The morning call

"Ace! Before you leave, I want you to know that you are not the best I have ever had. Some better guy is out there waiting for my love, and that is not you!"

Jennie frowned as the actress in the old movie she and Jackson were watching said goodbye to a man that broke her heart. Her husband kept eating his popcorn and gazing at the television. Jackson seems too invested in the movie, and Jennie did not like that he was.

She picked up the remote from next to her, turned off the television, and raised her head from his lap.

"Babe! Why would you do that?!" Jackson frustratingly said. Jennie gave him an adorable smile and made a cute giggling sound.

"It's not funny, Jenn! You can't cut off the movie in the middle of the interesting part. Now, give me the remote!" Jackson uttered when he saw the playful expression on his wife's face.

"No!" Jennie replied, holding the device tightly in her hands. She dresses back when her husband tries to take it from her. The next minute, Jackson pinned her down on the sofa without Jennie having time to react. Both his hands had her wrist trapped in their grips, and he bent his entire body over her with just a little distance between them.

Their position made Jackson feel hot. Yet he still wanted his movie to end, so he reached for the remote after letting go of the hands that held it.

"Don't turn it on. I am right here, but you are paying more attention to a movie then your wife." Jennie cried.

After hearing her complaint, Jackson forgot about the remote and freed her hands. However, their position still did not change. He now had both his hands reposing on both sides of her head, and nothing was stopping the craving he felt since she denied him from watching his movie.

Jackson pressed his lips against hers and deeply kissed his wife. Three minutes had passed, but time did not matter as their mouths got locked on each other. With saliva parting from their lips, things got pretty intense. Jackson pulls off his shirt, then when in for another kiss. Jennie can feel her husband's soft but manly hand rubbing against her skin and senses the sensation running through her body. She could hardly catch her breath from the excitement.

"Ace! You are not welcome back into my life. I've found another, and he treats me better than you had ever done!" The TV suddenly popped back on, and the movie began to play.

"Oops! I am sorry. I mistakenly pressed the remote button." Jennie said with a heavy breath.

Jackson did not reply. Instead, he lifted her from the couch. With Jennie's hands around his neck and her feet tightly crossed around his waist, Jackson carried his wife upstairs, into the room and unto their bed.

When their bodies touched the soft sheet, Jackson and Jennie felt heated at that point and got undressed. Without their minds knowing it, their bodies were doing all the work. Jackson and Jennie made love, they made love that night, and the word magical was too petite to compare to it.

After their climax, Jennie rested her head on her husband's chest and smiled. She didn't want the time to cease and desired this beautiful moment with her husband to last forever. However, life did not play by her rules. When the clock struck one a.m., Jennie's phone rang. She tried to ignore it, but the caller did not plan to stop calling. Her phone repeatedly rang until Jackson got sick of the noise.

"Babe, answer it, please. My ears are hurting from hearing that sound for the fourteen times!" Jackson pleaded with her as he tried to cover his ear.

Jennie could hear the frustration and a bit of anger in her husband's tone. She stretches her hand to the nightstand and grabs her phone. After gazing at its screen, Jennie became anxious. She looked at Jackson, who had his eyes centered on her, and knew that he could tell she was nervous.

"Um, I will take this in the bathroom. It's about work, and I don't want to disturb you." Jennie said.

She did not wait for his response. Instead, Jennie got out of the bed, took the blanket with her, and hurried to the bathroom.

Jackson caught a glance at his wife with the blanket wrapped around her body before he shut his eyes. What just happened felt like a dream to him. He did not believe that his wife decided to answer a one o'clock call in the bathroom when she could have taken it in bed.

"Bang!" Jennie slammed the door, and Jackson opened his eyes. "Well, I am not dreaming." He said to himself. Jackson then got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. He wanted to go in, but stopped himself.

"Why are you calling at this time?"


"It's late, and I am in bed with my husband!"


"That's why you hire her, so let her do her work and stop bugging me at this hour!"

Jackson could hear his wife's responses when he placed his ear on the bathroom door to eavesdrop on her communication. Her voice sounded harsh, and he could overhear the sound of her feet pacing back and forth.

After a few minutes, Jennie opened the door and saw her husband on the edge of the bed shirtless, wearing only Nike shorts. His face looked mad, and she knew she was in trouble.

"Who were you on the line with?" Jackson firmly asked. He did not have a problem with the conversation. What bug him the most was her suspicious act.

"It was for work," Jennie replied as she concentrated on the wall behind her husband, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Does work have a name and gender?" Jackson responded. Her dodging his gaze increases his suspicion more.

"Why are you asking me these questions?" Jennie answered with another question.

"Are you cheating on me, Jenn?" He replied. Jennie sidestepping his question was now enraged him, and the last thing he wanted was to enter another fight with her.

"No! Why are you bringing this issue up again? You know what? I am not going to do this tonight. I'm going to sleep!" Jennie announces. She wishes that the night she did not desire to end could just pass quickly.

Jennie tried to walk past Jackson, but he seized her hand. She turned around, and his expression was dead serious.

"Give me your phone!" Jackson ordered. He did not desire to be treated as a fool tonight, and he was not planning on his wife off until his doubt was satisfied.

"No! Let go of my hands!" Jennie replied. She clutched her phone tightly in her left hand, then stared directly into his eyes to show that she was not backing down.

Jackson slowly released his grip, and Jennie's hand fell freely to her side. It wasn't long before she dodged his hand as he suddenly tried to reach for her phone.

"Babe, I'm not playing. Give me the phone!" Jackson raised his voice at her, and Jennie knew then that she was not going to escape this disagreement and stepped back a little. Without Jackson realizing it, Jennie ran into the bathroom and shut the door.

Jackson felt bewildered. However, what disturbed him, even more, was when he heard the toilet flushing sound. After a while, Jennie came out of the bathroom without her phone.

"Where's your phone?" Jackson asked. Yet he already knew the answer to that question.

"I flushed it!" Jennie replied. She had already established the fact that it was the phone or her marriage and she chose the phone.

Jackson was too mad to react or say a word. So he walked past Jennie without glancing at her, got in bed, and shut his eyes.

Jennie stood there, staring at Jackson's back, and her heart broke. 'I am not afraid to tell you who called. But it is the information I have on my device that I don't want you to see since it could destroy our marriage. I know it is selfish of me to keep this to myself. However, I'm willing to be selfish just to keep you to myself.' She thought before taking her place on the bed beside him.