The last memory of the party

Silent and after three minutes, more silences follow. Jennie can undoubtedly answer Jackson's questions, yet she has not responded for over five minutes. There was no uncertainty in Jennie's heart that her husband loves her completely, but she could not say the same for herself since she was the one who broke her vow.

Jennie felt sad that Jackson did not believe he made her happy since the only man that could make her content was him. However, that was not the only thing that troubled her. The fact that he feels that they are losing each other stabbed her heart because that was the last issue she never wanted to take place in their marriage.

"I still love you!" Jennie replied. She was unsure if this response would change anything, but that was all she had.

Jennie's eyes widened in surprise as Jackson pulled her into his arms and squeezed her firmly. They stay that way for a while without both of them speaking. Jennie could hear his heart beating calmly as her head rested against his chest.

"That's all I needed you to say. I love you so much, Jennie." Jackson murmurs.

He did not want to let go of his wife, but his eye caught a glance of his watch, and he only had a bit of time in his favor. He released his grip around her, and their bodies parted. "I am sorry, babe. I have to run." He stated.

"Do you have something important to do at the company? You look too dressed up for just a regular office day." Jennie asked as Jackson turned toward the sink to wash his face.

Jackson smiled. He remembers how much Jennie had been nagging him for not wearing the suit she buys for him. Although Jackson got angry at her, there was a thin part of him that sincerely wanted to satisfy her by wearing these clothes, though the suit felt uncomfortable on him.

"Steven and I are hosting an influential conference today with a wealthy investor," Jackson explained, then splashed the water on his face.

"Who's this investor that is dragging you from my sight this morning?" Jennie asked her partner.

"Is this seat taking?" a masculine voice asked Jackson, who appeared moderately wasted with alcohol.

Jackson turned to view who was inquiring and gazed at a built black guy standing over him. Moreover, his outfit looked superior and deluxe.

"Brother, your suit makes you seem stuck up, and it's ruining my pleasant mood. But you can sit near me since you are handsome, and the result of you sitting next to me is in my favor. Did you notice how those ladies' eyes immediately rolled off me and on you? You are everything I need to make my night perfect." Jackson replied.

The man felt confused. 'Who would enter a club and reject women? Perhaps this person is gay,' he thought to himself. Later, his eyes glance at Jackson's ring. "Aha! Marriage crisis!" he thought.

"I am Chris." The fellow said as he seized the seat next to Jackson.

"David, Jackson David." He introduced himself to Chris.

As the night went on, Chris seemed amazed at how much Jackson knew about the tech world. Jackson also told him about his ideal project and how he could not support this proposal because of limited resources and cash. During their conversation, the astounded expression on Chris's face did not change, even after Jackson concluded his explanation.

"You are a brilliant man. Unfortunately, you are also a drunk man right now. Your ideas are extraordinary, and I would like us to discuss your project further. I will pay a visit to your office some day from now. I am taking my leave, and it is a pleasure chatting with you." Chris informed Jackson, then paid his bill to the bartender and left the club.

"Jackson, who was that man?" Steven asked, approaching the bar where his buddy sat.

Jackson reached out for his glass, but Steven held his hand. He firmly looked at his friend, yet Steven did not let go until Jackson set the glass down.

"I don't know him. He said something about wanting to invest in my project. I think he is a scam artist. I mean, who wears a coat suit to a club and only drinks one glass of shot?" he replied as he picked up his phone to check his time. The screen displayed that it was midnight on the dot.

"It's late. I need to take Julie home." Jackson said, putting his phone in his pocket and walking towards the table where Julie sat.

"How did you get Julie to warm up to you? I have been talking to her the entire night, and she keeps avoiding the personal questions that I asked her." Steven told his friend.

Jackson noticed that Steven looked desperate and curious to know about this girl. Mr. David and Steven had been friends for a long time, and this was the first occasion his buddy had shown a passion for another woman who was not Chloe. So, it was slightly weird for Jackson to handle.

"I don't know. Perhaps Julie feels at ease with me because I am married, and I love my wife. That may be the reason she could confide in me. How about you offer her a job at the company? Then you can have the time and opportunity to get to know her." He replied.

They met Julie, and Jackson told her it was time for them to go home. Julie stood up and approached Jackson. However, he saw that she hesitated to leave with him.

"Are you going to drive, why drunk?" Julie asked him.

Jackson did not answer her question. He was busy saying his goodbyes to Steven. She later told Steven bye and walked with Jackson to the club exit.

When they arrived outside the club, he noticed that Julie seemed anxious. "Trusts me, Julie. Driving and drinking are two uncommon things, and I am excellent at handling both. Don't be frightened. I swear that I won't allow you to die before having your first kiss." He teased her, attempting to reduce the tension she was undergoing.

"Jackson! You space out on me." Jennie calmly said. She has been gazing at her husband's pause expression like he was in another world or occupied with his thoughts.

"Sorry babe, I had a flashback. He is just an investor I met at the party." Jackson replied and reached out for the towel.

"Oh! Do you mean the party you, Julie and Steven attended?" Jennie asked after giving him the towel.

Jackson wipes his face and throws it in the basket. He then looks at the time on his watch. "Yes! I will meet you this afternoon, and I love you!" He replied, kissed her, and rushed out of their bathroom.

Jennie carelessly leans on the face basin. She could hear their bedroom door shutting sound before the house got too quiet for her comfort.