
Steven pulled a chair and sat down as Jackson took the seat next to him. They had about a few minutes of silence before Steven responded. "Julie said she needs our relationship to be a secret."

Jackson had been in a relationship long enough to know that this was a conflict of interest going on between Julie and his friend.

"And how do you feel about that?" He asked.

"I told her it was okay and asked her out for lunch," Steven said. He felt embarrassed and thought it was too soon for him to complain about his new relationship.

"I did not ask you for the response you gave to Julie. I want to know your genuine feelings about this issue and if it is what you wish for too." Jackson said. He knew Steven and Julie were two injured individuals, and if they allow their actual emotions to get suppressed, their relationship will be nothing but a lie.

"I don't know for sure. But I did not feel happy about it." Steven replied as he tried to hold back some of his feelings. He did not want to complain too much since she had informed him of where she stood in their relationship.

"You don't need to hold back on me. I am your brother, not a stranger. What you say in this room will not leave here. I swear on my life." Jackson responded as an assurance to Steven that his burden was Jackson's responsibility, too.

"It hurts the fact that she wants to hide our love in the shadow. Maybe I did something wrong to make her believe that this relationship will not last long, that's maybe why Julie thinks it's better to keep us a secret since we will break up shortly. I envy you and Jennie a lot. Your wife is the boldest person I know. She is not afraid of expressing herself." Steven said.

Jackson gave a weak smile. If only Steven knew how messy his marriage life is, he wouldn't be speaking in the same tone. But that was a story for him to tell Steven another day since today was about his friend and he did not want to make it about him.

"Tell her the truth, Steven. Like I have always told you, honesty is the key to a healthy relationship. If you want this to work, you've got to tell her how you feel, then Julie and you can find common ground to agree on about your issues." Jackson advised his friend. He also wished that Jennie could be open with him like the way Julie is with Steven. That way, their marriage would go on smoothly.

"Are you sure that will work because there's a saying that goes, 'If a man does not lie to his woman, then he does not love her." Steven teased his buddy. He did not believe in this saying, but it made sense in some aspects of life and love.

Jackson elbows Steven on his side. "Ouch! I am just telling the truth like you told me to do." Steven jokingly replied.

"If you're honest, then there's no need to lie to your woman. Talk to your girlfriend, Steven. You may be shocked to find out that being vulnerable with your feelings is beneficial when you are establishing a bond with your lover. I got to get to my office and work on some papers. But don't forget to talk to her." Jackson said.

"Okay, I will think about it!" Steven replied and sighed.

Both men went their separate ways after they left the conference room together.

Time flew by so quickly, and the clock had struck four noon. Julie gazed at her watch and thought that she should send a reminder to Steven concerning their afternoon date.

"Buzz!" Steven's phone vibrated. He took a break from signing the stack of documents on the table. He clicked on his phone and read the message that arrived. "Is our meal plan for this afternoon still a go?" Steven replied to Julie's text and started on his papers again.

"Beep!" Julie's phone sounded, and she did not hesitate to check it. "Please meet me in my office." Steven's message said.

Julie hurried out of her office and headed directly to his. When she reached Steven's office door, she pushed it open, entered inside, and shut it.

"Steve!" Julie called his attention with a smile.

Steven's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced up. He felt discomfort when he heard a female abbreviated his name because Chloe was the only woman who calls him that way most of the time. But when Steven saw Julie, he was glad it was her and not Chloe, yet his heart was still in trouble.

"Is something wrong? I could swear your face looked tense when you heard me call your name." Julie stated.

Steven rubbed his neck and smiled. "It's nothing. But I do have something I want to say to you." He replied.

Julie was not buying his smile for one bit, yet she did not want to create more problems than the ones they already had.

"Okay, I am listening. What do you want to talk about with me?" Julie asked as she took a seat in the room's corner.

"Do you have to sit that far?" Steven answered her question with another question. He wanted to back down now after seeing that her face looked kind of upset.

'Stupid Jackson! I'll never accept your advice after today.' Steven thought to himself.

"We don't need to sit close to each other before you can tell me what is on your mind. My hearing is just fine from this angle." Julie replied. Steven was acting suspicious, and she did not like it one bit.

'Okay, she's mad now, and it's all your fault, Jackson!' Steven screamed in his head.

"I will be straightforward with you, Jul. I don't want us to get kept a secret. I love you, and I want to shout from the rooftop that you are my all and the woman that I am with, so all the men should back off." Steven blabbered out.

The office got quiet, and only the clock was fearless enough to make a sound. "Tick!" "Tock!" "Tick, tock!" "Tick, Tick, Tock, Tock..."

"Well, does that mean other ladies are going to back off too," Julie asked after a few minutes had passed by.

"Um, Yesss..." Steven answered with uncertainty in his voice.

"Okay, I agreed. Can we go for lunch now, babe?" Julie replied in a seductive tone.

"Cough!" Steven cleared his throat and tightened his tie that did not need adjusting.

"There's too much paperwork for me to finish this afternoon. Can we turn it into dinner? I will pick you up from your home by seven. Jackson can drop you home after work. Is that okay with you, hubby?" Steven answered with enthusiasm in his tone.

Julie stood up, walked up to his desk, leaned over, and kissed him on the lip. "That's fine with me!" She responded charmingly, then walked out of Steven's office, leaving him in a bewildered state. He softly smiles as Julie's back fades into the hall, and his office door closes shut.