Best man

"Their Godfather?" Chris asked in shock while putting his glass down on the table.

The bartender slowly set a glass in front of Jackson as he intensely listened to their conversation.

"I called you because I think that I am going to lose my damn mind if I keep interacting with that woman and her idiotic husband. Do you know those two named my kids Milo, Mila, and Milu!" Jackson said in annoyance before taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, I know. I told you when you were still in a coma." Chris said while striving to hold back his laugh.

"It's not funny."

"Sorry, bro."

It took Chris a second or two before he could get his face straight and swallowed down his laugh.

"So, what did you say to her?" Chris asked with his sight focused on Jackson.

"Well, you are staring at their new godfather. There is still a father in that word, so I don't mind for now." Jackson mumbled without taking his eyes off his drink.

"Why do you think she asked you to be their godfather in the first place?"

"I think it had something to do with me telling her that I am a Sterility married man."

The bartender's eyes widened as his mouth curved into an o shape while he gazed at Jackson in disbelief.

"What! Does this mean that you are not divorcing Jennie?" Chris asked in confusion, feeling stunned at how personal Jackson's words to Miya were becoming.

At this point, he couldn't call Jackson out for lying because what he said was the truth. But Chris could still tell the deception in his words, and for multiple reasons, he felt a sense of guilt that things had come to this stage because of him.

"Of course not. Jennie and I are over. Once I get her to sign the divorce papers. The next thing I am doing is to take my kids away from that mad man at any course." Jackson stated while staring dead serious at Chris.

A smile surfaced on the bartender's face. Then he turned to the selves and drew another glass.

"Don't do anything crazy," Chris said with the utmost seriousness in his tone.

"Who's doing something crazy?" Steven asked while suspiciously staring at Jackson and Chris.

Neither of them uttered a word and that only increased Steven's suspicion. However, his mind was too focused on other stuff for him to interrogate both of them.

"You invite him?" Jackson mumbled.

"You said you wanted us to hang. I thought you mean the three of us." Chris replied.

Ignoring Jackson's remark, Steven drew a stool and sat down. Then the bartender rolled him his glass.

"What's wrong with you?" Chris asked when he saw the stress in Steven's face.

"It's been a week plus now, and I haven't gone to see Mr. Harper about my proposal to Julie," Steven said before sighing out his frustration.

"What's the hold-up?" Jackson mumbled.

"I am sure it's not a big deal?"

"You don't know how serious and scary that dude is. I'm nervous and freaking out. I have all these questions like if he refused, what will happen to Julie's and my relationship... Do you guys think he will want his daughter to marry me?"

"Yeah, but after he had put you in a six feet hole and buried you alive."

After his remark, a mocking smile settled on Jackson's lips as he stared at the shock on Steven and Chris' faces. Then all three men burst into a peal of laughter.

"Do you want to be my best man?" Steven abruptly asked with a suddenly serious expression on his face as he stared at Jackson.

"Is that a question! I thought that I was already your best man." Jackson said.

"Great. Then as my best friend and brother, it's your duty to follow me to the Harper's house the day after tomorrow. It's the day Julie and I plan to tell her parents."

"Fine. But if Mr. Harper decided to send you to the great beyond, I am out of there."

With a bright expression, Steven raised his glass and said, "It's a deal, and Chris, you are my grown man."

"Sweet!" Chris cheerfully mumbled.

The three of them spent the evening hours drinking and chatting.

When Jackson finally arrived in his new neighborhood, night had already fallen upon the place.

"Ben, stop the car." Jackson hastily said as he stared in the direction of Miya's house.

"Yes sir," Ben said before stepping on the brake and bringing the car to a stop.

Jackson then rushed out of the vehicle, raced to the house, and turned the doorknob. To his surprise, the door opened when he pushed it. Then he walked into the house and the screams only got louder.

"I can't keep babysitting you while taking care of our kids. The kids are only five months old, you don't expect me to send them off to daycare just so I can return to work when you are home doing nothing!" Miya yelled while clenching her fists.

"It's not my fault that I keep getting fired from my workplace!" Lucas screamed, throwing his hands in the air in a fate of rage.

While staring at her husband in disbelief, Miya burned with anger, but she tamped down her irritation and took in a deep breath.

"Great! You don't want to work, that's okay. That means you can take care of the babies for a few hours because I am at work. At least one of us will be around our kids." Miya said while struggling to stay calm.

"I am not down for being a stay-at-home dad." Lucas casually said with an arrogant tone.

"Tell me you are kidding right now!"

"I love to smoke and drink my beer during the day, so I can't promise you that I would be able to watch the kids and go about my daily routine."

"I swear! You are the worst!"

"You are being dramatic! If you really want to go back to work, then you should be willing to drop them off at some daycare. I am sure they will be just fine!"

A fresh swell of rage rose in Miya as she stared at her husband's carefree attitude, and it completely destroyed her emotions. But she put on a brave face and coldly asked, "Since you are not bringing anything to the table, who's going to cover such an expense, uh!"

"I will." Jackson abruptly said as he stood at the entrance of the living room, staring at Miya's teary face and Lucas's angry gaze.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Lucas firmly asked, feeling like he was about to burst from rage.

Completely ignoring Lucas's remark, Jackson advanced further into the living room and walked up to Miya.

Even though he was running on sheer anger, he fought the chaos of his rage and softly smiled.

"The front door was open so I let myself in. I hope you don't mind and I am sorry for the intrusion. However, you guys' voices were so loud that I couldn't ignore it." Jackson said without taking his gaze away from Miya.

"Look here, dude! I don't know who the hell you think you are or what power you think you have, but this is my home and my family! So why don't you find something else to be interested in other than my wife and kids." Lucas roughly said while waving a finger in Jackson's face.

His words roused Miya's anger, and not caring about Lucas' position as her husband, Miya turned to Jackson and gently said, "Thanks for the offer, but I don't need your money. However, can you babysit the triplet on the day after tomorrow? I got an interview for that date, and since you are the babies' godfather, I trust you more than leaving them at some daycare."

"My kids what! When did he become their godfather? Why wasn't this brought to my attention before you when ahead to make such a stupid decision!"

"The only stupid thing I have done was asking you to watch my kids. I must be a fool to trust you with any of them knowing the kind of man that you are. Yet I had some kind of hope that you would come around. But it's my fault for having the tiniest bit of faith in you!"

A vortex of anger swirled inside Lucas as he stared at Miya in dismay. Then he coldly gazed at Jackson before storming out of the living room.

Once Miya heard their bedroom door slammed shut, her legs collapsed beneath her, and she dropped to the floor while bitterly wiping.

"When do you want me to pick them up?" Jackson casually asked.

"Seven in the morning." Miya shakingly mumbled beneath her as she tried to get her emotions under control.

"Okay then. I will be here."

"Thank you."

With no sympathy in Jackson's voice, he stared away from Miya and said, "I will be leaving then."

"Okay." She whispered, feeling the weight of embarrassment pressing against her heart.