
Jackson walked into the dining room, fully dressed in a suit, and Rose and Miya gazed away from their food and awkwardly stared at him.

"Dada!" Milo shouted, jumping in his seat.

Then Mila and Milu followed his lead and started yelling, "dada."

Those words brought a smile onto Jackson's lips even though he had heard it countless times for the past few months.

Beaming with joy, he walked over to his kids' seats and took Milo, Mila and Milu out of their chairs one after the other, playing with them for a moment before putting them back into their seats.

"Where are you going in a suit?" Rose asked, setting her fork down on the table.

"Today is Miya's final trial date, and I'm driving her to the courthouse?" Jackson said, adoringly staring at Miya.

Taking her focus off her son, Rose gazed at Milo, Mila, and Milu and said, "Can you guys say 'Nana?"

"Mom, you've been trying to make them say 'nana' for six months now. They are a year old and ain't doing it. Are you seriously not going to leave until they say, 'Nana?" Jackson said, rubbing his forehead.


"Fine. Miya, let's go. It's almost time for the hearing."

After taking a sip of her drink, Miya left from her seat, kissed her babies' cheeks, and smiled at Rose.

"See you later, Mrs. Smith." She said, grabbing her purse from the table.

"You two love birds should be careful and drive safely," Rose mumbled, staring at both of them.

Then she watched the two of them leave the dining room together before putting her focus back on her grandbabies.

"Come on kiddos. You guys are one year old now. Can you say, 'Nana?" Rose mumbled with excitement beaming in her eyes.

"Mama!" Mila shouted.

A look of disbelief crossed Rose's face. Then she threw her hands in the air and said, "I give up."

"Nana!" There three of them suddenly mumbled with a smile.

Instantly, Rose's lips curved into a smile, and she gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I'm a nana now," Rose mumbled with pride.

Jackson drove out of the yard with Miya in the front seat, and a few minutes later, he parked the vehicle into the court parking lot. Then he and Miya got down from the car and headed into the building.

When they walked into the courtroom and Miya's gaze met with Lucas's icy stare, she froze, unable to breathe or take another step forward.

"He can't hurt you," Jackson whispered, holding onto her hand.

For a moment, she stared at the handcuffs on Lucas's wrists. Then she gazed at Jackson, smiled, and said, "You are right. He can't hurt me emotionally or physically anymore."

After everyone was seated, the judge banged his ravel and said, "the court is in section."

Miya left Jackson sitting in the back, and she moved to the front to sit by her attorney.

When the hearing began, the people that had seen how abusive Lucas was in their marriage were presented by Miya's attorney as witnesses for the case, and they were sworn in and then sent into the hallway.

Then the judge inquired as to any "preliminary matters."

Afterward, Miya's attorney made an opening statement, and the witnesses were called in one at a time to testify, and their testimony had Miya in tears because she didn't realize how terrible her marriage was with Lucas until she heard others talk about it.

Then it was Lucas turned to call in his witness, but he didn't have any and neither could he deny the accusations Miya's witnesses thrown at him.

The hearing lasted for hours, and after hearing both side cases, the Judge concluded on her verdict.

"After hearing both side testimonies, I have decided that these two will no longer be bound together as a married couple, and their marriage license is invoked. This is my final judgment!" the judge said, banging her ravel three times.

"No! No! She is mine! Do you hear me? You are mine!" Lucas screamed as the police escorted him out of the courtroom.

There were tears of joy in Miya's eyes when she met Jackson.

"It's over." She cried, smiling at him.

He then pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tightly.

"Thank you for sticking by my side for these past months," Miya whispered, wrapping her hands around his wrist.

A moment later, Jackson and she walked out of the courthouse and drove back home.

By the time they arrived at the mansion, it was already seven in the evening.

"So, you are finally single," Jackson said, stepping on the car break.

"Yeah," Miya whispered, gazing into his eyes.

Without holding back, he leaned forward and pressed his lips on hers, taking her bottom lip in his mouth, and passionately kissing her.

The loud beat of her heart echoed in her ears as Miya closed her eyes, feeling all her fears, worries, and pain slowly fading.

When their lips parted, Jackson faintly smiled at her and said, "I wanted to do that for so long."

A soft laugh escaped her lips. Then she playfully shoved him, pushed the car door open, and got down.

"Wait for me," Jackson said, getting out of the vehicle.

But Miya ignored his statement and walked inside.

The moment she entered the living room, the light came on, and everyone shouted, "Surprise!"

For a moment she stared Wide-eyed at Steven, Julie, Mr. Harper, and his wife, Chris, her babies, and Rose and her husband.

"What's going on?" Miya whispered, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.

"Look behind you," Rose said, smiling brightly.

When Miya slowly turned around, she clapped her hands over her mouth and sob softly as she stared at Jackson on his knee with a diamond ring in his hand.

"Will you marry me?" He said, holding onto her hand.

"Yes. Yes, I will marry you!" Miya screamed, watching as he placed the ring on her finger.

Then he raised to his feet, pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.