Episode 2 : Dungeon Survival (3)

['Takumi Raiden' activated the hidden skill, 'Invisible Lightning' Lv. ???.]

As its name implied, I detected no lightning particles in my vicinity except the undeads turning to jet-black ashes and the sounds of lightning bolts resounded out.

I felt the caress of someone's hand on my head. "You asked who I am? I'm your saviour."

I trembled with fear after hearing his vigorous voice.

"You fought bravely, young man." Not only did he remarked me, but he also shoved what seemed to be a pill inside my mouth.

"What did.. you.."

"Time to rest." He stroked my head softly.

I was embraced in the sea of sleepiness and the warmth of that man carrying me. I unknowingly fell into a deep rest.


In a cozy room, HwanGi was sitting on the bed while waiting for something.

Someone knocked on the door.

"S-sir.. I-It's me. I-I came to d-deliver your meal.." Maria stuttered nervously.

"Come in." HwanGi replied.

Maria opened the door, holding a tray with his meal and walked in.

[Stage #3 has ended.]

At the perfect timing, his meal and reward had arrived at the same time.

[Stage's reward will be compensated to the Players.]

[The Stage's failure will minus 100 coins from those who failed.]

Maria placed the tray on the table and smiled gently at him before leaving.

The scent of beef stew lingered under his nose. He sat himself down on the chair, held the spoon and tasted the stew with the brown rice.

"It's not good but it's fine for now."

[Stage #4 will begin tomorrow's morning.]

"Anyone would lose their appetites from that message."

In contrast to what HwanGi said, he resumed to eat until there were only three buns left.

He put the spoon and fork down on the tray before looking out the window.

The stars were shimmering brilliantly in the night sky so that one could watch it all night.

However, HwanGi watched that marvelous sight with no interest. He bit one of the bun and thought to prepare for tomorrow's morning.

"Will it be a hard or an easy stage?" He pondered.

With nothing to do, he viewed his hidden skill's description that he couldn't check back then.


Hidden Skill: 'Divine Flame' Lv. 1

Description: The strongest fire filled with divinity that purifies evil and burns eternally until the player cancels it.

Mana Required: 100 Mana for every 5 minutes when the skill is active.




Name: Seong Hwan-Gi

Age: 28

Class: None

Level: 2

Health: 150

Mana: 110

Stamina: 150

Hidden Skills: 'Favorability' Lv. 1, 'Fast Leveling' Lv. 1, 'Divine Flame' Lv. 1

Skills: None


Strength Lv. 2

Agility Lv. 2

Intelligence Lv. 2

Dexterity Lv.. 1

Luck Lv. 1


"110 mana.. It looks like I can only use 'Divine Flame' once."

HwanGi rubbed his temple while eating the second bun. He was deep inside his thoughts when a sudden thought fit in.

"It was my fault that JoonChul-ssi didn't make it to the next stage." He blamed himself.

"If it weren't for my rotten luck, he would have been here by now..."

HwanGi remembered the times when everyone was affected with his unluckiness.

When he was 13 years old, his childhood best friend accidentally tripped and fell down the stairs while they were climbing it.

His friend was diagnosed with a long-term amnesia from the severe injury to his head, due to this, he had to move far away with his mother.

At 15 years old, HwanGi was the sole survivor from the car accident. On the other hand, his parents tragically died in that incident.

His pet puppy, his homeschool teacher, his sibling.. All of them had a serious incident whenever HwanGi was around.

For all those reasons, he distanced himself from others and lived on his own without anyone's help.

The bun HwanGi was holding, dropped to the floor which made he snapped out of his thoughts.

"..." He sighed, picked up the bun and put it back on the tray.

A short time passed, he laid himself on the comfortable bed.

"Tomorrow is going to be hellish." He exclaimed. "But I'm ready."

He blew the fire off in the lantern which was on the bedside drawer.

The light faded and the moonlight filled the room entirely.

Certainly for today, HwanGi had experienced too many unexpected twists and it drained him completely.

No doubt, it wouldn't be difficult to fall asleep the moment he closed his eyes.