Episode 5 : The Helpers (3)

The ground vibrating weakly, served as an interruption to HwanGi's question.

"More monsters?" HwanGi quietly spoke not to give away his position.

"Where are those weak monsters?!" A man's shout could be heard.

"They must be scared! Haha!" Another voice responded to that man's question and it was a woman.

HwanGi was relieved that they weren't the monsters. And he listened in their conversation while being silent.

The man observed his surrounding and asked his friend. "Why are there so many bones here?"

"Maybe they were eaten by a big monster?" The female answered with uncertainty.

"Whatever that is, we can't stay here."

"You're right! I want to be by my prince charming's side~!!" The female replied while moving around from the cheerfulness she was emitting.

"I see nothing charming about the leader! He's just a player like us anyway! I should be the leader!"

"Are you kidding me? He's much more stronger than you!"

They were debating nonstop which let HwanGi to sneak away soundlessly.


A few hours passed...

HwanGi exited the forest with his clothes being bloodly after fighting the monsters, he entered the 'Kingless' kingdom which used to have a protective dome, covering the whole kingdom, but now gone mysteriously when the fifth stage began.

HwanGi walked on the path but he stopped when he had a thought trap inside his mind.

'There's a strong leader? He might be the one who leveled up to level 10 faster than me..'

While he was musing in his thoughts, someone tapped his shoulder.

"Sir!? Are you okay!?"

He turned his head slightly to the right to find Maria, nervously fidgeting with her fingers while staring at him.

"I am fine." He responded indifferently but reassuringly.

"H-How about I fix y-you up at t-the tavern?"

"It's unnecessary.." He answered as he checked the Stage's progress.

It was exactly on time for the end of this stage.

[Stage #5 has ended.]

[Stage's reward will be compensated.]

[Stage's failure will be punished.]

[No one has died this stage.]

[Players will receive bonus coins.]

HwanGi was compensated with 200 coins plus 200 bonus coins, however he didn't get the other reward which was a new upgraded weapon.

In addition, the messages weren't finished yet..

[Stage #6-#7 will begin soon.]

"Two stages at the same time?" HwanGi was astonished by this because he couldn't hide his surprised voice when he spoke.

[Stage #6-#7 has started.]

After the message declared the Stage's commencement, the surface began to shook rapidly, making it seemed like an earthquake is about to happen.

Moreover, the sky distorted in a complete disarray. Once were white puffy clouds, changed to the thunderous storm clouds as lightning bolt struck down, flashing light to the vicinity.

With wind speed surpassing the high altitude which in turn caused the wind to swirl in a horizontal direction, creating a large tornado in front of the kingdom's entrance.

The tonardo now revolving destructively with thunderbolts zapping out of the chaotic wind current, revealed three celestial beings illuminating blue light energies around their angelic bodies.

Their mightly wings flapped through the vigorous wind without any difficulties as well as supporting the beings to float in the middle of the air.

"Greeting to the 'Protectors Of Earth'." The female on the middle came forth and opened her lips to voice out her greeting.

HwanGi fazed from that holy voice as the Stage's information finally unveiled itself.

[Stage #6-#7 : Weapon Judgment And The Helpers.]

Stage Information: The angels who were created by the supreme 'Creators', are the judges to decide on which weapon you will be using in the near future.

Stage Task: ???

Time Limit: 72 Hours

Reward: 200 coins.

Failure: ???

"I shall introduce myse-.." The beautiful woman spoke again but ended up having her sentence cut halfway.

"Wait a minute sister~ This is not a good situation for a pleasant conversation, is it?" The graceful lady on the left side questioned her sister while feeling pitiful toward the people below.

"I agree with you, dear sister." As the middle woman responded, her head slowly shifted to the right. She nodded to the right side female.

The gorgeous female on the right side received an order and clapped her delicately.

A single clap transformed the entirety of the disordered area back to its original peaceful place, making it looked as though nothing had happened to this area.

"Now that's resolved. Let's continue our introduction." The women laid their gemstone-like eyes upon the 'Players' on the surface.

The women informed the 'Players' elegantly. "We are angels or as our 'Creators' had named us, the 'Helpers'."

The left and right sides ladies paused themselves from talking to let the middle one speak instead. "We will be the one supervising you, 'Protectors Of Earth'."

"Enough of that~! My name is Tanzanite." The left female introduced herself cheerfully but unexpectedly.

"I am Turquoise." The right woman followed up next as she smiled gently, opening her book that she was hugging onto.

The middle lady sighed at her impatient sisters and introduced herself as well. "As for my name, it is Zircon."

The three sisters spoke simultaneously. "We will now give judgment to your chosen weapon."

Tanzanite rubbed her chin before asking her two sisters. "What about the questions and answers?"

Zircon looked at her while shaking her head. "It will be after the weapon judgment."

"Aw.. But I want to do it now~!"

"Patience, my dear sister. Our 'Creators' did not authorize us to do things out of orders."

"Then shall we finish this weapon judgment as quickly as possible?" Turquoise questioned her sisters while she was reading a book.

"You only want to finish your assignment so you could read again~!" Tanzanite mentioned.

Zircon used her angelic wings to stop her two sisters and reminded them calmly. "Now now my dear sisters. We are not at home right of this moment."

"Fine~! We will settle this at home then~!" Tanzanite opened her lips to speak in declaration.

Turquoise closed her book in a delicate manner and answered. "Challenge accepted."

Zircon watched as she could only exhale a sigh in this common occurrence between her two sisters. 'With high wisdoms yet included with immaturities. I really do not understand my deary little sisters.'