One year

The building of Tech and Knowledge maintained its silence as its employees went about with their work.

The moment Julie walked out of her office with a bunch of documents in her hands, she was greeted with a cheerful smile as Kate waved to her and asked, "Heading to the boss's office?"

"Yep," Julie replied, hiding her frustration behind the friendly smile on her lips.

"That is a lot of papers. Can I help?"

"Thanks, but nah. I got this."

The disappointment on Kate's face made Julie feel a bit terrible about her reply. But she had her reason, so she overlooked the trouble feeling in her chest and continued walking, leaving Kate behind.

When Julie got to Steven's office, she stood at the door and took in a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in," Steven called out without taking his eyes off the documents in front of him.

The door opened, and Julie walked inside. Then she approached the desk and banged the folders on it.

"Thank you." Steven absentmindedly mumbled with all of his attention center on his work.

Hurt mixed with anger settled in Julie's expression as she stared at him.

"When are you going to stop doing this to yourself?" Julie lashed out, fighting back her tears.

"Do not start again, please," Steven mumbled as his fingers clutched onto his pen.

At this point, he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the tears that ran out of Julie's eyes, and how she hastily wiped them.

"It have been one year! When will you stop blaming yourself for what happened to Jackson?" Julie asked with an annoyed expression painted on her face as she glared at the man in front of her.

"Yes, it has been one year of him not being here, and that's on me!" Steven mumbled with a distant stare as though He appeared taken back by Julie's comment.

"No one is blaming you, Steven. What happened to Jackson was none of us fault."

"No! That's where you are wrong, Julie! And you know it! We all know it!"

A sigh slipped through Julie's lip. Then she stared into those pitiful green eyes and said, "I don't even know you anymore. It's like your body's here but your soul isn't. I know that I have said this countless times, but drowning yourself in your work will make no difference."

"Why do you care? It's not like we are dating anymore. You are free not to worry about me, so don't." Steven arrogantly said, and yet he hated every minute of it.

The hurt in her eyes glowed for a moment, then it faded as Julie gave Steven another uneasy glance before turning her back and mumbled, "Suit yourself."

Afterward, Julie walked out of the office and slammed the door shut behind her. Then she leaned on its wooden frame and sigh.

"It has been one year, I should be over him. But why do you feel this way?" Julie mumbled with her palm resting flat against her chest.

The morning naturally shifted into the afternoon hours and every employee was finding their way out of the building.

However, when Julie arrived in the parking lot, she met Steven leaning against her car, looking as though he was about to faint.

"I have been calling you. What happened to your phone?" He mumbled without staring away from her.

"Oh, I am sorry. My phone died, and I forgot to charge it. What happened?" Julie asked him with concern in her tone.

"There's progress."

"Are you Serious!"

"Yes. However, I don't think I am in the state to drive a car. So, can you please take me to the hospital?"

"Yes! Of course!" Get in please."

There was a glance of hope beaming in Julie's eyes as she unlocked the car doors, barely able to contain her smile.

However, when she stared at Steven the dullness in his expression quickly shifted her mood, and yet she understood that he had had his hopes up on several occasions, and it only led him to multiple heartbreaks.

It was a thirty-minute drive to the hospital. But for Julie and Steven, it was the most torturing thirty minutes drive of their life and the never-ending silence between them during the ride only made it worse.

Once Julie had correctly packed her vehicle, she, and Steven got out of it and rushed into the hospital.

After their brief conversation with the receptionist at the front desk, they both hurried into the intensive care unit only to find the others emotionless staring back at them.

Julie then walked over to her parents since it was clear from her dad's angry appearance that he was displeased, seeing her with Steven.

She then tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear when His head shifted in her direction, and he pitifully stared at her aloof expression.

"What's going on, mom? I thought you said Jackson's condition has improved." Steven anxiously said as he approached Rose.

She then gently grabbed his fingers, squeezed them with a trembling hand, and softly said, "Yes. He moved his fingers."


"Yes. Chris is in there with him. Whatever he has been telling Jackson for these past months has been keeping him holding onto life."

"What do you think he's telling him?"

"I don't know. But I am thankful for it."

As Steven's sight settled on the door, he let out a shaky breath and said, "Over the past months, he has blinked his lashes, unconsciously moved his lips and toes. And now his fingers. But you know what he hasn't done yet?"

"Son, please don't." Rose pleadingly cried as she let go of his hands with disappointment on her face.

"He hasn't woken up. He has not uttered a single word. I can't remember the last time that I heard his voice or his laugh."

"That's enough! We are going to be hopeful."


"Because we have to! For Jackson's sake, we just have to!"

It took a minute for Rose's words to settle in Steven's head. But afterward, he exhaled, releasing some of the tension that had built up in his shoulders, and yet he still felt like a small lump was sitting in his throat.

"Jackson has been in a coma for a year, mom. What if, what if…" Steven cried suddenly, losing the ability to end his statement.

"Let's not think the worst. He's strong. I know that he will come back to us. I just know it." Rose mumbled as her tears trailed down her face.