Well, this is an embarrassing and unexpected situation.

Jackson pushed open the bakeshop door and entered inside. He saw his mother's mad expression and knew that this situation would not be a pleasant one for him or the others.

Steven walked in after Jackson and stood next to him. At that moment, his gaze locks on Julie, and she murmurs some words to him. He focused his mind on reading her lips to understand what she was saying.

When Steven finally understood her, "I am sorry" was what she tried to tell him. 'I'm sorry? What does that even mean?' he wondered to himself.

Jennie steps in and shuts the door. Her eye caught Mr. Harper's gaze as she took her place next to Steven, and his expression seemed gloomy when he saw her.

Everyone was in the room, and now there were so many awkward vibes going around. Between Steven, Jackson, and Jennie, none of them wanted to be the first to speak out since they did not know why Mr. Harper and Rose summon them inside.

Julie knew where this conversation was heading, but she did not utter a word, hoping everything would go away.

"Steven, are you a player?" Rose asked. She understood that this was not the applicable time to ask such a question, but she was not planning on allowing Mr. Harper to get away with accusing her son of not having his emotions resolved, and proof to Louis that he was wrong about her kids.

"I am not," Steven madly replied. He got upset that his mother was calling him out like some teenager, or someone in their twenties. The worst part of it is Rose was doing it in front of Julie and her dad.

"So why is Mr. Harper accusing you of being one?" Rose sternly said. She was not about to get kept in the dark like in the past. Rose plans to get all the answers she needs to know about whether her sons are making the right life choices. And Rose didn't mind finding out the truth in front of strangers.

Jackson gave Julie an awkward gaze, and when her eyes met his, she saw a disappointing look in his eyes for her. Julie felt her heartbeat rising. She was scared to imagine what Steven thought about her at that moment. If Jackson felt upset with her, then she could only assume the worst of what Steven is thinking about her.

"What? Mr. Harper doesn't even know me. Where would he get such an idea from?" Steven asked out of confusion. Then his eye caught a glance at Julie, and he realized what she was apologizing for when he entered the shop.

Steven got mad. He was not angry at her, but it upset him that this was the image she had in her mind of him. Steven admits to himself that he had not been at his best since his breakup with Chloe, but he did not realize how badly messing with other women's hearts could affect his chance to be with the one he loves.

"Well, you're making my daughter think there's something special between the both of you, and having her walk on you kissing another woman, that's a characteristic of a player." Mr. Harper mumbles.

"Dad," Julie whispers. She wanted the ground to split open, so she could fall into it and escape this embarrassment.

"Are you seeing someone new, son?" Rose asked. She gazed at Jackson and Jennie, but they did not show any facial expression, nor did either of them speak a word.

Jackson and his wife thought it best to stay out of this case since they don't know what to say or how to react. They could tell that their opinions did not seem required concerning this discussion.

"No, mom. Chloe was the one I was kissing." Steven sternly murmurs. He could not stand this interrogation anymore, and Steven wished he could walk out of the bakeshop this instant. But he could not because it would be disrespectful to his mother. Later, it would paint him terribly in Julie's mind. Lastly, he knew nothing successful happens when you run away from your problems.

When Steven mentioned the name "Chloe," it sent a sharp pain to Julie's heart. She did not know why, but that name has a disturbing effect on her.

"Chloe?!" Rose asked. She was experiencing mixed emotions after hearing that name. She could not distinguish if she felt bewildered or angry.

Jennie seemed shocked at Steven's reply. The last she heard before leaving the country was that Chloe and Steven had split up. She gazed at her husband, but his expression remained the same, and she knew that his friend had already informed him ahead of time.

When Julie gazes at everyone, it seems like they all know this Chloe person except for her dad. 'If Steven's family knows her, then Chloe must be someone he truly loves,' Julie thought. Within that moment, she felt stupid, and she bent her head to avoid eye contact with anyone. Julie felt like her mother was right about her experiencing a one-sided love. She could not believe after all these years of not desiring to fall for anyone after Alvin, she would love a man who doesn't feel the same.

"Why the heck are you still kissing your ex-girlfriend, Steven?" Rose asked. She felt that these concerns were getting complicated, and she needed to settle this issue right now for her to find peace of mind.

'Ex-girlfriend!' Julie shockingly thought. Everything immediately made sense and nonsense at the same time, and it got very upsetting for her. However, Julie eagerly wishes that Steven could answer Rose's question since she was thinking the same as her.

"We were friends with benefits for the past two years of our breakup until today. I broke it off with her this morning." Steven replied calmly. He may have been answering his mother's question, but he was talking to Julie. Steven kept his eyes on her the entire time he was responding, but she did not look higher. Her head kept bent, and Steven could not see her reaction to his remark.

Louis saw how strongly Steven had been staring at his daughter and the deep passion in his eyes. He instantly knew that there was something more than friendship in Steven's heart for Julie.

"Do you have feelings for my daughter?" Mr. Harper abruptly asked before realizing that he had said it out loud instead of in his head like he meant to do.

"Dad, stop!" Julie lifted her head and cried. She could not handle this humiliation anymore. Steven saw her teary eyes, and his heart ached. He craves to rush over by her side and hold her in his arms until she stops feeling blue.

"Louis! What do you think you are doing?" Harriett screamed. She was in the kitchen, and she had overheard the noise in the shop. Harriett then decided to take a look. Hearing what her husband said, she felt furious at her husband's behavior. He was not only bothering his daughter, but he was also hurting her in the process.

"Why are you both mad at me and not him? I mean, he's a guy who can't get his feelings straightened out, and he's a player. One minute he's sending a gift basket to my daughter, the next he has his tongue in another woman's mouth!" Louis replied when he saw the angry expression on his wife and daughter's face.

"Technically, my son never told your daughter he has feelings for her. So why are you calling him a player? Maybe your daughter should be the one getting her feelings checked." Rose stated. She did not want to respond in this manner, but Mr. Harper did not give her any choice. Plus, Rose got sick of him dragging her son's name in the mud.

After Rose's statement, the three parents went into an intense argument. They were so loud that there was no understanding of the words they were saying to each other. It went on for ten minutes. Jackson, Jennie, Julie, and Steven were wordlessly watching them without seeking to intervene. Rose's words seemed to have started the fire, but Mr. and Mrs. Harper's replies kept adding gas to it until another five minutes passed.

"I love her! I love your daughter, sir. I love you, Julie! And I know it sounds crazy, but that's how I feel about you." Steven announces, and the entire room becomes silent.