His grip on her

"Steven!" Chloe shouted when she got outside. But Steven was nowhere in sight. "Steven!!" She kept screaming while sobbing. People that were leaving the restaurant, and those that were coming in, gazed at Chloe with various expressions. Some of them look confused, others seem scared, while the rest glance at her weirdly.

However, their faces did not matter to Chloe since the only face she needed to see was Steven's. The air was getting cold outside, and Chloe's sleeveless dress was not the proper attire for that kind of weather. She shivered as she paced back and forth, hoping to see Steven's face among the various faces passing by.

Matt finally got done with his brief discussion with the receptionist, and when he turned his head, Chloe was nowhere in sight. He approached the doorman and asked, "Excuse me. Did you notice where the lady I came in with went?"

"Oh, she stepped out a few minutes ago." The doorman replied.

"Thank you!" Matt stated before heading out the door.

The chilly air was getting too powerful for Chloe to handle. She wraps her hands around her upper body as she trembles uncontrollably. As Chloe stepped back a little, she felt someone standing behind her. The person seems to put something over her shoulder. Chloe turned around, and her eyes got fixed on Matt's pair of blue eyes. He had removed his coat from on him and placed it around her.

"You will catch a cold if you stay out like this." Matt gently said. It was the first time Chloe had ever seen care and sincerity in Matt's eye for her.

However, their moment did not last long as Steven's car drove out of the parking lot, and the sound caught Chloe's attention. She gazed at Steven's face through the car window, but what disturbed Chloe the most was the fact that Steven had another woman in the car with him. Although she couldn't see this woman's face, Chloe could tell from how Steven smiled at her that they were more than friends.

"Steven!" Chloe shouted as she ran after the moving vehicle. Matt did not run after her. He just stood still, staring at his coat on the ground. After a while, Chloe's screaming ceased, and Matt lifted his head and saw her squatting with her head bent, weeping bitterly in the middle of the driveway.

He slowly walked towards Chloe and stood by her side with his hand in his pocket. "So is that your ex-boyfriend you can't seem to move on from since you guys broke up?" Matt asked, gazing at Chloe and then looking at Steven's car that was farther away now.

"Boohoo." "It's all your fault!" Chloe mumbles as she cries.

"What?" Matt asked. Between her sniffing and crying, he could not understand a word she was saying.

Chloe fiercely stood up and faced Matt. "I said it's all your fault. You are the cause that we have broken up. It's your fault! It's all your fault!" She yelled, hitting him in the chest.

"Stop your nonsense!" Matt calmly, yet coldly replied to her. He grabs both her hands and locks them together in his grip, making it difficult for Chloe to move them.

"Now listen to me! I don't care how much you love him and want to be with your ex-boyfriend! But when you are with me, your tears, smile, and emotions should be for me alone. Is that clear?" Matt roughly stated.

Chloe could see the rage in his eyes, and she knew that Matt was not trifling with her. Chloe did not want to test his anger any further, knowing what he could do to her family.

"Yes!" She replied harshly, and Matt released Chloe's hands.

"Since we have a clear understanding, let's have dinner," Matt said. He left her there and started walking back to the building entrance. But halfway there, Matt looked over his shoulder, and Chloe was still standing in the exact spot he had left her.

He turned around and waited for her, yet Chloe did not take a step forward. Matt's tolerance level had dropped to zero, and he had it with her. The evening sky was getting dark, and a lot of couples were coming to the restaurant. Matt passed a group of people chatting as they walked toward the building and approached Chloe.

He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her. Before Chloe could get out of shock and return to reality, her torso stayed draped around Matt's neck, with her legs on the right side of his body. Matt was holding her legs and right hand with his right arm. Her head was leaning on his left shoulder as he carried her back into the building.

"Put me down! Let me down, Matt! You are embarrassing me!" Chloe screamed the entire time, but that did not stop Matt from carrying her, and it also increased people's focus on them.

"Matt, please just let me down. I promise to behave." Chloe pleaded as she used her free hand to hide her face.

"Stop moving and shut up!" Matt replied. He did not plan on releasing her, even if she screamed at the top of her lump.

The waitress's eyes widen as Matt approaches her with Chloe's place over his shoulder. The waitress kept gazing at them, forgetting that she had a job to do.

Matt waits for the waitress to realize his presence, but she keeps staring unconsciously at him and Chloe. So Matt snapped his finger in front of her face, and the sound startled her a little.

The waitress jumped back after finally coming to herself and realizing who was standing before her.

"I am sorry, Mr. Tress. I am so sorry." She apologizes with a constant bow and a worried face.

Matt rolled his eyes at her and took out his phone from his pocket. He made a call to the CEO of Extravagant restaurant. "I don't want to see a waitress named 'Carmela' at this restaurant again." He said on the phone as he gazed at the waitress's name tag.

"I am sorry, Sir." She cried bitterly. However, Matt did not seem remorseful to her. He walked past her like she was nothing but thin air, and his behavior disgusted Chloe even further. She kept struggling to get down, but just like the power Matt had over her family, his grip was too firm for her to break free.