Episode 5 : The Helpers (5)

The angels flinched slightly when they heard HwanGi's outthinking question.

Zircon and Turquoise looked at each other before Zircon exclaimed. "What a wise question from you, the 'First Player'."

HwanGi realized something was off when she said that and he discovered there were a bunch of gazes locked onto him.

Apparently, every player was staring at him as if to observe the so-called 'First Player'.

After becoming aware of what was going on, HwanGi cursed inside his mind.

'Is she trying to let others target me?' He thought as he watched the angels smiling.

He wondered with a puzzled expression. 'Where is Tanzanite?'

And speak of the devil, Tanzanite appeared right beside HwanGi and Maria without letting him sense her presence.

"The 'Creators' used up almost all of their powers to stop the 'Evil being' from bringing chaos to the worlds." She elegantly told him.

Zircon continued after her. "And as a consequence of not having enough power to create a powerful weapon, they could only do this much."

"Which is summoning all of you to become the 'Protectors of Earth' using their remaining powers to create this game-like system to help you." Turquoise proceeded to talk after her sister finished while her full concentration was focused on reading her book.

HwanGi turned to look at the angel, standing beside him and Maria as well as holding his new sword tightly to prepare for a surprise attack or any worse situations.

Tanzanite glanced at him with a joyful grin as she spoke. "That's the reason why the 'Creators' can't create any powerful weapon or a creature to defeat the 'Evil Being'."

HwanGi still noticed some holes in that explanation. Like..

'Couldn't they create one before they fight the 'Evil Being'?' or 'Why summoned us, humans and not their other creations?' And most importantly, 'Why set some of the Stage's failures to kill us?'

He wanted to ask again but..

Zircon pointed out. "Sorry for my forgetfulness, but I forgot to mention that each one of you can only ask one specific question."

"What?!" HwanGi was awestruck by her sudden statement.

Someone began to ask the helpers without hesitation this time. "Why is this system so crappy?"

HwanGi didn't let his amazement devour him, so he could only pay attention to the people who were asking the angels. He hoped that someone would ask the question he was pondering.

Tanzanite waved at HwanGi before flying back to her position which was by her big sister's side.

Zircon answered the random person's question. "As you may know, the 'Creators' fought against the 'Evil Being' but with a single mistake, he escaped to Earth to replenish his powers."

Tanzanite who arrived next to Zircon, carried on with her sister's answer. "With little time to spare, the 'Creators' used the rest of their powers to invent this system."

As of the preceding time, Turquoise kept reading her book nonstop but did her job in answering questions as she resumed her sister's answer. "However, since the system was invented out of hurrying, it ought to have some errors here and there."

'I see.. So that explained why this system is crappy..' HwanGi mused.

Another person asked the helpers. "How do we get out of this hell?!"

The three angelic smiles of the angels switched to a gruesome frown and a glare with the intention of killing was laid upon that human.

"Never mention the word 'Hell' in front of us, mere humans." The one who demanded this, was unexpectedly Turquoise with her book shut tight.

The woman which questioned the angels, had collapsed to the ground soundlessly.

It made everyone surrounding that person to step a few feets away.

Zircon warned her sister as she looked at her with eyes that could shut one up. "Turquoise."

Turquoise bowed slightly to apologise for her rude behavior and went on reading her book.

"Let me handle this~!" Tanzanite claimed as she sprinkled some of her healing magic onto the fallen woman.

The sprinkled magic dusts gently dropped down and soon healed the woman in the process. With a glowing light reflecting from the woman's body, she sluggishly opened her eyes and stood back up in a hasteful manner.

"W-what..? Happen...?" The woman asked in perplexity, staring at her hands before changing her gaze to the angels.

Meanwhile, HwanGi watched this situation while keeping an eye on the angels.

"The only way out of this world is that you must head to the end of the stage." Zircon answered in an agitated tone.

"Of course, that is if you don't die before you head there." Tanzanite who had helped the woman, answered cheerfully.

Some people saw how the angels were enjoying this situation, then drowned in despair, frustration, cursing at the angels, and disclaiming these false news of not having to go back home.

However, there were some who stayed rational, knowing that nothing will come out by doing all of those things.

HwanGi was apart of that group and he stayed silent about this situation.

Someone angrily shouted. "What the fuck can I do in this fucking dumpster of a world with trashy system!?"

Somebody else cursed. "Screw you! Get me outta of here!!"

"I can't risk my life over something like this!" A couple yelled as tears could be seen on their faces.


This carried on without any rest..

Curses and questions related to frustrations came out of people's mouths without having a second thought of what they had just asked.

On the other hand, the angels didn't succumb to these uproars.

They only grinned at the people and slowly but surely the commotion began to die down.

With no further delay, Zircon asked them first. "What good is there to cause such a disturbance?"

And continued on with the second one being Turquoise. "Why are you being irrational? Couldn't you be more like the 'First Player'?" The trio of angels pointed their fingers at HwanGi concurrently.

The last one to proceed with this statement was Tanzanite as she suggested. "Focus on the circumstances happening right in front of you beforehand, so you could prolong your life."

Their voices filled to the brim with fearfulness, echoed through the air as the sounds flowed into everyone's ears, causing immeasurable pain of headache to occur.