Guessing the truth

"What is going on here?" Lucas angrily asked as he stared at Jackson and Miya.

There was resentment burning in her eyes when Miya stared away from Jackson and focused on her husband. Then she reached into the car and picked up her son from in his car seat.

"What do you mean?" Miya asked while handing the boy over to Jackson before lifting her other son from the seat.

"I come out here to see what's taking you so long, and you are here, handing my kids over to this nig..." Lucas shouted without ending his statement.

"Watch your languages, dude." Jackson calmly said, but the dominance in his cold eyes was all the warning Lucas needed to shut up.

With a carefree expression, Miya looked her husband directly in his face and boldly said, "As you said, I am the one who wanted these babies. So I have the right to hand them over to a stranger since their father is not willing to own up to his responsibility."

A frown surfaced on Jackson's lips for a second since he did not appreciate another man being called the father of his kids and somehow, he felt attack by Miya's statement.

However, he knew that he was in no place to express his frustration, so he lost his frown and put on a calm appearance.

"Can you please help me bring them inside?" Miya said with a smile when she noticed how calm her kids were in Jackson's arms.

"Hold up! Are you serious, woman! I am not going to allow some stranger to enter my home!" Lucas lashed out with anger in his tone.

"Sure. You lead the way, and I will follow." Jackson brightly said, completely ignoring Lucas's remark.

Not caring that her husband look as if he was about to explode like an erupting volcano, Miya walked past him and headed into the house with Jackson following closely behind her.

When they entered the living room, Miya turned to Jackson and gently said, "You can put them in their chairs over at the corner of the room."

Once his sight rested on the baby's seats, he walked over with Miya beside him and carefully place his daughter into the chair, followed by his son.

Then he took his other son from Miya's hands, and with a cheerful smile on his face, he stared at him for a while before settling down in the seat and bucking it.

"Great. My kids are all inside. Now, you can leave." Lucas firmly said with hostility in his tone as he stood at the doorway while glaring at Jackson.

"Thank you for the help." Miya softly said without focusing on her husband's bitter expression.

"Anytime, and it's my pleasure," Jackson replied.

After lovely staring at his babies for a brief while, Jackson walked past Lucas, giving him a dirty look before leaving through the front door.

"What the hell was that all about!" Lucas roared as he marched over to Miya and the kids.

However, she hastily stood between him and her babies when she saw the madness in his eyes.

"What do you mean? I was only seeking help because you refused to play your part as their father." Miya said, striving not to raised her voice before she scared her kids.

"Their father! Woman, do you take me as a fool or do you see me as a blind man! Those three are not my kids. For all I know, they could be his because they look more like him than me!"

"My entire family on my father's side is brown. I have uncles that have the same features as Jackson, and you know that! At this rank, everything black man is my baby's father according to your insane suggestion."

"Insane! Did you take a closer look at that dude and your daughter! I don't think you did. Because if you had paid closer attention to his face, you will see what I saw."

"Are you serious right now! Why are you trying to use him just to avoid your duties as their father when you know that it was your sperm that the hospital used to get me pregnant."

"For all are know you could have been pregnant before that damn procedure, and just using that entire situation as a cover-up."

At this point, Miya's anger was off the chart, and before she could get a hold of herself, she was screaming at the top of her lung every provocative word that she could think of until her kids started crying.

As tears pulled down her face and fell from her chin unto her blouse, Miya gently wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, and when over to calm her babies down while choking back her sob.

"I just wish you could stop this madness. It's not healthy for our relationship, this home, and the kids." Miya mumbled in a trembling voice.

"Take a look at them, and then tell me if it's my fault for feeling the way I do!" Lucas said before walking out of the room.

When Miya heard their bedroom door slammed, she finally allowed herself to break down in front of her kids as they dumbly stared at her.

With rage pumping through his veins and a frown on his face, Jackson leaned away from the front door and headed for the road with only one thought on his mind, and that was to protect his kids at all-cause and get them out of that house.

At noon, when Jackson finally reached into his neighborhood, he asked the Uber driver to wait on him before he got down from the cab.

Jackson noticed as he approached his house that the lights were on, and a soft melody was coming from inside.

So he held the doorknob, pushed it, and he wasn't surprised when the door open. Then Jackson walked into the house and searched around a bit before heading to the bedroom.

The moment he entered the room, his expression hardened as he stared at Jennie seated on the edge of the bed gazing back at him. Then tears began to trail down her face while her hands trembled uncontrollably.

"What are you doing here?" Jackson coldly asked without any emotion on his face.

"Oh my God, you are awake? No one told me that you have woken from your coma." Jennie softly cried, barely able to get her words out clearly.

Ignoring his wife's remake, Jackson headed for the closest, took out a suitcase, unzipped it, and started dumping his stuff inside.

"What are you doing?" Jennie cried as she watched him with pain in her teary eyes.

Just for a moment, Jackson stopped, turned around to face her, and replied without any remorse, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Babe, wait for a second. Let's talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. I am filing in for a divorce. From now onward, you are a free woman, so you don't have to lie to see your son or still at your boss's house."

The was not a single emotion in Jackson's eyes as he looked away from his wife, dumped the rest of his stuff into the suitcase, and zip it before dragging the luggage with him as he headed for the door.

"Please wait. I will tell you everything! Everything you want to know about what happened between Leon and me." Jennie shouted in tear.