First encounter

As the morning light creeped into the room, it met Jackson awake, fully dressed, and standing by the window, staring at the busy streets.

"How are you feeling today, Mr. David." Doctor Daniel asked as he shut the room door behind him.

Then his eyes stared in shock at empty bed, and with fear in his voice, he anxiously gazed at Jackson and said, "Mr. David, I don't think it is wise for you to remove the wires from on your body since they are for monitoring your health conditions."

A frowned surfaced on Jackson's lips as he turned around to face Doctor Daniel, then his index finger smoothly rubbed against his cheek while his cold gaze settled on the doc.

"And I don't think it's wise to lie to your patients and put them in a traumatizing situation. But here we are." Jackson calmly said, yet the was dominance in his tone.

"Mr. David, I can explain." Doctor Daniel hastily said, looking like he was about to collapse from how violently his heart was pounding against his chest.

"Safe your energy. I don't give a care about your excuses. What are do want is to get discharge from this place, and…"

"That is not a problem since you are in a great health state, jugding from the last report I took. However, it will be a day or two before I can let you go."

"Can you let me finish my statement!"

The sudden aggression in Jackson's tone sent a shiver down Doctor Daniel's spine as he sealed his lips together.

"Good job. I wasn't asking for your permission. Now, I need every bit of information on that lady. What's her name again?" Jackson stated without putting in the thinnest bit of effort to remember.


"Yes, her. I want her address and every bit of detail you have on her."

No one uttered a word for a while as Jackson stared at the discomfort on Doctor Daniel's face while slowly losing his patience.

He then walked over to the couch, carelessly sat down and coldly said, "Do we have a problem, doc?"

"Yes. I m sorry, Mr. David. But giving out patient information is against the hospital policy." Doctor Daniel awkwardly said.

"Well, I think you are in the position to break another policy for me since your hospital is not following them anyways. Isn't that how the situation between Miya and me happened?"

"I understand, Mr. David. I will get the information for you right this instant."

As Doctor Daniel was about to leave, Rose entered the room, followed by Julie, her parents and Steven.

"Should you be out of bed?" Rose asked as she worriedly stared at her son, sitting on the couch with a carefree expression.

"Yes, I am, and according to the doctor's report, I am also clear to leave this place today." Jackson replied.

Then he slyly smiled as he watched the doubt in his mother's eyes when she stared at Doctor Daniel.

"You are discharging him right after he woke from a coma?" Rose asked while striving to stay calm.

"Ummm, yes. Mr. David is in good health, so it doesn't matter if he leaves today or two days from now." Dr. Daniel a axnously said.

"You all heard the doc. I am fine! With that said, I will be taking my leave." Jackson stated without losing his smile.

The shock on everyone faces did not bothered him nor did he lose his cheerful look as he stood from the couch, walked over to Rose, and gave her a hug.

He then tightened his hands around her and whispered, "I love you, mom."

After letting go of Rose, he approached Julie and embraced her, and afterward, he shook Mr. Harper's hand before hugging Mrs. Harper.

Then he turned to Steven, showed his hand, and said, "Credit me two bucks for Uber."

"Uhh, okay." Steven confusingly replied as he reached into his back pocket. Then he took out his wallet and handed Jackson two hundred dollars.

"Thanks, bro." Jackson mumbled while lighting tapping Steven's shoulder.

After putting the money in his pocket, he turned gazed at everyone, and said, "I appreciate everyone in this room for your care and prayers, and my love goes out to all of you. Okay, it's time to leave. Doc let's talk in your office, okay?"

"Sure thing, Mr. David. Excuse me family." Doctor Daniel nervously said before following Jackson out the door.

No one in the room spoke for a while as they stared at the opened door in disbelief.

"What just happened?" Rose mumbled, finally getting over her shock.

"Chris wasn't kidding." Steven whispered beneathed his breath.

"Did coma rewired that boy's brain?" Mr. Harper mutter to his wife.

But Mrs. Harper gently elbowed him in his rib to get him to shut up.

"Ah, what was that for? All I am saying is that that's not the Jackson we knew before the accident." Mr. Harper before he could get a hold of his tongue.

"Dad!" Julie yelled in embarrassment while intensely staring at her father with disappointment in her eyes.

"It's temporarily. He will come. I know he will." Rose mumbled, and yet she didn't trust her own words.

"But what could be so urgent for him to leave the hospital in such an abupty manner?" Mrs. Harper softly asked in confusion.

It took a while, but Jackson finally got Miya's address, and as he was leaving the hospital he met Chris in the lobby.

Although the was tension between both of them, neither of them lose the calm expressions while they stared at each other.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked as he tugged his hands inside his coat pocket.

"To meet my kids." Jackson replied with a smirked.

Before Chris could utter another word, Jackson had walked passed him, heading straight for the door.

When he grabbed the handled and pulled glass door opened, Jackson turned around and shouted, "I never got the chance to tell you this yesterday, so I am saying it now. Thank you, brother."

Afterwards his remarked, Jackson walked out, leaving Chris speechlessly staring behind him for a while.

Then he looked ahead of him and mumbled, "When did Jackson developed a double personality?"

When the morning faded into the afternoon, Lucas' frown only grew harder as he parked the car into their driveway with Miya in the front seat and the triplet scrapped in their carseat.

"Can you at least get them to shut up. You wanted them, so I don't think I need to suffer through this noise with you." Lucas screamed in angry.

"Stop! You are scaring the babies." Miya softly said as she leaned over the seat to calm her kids down.

"Great! Now, I am a children's scaring monster. Just great!"

"That's not what I mean, hubby."

"Whatever. I need to smoke my sanity back because I am going insane, listening to this awful noise.."

When Lucas unlocked the car door, Miya gently grabbed his wrist and asked, "Are you not going to help me carry the kids inside?"

"They are your problem not mine!" Lucas rudely said before pushing the car door open and getting out. Then he slammed it shut and walked into the house.

While fighting back her tears, Miya got down from the vehicle, opened the back door, and removed her daughter from the carseat.

"Do you need help with them?"

With a look of confusion in her eyes, Miya stop unbucking her son, turned around, and stared at Jackson. Then she said, "You look familiar. Do I know you?"

The tightness in his chest became more uncomfortable as Jackson gazed at the faces of his kids. Then he stared back at Miya and said, "Hi, I am Jackson."

"That name sounds familiar too." Miya mumbled.

After taking a closer look at Jackson, her lips curved into a smile before softly laughing.

"I know now. You are chris' friend. But what are you doing in my area, if you don't mind me asking?" Miya said.

Finally reality smacked Jackson in the head, and he realized exactly what Chris's words meant.

With mutliple excuses running through his head, Jackson nervously stared at Miya, and the triplet. Then he gazed acrossed the road and a smile appeared on his lips.

"I am the new owner of that property. I plan to renovate it and move here by this weekend." Jackson awkwardly replied while pointing his fingers ahead of him.

For a brief moment, Miya gazed at the rundown abandoned mansion acrossed the road with the sign "For Sale" on it. Then she questionably stared back at Jackson.

"O-okay… Welcome to the nieghborhood, neighbor." Miya mumbled, striving not to laugh.

"Thanks, so can I help you with your kids? If that's okay with you." Jackson gently said with a bright expression on his face.

It took a moment of hesiation for Miya to hand over her daughter to Jackson, and the moment he held her in his arms, Jackson finally felt his heart beat lively for the first time since he woke from his coma.