Shattered hopes

Within a year time, nothing had really changed inside of Jackson's room, and he was still rigged up to all sorts of machines as he laid on sterile white sheets and covered with a pale blue blanket.

"I know that you can hear me because every time I tell you about your kids, you move. So why do you refuse to wake up?" Chris asked without taking his sight off Jackson.

When he got no response, he breathed a sign of misery, one he had been holding in since he first arrived.

Then Chris's fingers tapped the table in unison with the rhythm of his feet as his bright eyes surveyed the room, knowing that he was slowly giving up on hope since so far his plan didn't seem to be working on Jackson.

Even though Chris understood that an important task had been placed on his shoulders to keep Jackson up-to-date with the latest news about Miya and the kids, he felt overwhelmed by it all.

All heads turned to the right when they heard the sound of a male shoe stepping on the cold, institutional tile floor.

Rose then let out a sigh of relief when Doctor Daniel came a bit closer towards them.

"Has there been any development since Chris' last report?" He asked with his gaze focused on Rose.

"I thought you were the doctor?" Steven angrily muttered beneath his breath before giving the doc a smug smile.

"Good day to you too, Mr. Mason. I am fully aware of my job. As I told you guys on the first day Mr. David collapsed and went into a coma, he had suffered from Acute neurologic injuries because of the fall and the pressure he put on his wounds."

"I know that. But,"

"Allow me to finish, Mr. Mason. That day, your friend became unresponsive to his environment. He had not been able to normally respond to sound or pain, or be able to communicate or move voluntarily, except during Mr. Ash's visits. So yes, I had to ask because it's part of my job to do so."

For a moment filled with silence, Steven coldly eyed doctor Daniel. Then he stared away and said, "I need some air."

"That's a wise idea, Mr. Mason." Dr. Daniel stated.

For a moment, Julie felt a numb thumb in her chest as she watched Rose give Steven a gentle touch on the back before he could walk away, and as he marched past her, her eyes did not lift, not even for a second.

"I know that you still love him, but Steven is not in a stable condition and we don't want him hurting you more than he has done. That's why your dad and I are against seeing both of you together. We are simply trying to protect you." Mrs. Harper softly said when she noticed her daughter staring pitifully at the door.

"I know, mom, and I don't plan on getting back with Steven. But recovering from my feelings for him is not going to happen overnight." Julie mumbled with a bit of aggression in her tone.

"I think you are mixing up the date. It has been a year." Mr. Harper angrily stated.


"You don't think I know that dad. It's not like I can get my heartbreak treated at the hospital!"

"Why are you both coming for me? I am just stating facts."

As Julie focused her attention back on Rose and Doctor Daniel, she masked her hurt behind the calmness in her expression.

The was intense worry in Rose's eyes, but the was also a glimpse of hope in her heart, and she was holding onto it with every bit of strength in her.

"He moved his fingers, is that a sign that he is recovering." Rose anxiously asked the doc when he turned his focus back on her.

"To be honest, I don't know. Coma patients usually exhibit various levels of unconsciousness and unresponsiveness depending on which brain regions have been damaged and how much or how little of the brain is functioning. For Jackson, his condition is critical because of the accident and emotional trauma." Doctor Daniel replied.

Even after hearing those words, Rose wasn't ready to let go of that tiny bit of assurance she had that Jackson was going to wake up.

"But he's been moving! It should count as something right?" Rose hastily said, looking at the Dr. like the only word she wanted to hear was "yes."

"It does. But the chances of someone recovering from a coma largely depend on the severity and cause of their brain injury, their age, and how long they've been in a coma." Dr. Daniel replied with a sympathetic expression on it's face.

"But he's going to wake up, right?"

"It's impossible to accurately predict whether the person will eventually recover, how long the coma will last, and whether they'll have any long-term problems, so I honestly can't give you the answer that you wish to hear. I am sorry."

The hallway fell silent as Rose fought back tears. She felt as though she should be used to hearing these words. But every time she does, her heart feels like it's being ripped apart.

After sitting for a few minutes in awful silence, Chris angrily stood up from his seat and shoved his hands into his pockets as his eyes focused on Jackson.

Then he smirked and said, "Fine. Since it's clear that you don't plan on waking up, maybe it's time for me to stop wasting my time and effort on you and your kids. I am done."

Suddenly Jackson opened his eyes, but he didn't blink for almost two minutes, and Chris stood frozen without breaking eye contact with him as his heartbeat tripled.

For a brief while, he felt paralyzed to the spot as fear held him in a tightening grip.

However, when Jackson's fingers reached for the tubes and yanked them off him, Chris Forced himself to come to his senses.

He then ran for the door, pushed it open, and shouted, "He's awake."

No one seemed to believe these words as they all dumbfoundedly stared at Chris.

"What?" Dr. Daniel asked in dismay.

"Jackson is awake." Chris shouted.