Episode 2: Dungeon Survival (2)

Bang! Bang! BANG!

I roused up from my sleep when I heard the noise.

The source of those sounds was from the zombies banging their rotten bodies on the cage's iron bars while trying to reach their hands to me.

'I can't have a nice rest, can I?'

Bang! BANG! Bang!

'Inventory'. The panel appeared straight away as I pulled out the femurs.

I grasped them tightly while counting the zombies carefully.

'9 zombies...' I took a deep breath.

With caution, I smashed the zombie's arms one at a time.

The arms dropped down on the floor without difficulty. I took this chance and knocked the zombies over.

The zombies, now on the floor, wiggled like worms to my direction.

I quickly opened the cage door, stepped out of it and crushed the zombie's head one after the other.

I proceeded to smash their heads until I ensured they were dead.

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

I panted heavily, knowing that it was over.

"It wasn't a waste that I played a zombie game once." I chuckled silently.

"But.." I leaned on the wall while staring at the zombie corpses. "Why am I not frightened?"

I sighed and stored the femurs inside my inventory.

Since my torch extinguished, I grabbed the one that was next to me before adventuring further into the dungeon.


In the midst of walking, my stomach growled hungrily.

I frowned. "I haven't approached anything edible thus far."

My movement came to a halt when I heard splash sounds echoed through the path up ahead.

I gulped thinking of the worst possible situation. 'Please let there be a small amount of monsters.' I prayed desperately.

I took a step forward cautiously while equipping my bow and quiver.

I took an arrow from the quiver before drawing my bow.

Once I came closer, I encountered a pond with a half-naked man bathing under a waterfall.

I was about to let loose of the arrow when I found a zombie walking up to that man.

Immediately, I changed my target to the zombie and shot its head which landed on its neck instead.

The man who has stopped bathing, turned his head to the left side and spotted me.

His sky-blue color eyes watched me as his long blue hair faltered.

I drew my bow again and aimed it at his forehead. "Who are-"

My question was cut short when something grabbed my leg.

I looked down to see a skeleton's hand raised from the ground.

It began to drag me down when I shot the arrow and unsurprisingly missed it.

'Damn it!' As I was struggling with the skeleton, a wave of undeads surrounded me instantly.

My eyes grew bigger after confirming the numbers of undeads. 'Can I fight all of them!?'

I grabbed an arrow from my quiver and struck it on the skeleton's arm.

I hurriedly stood back up, added my stat points to my STR, AGI, and DEX.

[Strength Lv. 2 → Strength Lv. 4.]

[Agility Lv. 2 → Agility Lv. 4.]

[Dexterity Lv. 1 → Dexterity Lv. 3.]

I plucked the femurs out of my inventory and took a stand. 'I might not survive, but it won't hurt to try.'

The corner of my lip curved upward. "Bring it on."

I dashed into the crowd of the undeads while attacking them. I also avoided their attacks against me but a few went through and inflicted serious injuries on my legs and waist.

My health decreased rapidly as incoming attacks increased more without time to rest.

My body covered with wounds and blood, staggered weakly.

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 1 has offset half of the pain.]

I groaned to finally feel the sensation of pain I received.

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]








[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

Whenever I leveled up, I added my stat points to STR, AGI, and DEX without delay.

'There's no end to these undeads.' I panted in exhaustion.

To make matters worse, I was losing stamina every second. And I felt like my whole body would break at any minute.

My breathing worsened badly, including my grip on the femurs weakened.

This is really unfolding unfavorably to my favor. I could really die here.

While swinging the femur at the undead's waist, I tripped over the corpse on the ground.

'Goddamn it!'

The undeads rushed in as soon as I fell, and they grabbed hold of my body.

I resisted to be held back and struggled immensely.

"You punks!"

Naturally, I did expect myself to die from this wave of undeads. But at least, I didn't give up till the end.

I smiled with satisfaction while gradually closing my eyes.

Zing! Zing! Zap!