Episode 5 : The Helpers (4)

Tanzanite growled like a cute puppy while Turquoise stuck her tongue out.

Zircon watched her sisters and soon turned her head to look at the people below.

She stretched out her arm to gather magical energy in her palm.

The magical energy varied from different colors, circling on top of Zircon's hand before accumulating to a spectacular orb.

"The reason why you didn't get your reward which was 'An upgraded weapon' from the last stage.." She opened her graceful lips to speak to the 'Players'.

"Was because of us." She let the orb of magical energy levitate to the air.

"Dear sisters?" She snapped her fingers to get the attention of her sisters.

Tanzanite and Turquoise immediately nodded then repeated what Zircon did.

Gathering all the magical energy within them, Tanzanite with both her hands out to collect the energy while Turquoise released the magical energy from the inner part of her book.

After a short length of time, they both had orbs which were smaller than their big sister, Zircon.

Zircon smiled as she said. "Thanks, dear sisters."

The two small orbs drifted upward to form a circle around the bigger orb before infusing themselves inside it.


At the same time, but elsewhere, there was a girl with her blonde hair tied into a ponytail, standing beside a medieval market stall.

'..I want to be the best..' She bit an apple that she bought from the stall.

The sweetness of the apple allowed her to salivate the taste and she completely forgot what she was thinking as she admired the apple's taste. "Sweeter than the apples from Earth."

The seller noticed her enjoying the apple and encouraged her to buy more. "Yes. These apples are the best of the best! It might be gone if you don't buy them."

"Thanks but just one is fine." She replied with a shy grin on her face and slowly stared at the celestial creatures above her.

'I don't want to waste my coins too much..' She mused.

'And I might need the coins for later..' She slowly but surely reached for her shortswords that she wore on her waist.

When she did, the helpers scattered the giant orb into a tiny speck of itself to different locations, one in which went to the girl.

The tiny orb that was hovering in the sky with its shiny light, arrived in front of her eyes, making her a bit startled by this.

"What is this..?" She observed the orb cautiously before hesitantly poking it.

A blinding light was reflected from the orb and she quickly covered her eyes.


In the meantime..

HwanGi glanced at the orb even though the orb's light could possibly harm one's naked eyes, he willingly kept his sapphire color eyes locked onto the orb.

In that moment, he discovered something shaping itself into a sword as the light dimly shone.

And there it was..

[Your weapon has been chosen.]

The sword, now floating in mid-air, ready to be wielded by its new owner.

HwanGi was still hesitant but soon gave in, and gripped the sword's hilt which caused another brighter light to flashed.

And as the light fadely dimmed, a message appeared..

[You have been given a new skill!]

['Swordsmanship' Lv. 1 has been added to your skill list.]

HwanGi was overtaken by surprise as he tried to confirm if the message was true.


Name: Seong Hwan-Gi

Age: 28

Class: None

Level: 11

Health: 650

Mana: 340

Stamina: 650

Hidden Skills: 'Favorability' Lv. 2, 'Fast Leveling' Lv. 2, 'Divine Flame' Lv. 2

Skills: 'Swordsmanship' Lv. 1


Strength Lv. 7

Agility Lv. 7

Intelligence Lv. 7

Dexterity Lv. 6

Luck Lv. 6

The message wasn't lying when he got a new skill.

'It's a helpful skill for a sword..' He thought.

He suddenly pondered again as he blinked. '..Then every player must have received a certain skill suitable for their weapon.'

Indeed, he wasn't wrong when he guessed that.

Because Zircon exclaimed. "Now that all of you have got a weapon, including the skill."

"It's time for questions and answers~!" Tanzanite shouted in light-heartedness while her gesture was full of joys of spring.

Turquoise ignored her two sisters and continued to read her book.

"The 'Protectors of Earth', if you have any questions to ask, we will answer all of them honestly." Zircon added.

Although a short period of time had passed, no one dared to ask them a question.

Except.. there was someone who rose up and questioned the helpers.

It was a handsome man with golden blonde hair in the middle of a crowd of players.

He asked while flipping his hair. "Could you tell me something I know of? Am I the chosen one?"

Turquoise covered her face using her book to hide her scoffed expression as she attempted to talk naturally. "Yes. Everyone here is destined to be a protector.."

That man smirked as he confidently talked to the crowd. "You hear that everyone, I am the chosen one."

"It's odd that a question like that was first." Tanzanite's voice was filled with bewilderment since she didn't hide it.

Zircon patted Tanzanite's head and mentioned. "I have told you, didn't I? Humans are unpredictable species."

Tanzanite murmured. "I didn't think it would be to this extent.. Human's unpredictability is quite high."

"That is what happened when there isn't a 'Creator' to oversee the progress of Earth." Zircon explained by whispering to her sister.

HwanGi who was just standing to observe the situation, finally asked with a disinterested expression on his face, but inside, he was fearful of the helpers. "What are the 'Creators'?"

Tanzanite changed her gaze to HwanGi and explained while her figure was fading. "Think of 'Creators' as what you humans describe them, 'Gods'."

"The 'Creators' as their name implied, the supreme beings who created everything. Such as living creatures like me, my sisters, including humans, the planets, the world-lines and so on." Turquoise added to Tanzanite's short answer.

Out of a sudden, a question popped up in HwanGi's head after Turquoise's answer.

However, he didn't know if this question might be rude to ask the helpers.

And yet, he bravely asked anyway. "If 'Creators' can create beings like you, couldn't they just create a creature to defeat the 'Evil Being' by themselves?"