Who's actually cheating who?

"Bang!" Jackson slammed the door as he entered his home. He met Jennie sitting in their bedroom after searching for her for a while. Jackson's phone buzzed in his pocket. When he took a look, it was his mother calling. Jackson swiped the screen to cancel the call, then placed his phone on the table at the corner near the door. She lifted her head and met her husband's glance.

"What?" Jennie asked when Jackson did not speak for about five minutes. "Do you have any idea what you have done?" He replied, striving to keep himself calm and avoid another senseless argument with her. All Jackson wanted now was for Jennie to realize her mistake and feel sorry about how she treated Julie.

"I know what I did. I removed a thirsty chick off my husband's back! You are welcome." Jennie responded with a harsh tone. She would not allow him to feel that he's right again. If Jennie does, then there will be too many apologies she owes her husband. "What are you talking about, Jennie? Plus, when did you start speaking this way? You can't go around calling others trashy names! Also, it's not like you to behave in such a manner! What has gotten into you recently?" Jackson said, raising his voice a bit high to let her know that he was serious.

Jennie stood up from the bed and walked closer to him. "People change and mature. You don't expect me to remain the same, do you?" She replied. Jackson felt his hands folding into a fist. He did not want to scare Jennie and make her think he would hit her. So, Jackson placed his hand inside his pocket to reduce the anger intensifying within him.

"So is it mature to slap your husband? Or is it the kind of change you want by insulting another person's child because of your insecurity?" Jackson screamed. Jennie jumped back a little and kept silent. "Answer me! Jennie, you did not stay quiet when you were embarrassing me and disrupting the bakeshop with your assumption! So why are you now? Why the hell are you just standing like a dummy?" Jackson yelled. Then he caught himself and realized that he took his words too far. "I am sorry. I did not mean to call you a dummy?" Jackson pleaded, lowering his voice.

Jennie knew she was at the vantage point now. He had hurt her by taunting her, and Jennie understood when Jackson fell into the wrong, he would become humble. "Why wouldn't you insult me for your pretty lover? I bet you have gotten tired of this marriage and want to bail on me for another. I know it was unruly of me to leave our matrimony for ten months, but does that mean I have to get punished for it in this form?" She screamed.

Jackson got frustrated about where his wife took these provoking ideas from and why she was thinking this way. "Why would you even reflect on such suspicion in the first place?" Jackson said, walking past her and sitting on the bed.

"Why can't I? When you accuse me, you are a saint. But when I suspect you, then I become the bad guy! She replied as she faced him and folded her arms. "Jennie, I would never cheat on you. At least not in this lifetime or another. I choose you, and you are my world. There is no woman in this entire universe I would rather be with other than you." He told her softly.

Jackson's words hurt her more than the image of him cheating. She felt upset because his expressions remained trustworthy and genuine. Jackson got up and pulled his wife towards him.

"I promise you I am not leaving or abandoning you. Except you get bored with me and leave?" Jackson continues. Jennie rested her head on his chest, and she could hear his heart beating. Jackson wrapped his hand around her and kissed her on the head. "I swear to you. Trust me, okay?" He whispers. Jennie lifted her head and placed her hand on the left side of her husband's chest. His heartbeat did not rise or slow down. It kept beating stably, and she smiled. After a minute of holding her, Jennie pulled herself out of Jackson's arms. "I don't believe you?" She said. Jackson got confused, and he did not understand what she was expecting. "What?" Jackson replied. Jennie lowered her eyesight to the floor, and she could not gaze at him. "You will leave for sure. Maybe not now, but someday." Jennie declared.

Jackson got mad, but he did not speak. Instead, Jackson rushed to their desk draw and took a pen with a pad from inside, then closed it. He wrote a bunch of letters and numbers with other stuff down, then he returned to her side. "Here!" Jackson said, giving her the paper. Jennie accepted it. "What is this?" She asked after reading it.

"These are the codes and passwords for every private account I own. I am talking about banks, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and others." Jackson replied. Jennie was not referring to her husband's private actions that she had accused him of when she mentioned that he would eventually leave her. What Jennie meant was when Jackson discovered her secret, he would walk out of their marriage. But Jennie did not dare tell him what she was thinking. Instead, she tore the paper up.

Jackson frowned at what Jennie did. "What? Is that not enough? Do you want to go through my phone too? I am fine with that!" Jackson said and approached the table to get his phone. "Babe! That's not what I mean," Jennie said. But Jackson did not answer. He kept staring at his phone screen with anxiety. Jackson finally glared at Jennie and put the phone to his ears.

"Hello, mother. I thought I canceled the call. How much of everything did you hear?" He said. It startled Jennie as she covered her mouth with her hands after Jackson's statement. "Is that supposed to make me feel better, to know my son did not answer my call because he and his wife are making a mess out of their marriage! What the hell have you kids gotten into lately? For the record, I heard everything, and I am coming to your house tomorrow, so save your explanation for later." Rose scolded her son on the phone.

"Yes, mother!" Jackson replied and ended the call. "What did mom say?" Jennie asked. She waited for his response, with her heart thumping faster. "She overheard everything and will be here tomorrow,'' Jackson answered. Jennie sat on the bed, and her husband took the space next to her. "What do you think will happen tomorrow? Jennie said, resting her head on Jackson's shoulder. "I don't know." He replied twice.