
The moment Lucas and Miya walked into their living room, the love and concern on her man's face turned into a rage and Miya realized that she had just entered a trap. She tried to smile to help soften his icy expression, yet no matter how wide and sweet her smile was, it could not melt the haughty stare Lucas gave her.

"Who was the guy that brought you home?" Lucas lashed out.

Miya felt scared because she knew whenever her husband's voice was loud to such an extent, there was no way she would escape the pain that awaited her at the end.

"He is just some random stranger that was kind enough to offer me a drive home. I swear that's all he is to me." Miya said in a voice as low as a whisper.

At this point, all she wanted was to smooth the rage of jealousy she could see in his eyes and make him notice that she had always been faithful to him. However, Miya knew that she had a slim chance of success since when her husband plants something in his mind, it sticks there.

"Are you into rich guys now? Are you looking for some wealthy man to be able to support you and that baby of yours? I guess he fits right in the category of men you are willing to cheat on me with!" Lucas said with a frown.

Miya gazes at her husband's stiff expression and wonders what rubbish he could possibly be thinking this instant.

"What are you even talking about right now? I never plan to cheat on you with anyone. When I married you, it was till death do us part for me." Miya gently replied as she tried to sound as less offended as possible.

"Haha! Do you think I am a fool? That was the guy who stood behind us this morning on the coffee line. So tell me how such a coincidence could happen! I am sure he overheard how much you hate being with me and thought to hit on you since you are such an easy catch!" Lucas yelled.

Her husband's assumption of her character did not shock Miya since this was not the first time for her to hear such an accusation, yet what bothered Miya the most was how all these types of arguments with Lucas end, and this time, she did not want it to reach that far.

"Such a thing did not occur in his thoughts. We did not talk with each other when he was driving, except when necessary, and our conversation had nothing in it to betray your trust in me." Miya calmly explained, hoping that her words make sense to him.

"Wow! How do you know that he did not have such thoughts, or are you a mind reader now? Who said I trust you! A woman as demanding as you would do anything to satisfy her desire. If you could drag me out of my comfort zone to get some senseless procedure performed, then you can also cheat on me!" Lucas rudely screamed.

Miya felt like yelling and crying at the same time. Yet she suppressed all her rage and sadness inside so she could be the sensible and mature one in their relationship.

"Lucas, can we let this go since it is nothing, and I am tired because of the treatment from the hospital. All I want now is to sleep. Please let this issue go." Miya pleaded.

However, the face Lucas had on was not an expression of understanding. Instead, he appeared like a man who was going to burst from all the anger building up in him.

"Oh, we are now on first name base! You gut guts, woman! I gave you an inch, and you want a yard. I knew I should not have agreed to your stupid plea about us having a kid. Now that you have what you want, your wings have grown, and you believe that you are the want who's deciding on how things go in this home. But let me inform you, sweetheart, that I am the man in this house, and I determine when you go and stop!" Lucas said with so much rage in his voice.

Miya knew that they were already at the point that she had feared they would go, and she finally decided to walk away from their argument.

Miya took two steps away from him, and the next thing she heard was the sound of her favorite vase smashing to the floor.

"Miya, don't you dare test my patience! I swear I don't want to lay my hands on you. But if you force me, then I won't stop myself from going that far." Lucas yelled.

Miya stood still with her back facing him. She tightly pressed her lips together as her eyes allowed her tears to flow. Lucas has said these words to her countless times, yet the pain they cause her heart never seems to fade away.

She turned to face his cold stare. Then she gazed at the pieces of a broken vase on the floor, and they reminded her of the current state her marriage is in at this moment.

"What do you want from me? I am sick and tired of all your messed up self-esteem issues. Just because the first woman you loved dumped you, that does not mean I will do the same. You don't need to push me away to protect your heart." Miya harshly said.

Without any hesitation, Lucas slapped Miya in her face before realizing that he had allowed his anger to get the better of him.

The pain Miya felt was not new to her, and her husband's attitude was not strange to her, yet all of this still left a scar in her heart.

"What happened to us? How did we get so broken? When did we get this awful at loving each other? Where did my love go wrong to get so much hate from you? Lucas, I am trying here, but why is my effort nothing but a waste to you?" Miya said with cracks in her voice as her tears slid down her cheek.

Lucas could not answer. He stood still with his hand folded into a fist, and his eyes could not look up at his wife.

"The next time you lay your hand on me, I am walking out of your life, and I would not give you a second chance to break me like the way you are doing now. I love you, but this is how far my love is going to reach." Miya boldly said.

She did not trust those words she had spoken since Miya did not believe that she could stop caring about him, but at least she was happy that those words helped her from getting another brutal beating.

Miya walked away from Lucas' sight and headed to their room, leaving him standing dumbfounded by her statement.