Do you still love me?

The next day, Steven's call woke up Jackson from his sleep. He answered the phone while staring at his wife. Jennie seemed to be fast asleep, but Jackson could not confirm that she was still sleeping since they slept with their backs facing each other.

Jennie tries to make herself as stiff as possible. She did not want him knowing that she had a restless morning and had been awake the entire time he was asleep until now.

Her guilt had been eating her up inside, and she did not know how to face him with everything that had happened last night. If only what transpired this morning was an awful dream, she would feel comfortable and lighthearted. But she knew it wasn't, and that scares her a lot.

"Jackson, I am sorry to contact you this early. I perceive your morning to be pleasant since Jennie and you seem to have fixed your issues yesterday. However, the fellow you chatted with during the party is a billionaire, and he communicated with me this morning demanding a meeting with us at 11:00 am, concerning the proposal you introduced to him at the party." Steven said with a thrill in his tone.

Jackson was shocked to get this information. Weeks have passed without hearing from this guy, and suddenly he's at their company wanting to discuss his dream project. 'At least two outstanding things came out of that party. Steven fell in love with Julie and my vision may soon become a reality.' He thought.

"Give me a few minutes to get dressed, and I will be there minutes from now," Jackson replied and ended the call. His attention got drawn to Jennie as she twirled and shook the sheet.

"Morning, babe!" Jennie sweetly whispered, then drew closer, and kissed him on the neck. It was a bold act, and Jennie knew it, but she did not know what to do. Her husband was about to leave, and Jennie needed to distinguish if they were okay or not.

Jackson leans away from her and gets out of bed. "I am sorry. I need to take a bath." He replied.

"How long do we plan on giving each other space? What extra do you want me to explain? Are you angry at me?" Jennie cried. She watched his naked back as he walked toward the bathroom. She could not believe they had quarreled again right after they made up.

Jackson turned and saw her pathetic eyes staring at him, confidently aiming to understand what he was feeling. "No, I am not mad at you. I am frankly not in the mood." He replied, then entered the bathroom.

Jennie grew frustrated. Her husband entirely rejected her this morning, and she wants this matter settled before this situation gets ugly.

Jackson later returned to the bedroom and headed straight to the closet, paying no attention to his wife. He could sense her gaze on him the whole time he got dressed. Yet Jackson did not care to make her feel better about her behavior last night. He plans to punish her by giving her the silent treatment and cold shoulder.

"Are you going somewhere?" Jennie asked, noticing how smartly her husband dressed. He wore a Givenchy suit that Jennie knew he hated. Yet pretend to cherish it because the suit was a gift from her. She jumped from on the bed, approached Jackson, and gently pulled the edge of his blazer.

Jackson did not react or face her. Instead, he touched her hand, removed it from his clothes, and went back into the bathroom. However, Jennie followed him.

"You looked ideal in that outfit," Jennie announces, seeking to get his attention. She stood behind him while he brushed his teeth. Jackson captured the image of his wife in the mirror before spitting the toothpaste out of his mouth without replying to her statement.

At that instant, Jennie felt like a complete ghost. She was suffocating inside and sensed the tightness within her chest.

The toothbrush stopped moving in Jackson's mouth when he felt his wife's hands around his waist. She rested her head against his back, then hugged him tightly.

"I am sorry." Jennie cried.

Jackson pauses for a second before starting to brush his teeth again. He got done washing his mouth and tried to move, but Jennie prevented him from leaving.

"Please let go, Jenn. I have to get to work." Jackson coldly asked. He was trying his hardest to keep it together, but she was making it hard for him to be ruthless at this point.

"No! I am not letting you walk out of this house unless you are ready to drag me along with you or settle this quarrel as a mature couple should do." Jennie stated.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why do you keep messing with my heart and playing with my emotions? Is my devotion and respect a joke to you?" Jackson asked in a calm tone.

Jennie could hear the hurt in his voice, though his expression remained cold and emotionless. She did not know if being sorry for her mistake was enough to mend this marriage. There were too many wounds in her man's heart, and she had no solutions to correct them except feeling sorry toward him.

"Do you still love me, Jennie?" He asked again, and this time he had on a hurt expression.

Jackson held her hand and gently removed it from around his waist, then he turned around and faced her. Jennie seems numb when he looks at her. It's like his words stop her from breathing.

"Do you still want this marriage? Do I make you happy? Because everything you have done recently makes me feel like I am losing there you that I fell in love with, and it is killing me inside." Jackson continued with his questions, which seemed to break Jennie's heart when he asked them.