy, was polar apart from the Light Academy. While the latter was filled with greenery, flowers, and life, the former was devoid of all that and only darkness resided in its every corner.

"The student dormitories are divided into four buildings. Given your royal status, you will stay with the Elite Bloods. Especially, in the division owned by my family. There are five bedrooms, a small library attached with a study room, a living area, a kitchen, two balconies, and several bathrooms." 

The Prince informed her as they crossed the huge lawn and moved towards the building standing on the other end which looked totally abandoned from ages.

"Your new schedule will be assigned by the end of this weekend and you will start your classes from coming Monday." River continued with his explanation.

"Why there's no one here?" Roselyn couldn't help herself from asking. The lack of life and ire silence of the place had started playing with her nerves.

"Because it's late at night and people sleep at this time." River responded to her question and while she couldn't see his expression, it was pretty clear from his tone that he was being sarcastic.

"Even the bloodsuckers? Don't they usually stay awake at night? But again, ain't everyone in your realm is a bloodsucker?" The words were out of her mouth even before she realized but even if she knew the consequences, she didn't regret it even a little bit.

River stopped in his tracks and stepped closer to her, invading her personal space. "How about you choose your words smartly? Call us bloodsucker again and you won't like the consequences." 

Roselyn stared into his deep Ice-blue eyes that appeared even prettier in the moonlight. "You all sure can't handle the truth. Besides, whom are you threatening? If you were really that capable then you won't have to keep me separated from my powers through a dark spell." 

"Oh, sweetheart, you can really be tempting. But if you think that your little tricks will help you get away from all this, I'll advise you to think again." He reached up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, then cupped her cheek as he stared into her eyes. "You should better follow the council's order, and be a good girl".

Roselyn pulled away from him and took a couple of steps ahead to create some space between them. His touch had left her in complete chaos. The more contact she was having with him, the more clearly she could see their soulmate bond.

The two of them walked the rest of the way in silence. It took them a couple of minutes before they came to a large corridor that led to another building that stood separately from the rest of the dorms.

"These are the Elite Blood dormitories," River informed her as he escorted her up the stone staircase that led to the upper floors.

A huge door appeared at the top of the staircase and River murmured a spell before they were provided an entrance as the ward gave way for them.

They stepped inside the threshold and Roselyn found herself standing in a spacious living room with fire stones filling the area with bright yellow light.

"My bedroom is the one at the end of the hallway but I hardly stay here. So, you can pick any one from the other four. Your assigned guardian will arrive here later tonight and he will also be staying here with us. You can..." River didn't get to finish whatever he was going to say next because Roselyn didn't give him the option.

She just walked away, leaving him standing in the living room. Since his room was at the end of the hallway, she decided to pick the very first bedroom to stay as far away from him as possible.

And yes, the guardian. The Shadow Council had assigned someone really capable to supervise her throughout her stay at the Academy.

She wondered who could be this person as she entered her new bedroom and went straight to sprawl on the queen-sized bed.

It's time for her to get some much-needed sleep.