Episode 11 : Mist of Deepest Fear (3)

The boy, who was playing on his own, got startled by HwanGi.

HwanGi rushed in to hug his childhood friend while holding back his tears.

The boy was shocked as to why a stranger was hugging him so suddenly. "W-Who are you?"

HwanGi glanced at him, realizing this was when he and his childhood friend first encountered each other.

"I'm sorry." HwanGi apologized to the boy.

But the boy didn't say a word to HwanGi as he looked away. "..."

"I feel like I forgot something..? Who was I crying over a moment ago?" HwanGi scratched his head, trying to remember what happened after he arrived in this park.

"What are you talking about?" The boy spoke, staring at HwanGi with interest in his eyes.

"Oh.. I was.. Hm. It's nothing."


HwanGi needed to say something because if he doesn't, he'll be stuck in this awkward situation. "Uh.. Hey, can I be your friend?"

"Friend..?" The boy's eyes were wide opened as if he heard something unbelievable. "Do you really want me as your friend?"

"Sure, because I admire you." HwanGi chuckled, remembering the time he had with his buddy.

"O-Oh.. Okay."

"I'm HwanGi, and you are?"

"...I am not allowed to say my name. Hmm.." The boy had his hand on his chin, trying to come up with a nickname. "How about 'Sans'?"

"Okay, Sans."

HwanGi sat on the other side of the seesaw, looking over to Sans before moving the seesaw up and down.

HwanGi started a conversation again. "Sans, what do you usually do?"

"I play games."

"Any more?"


HwanGi was sweating a little after trying to prolong the conversation he was having with Sans. "Hmm.. oh. Why were you sitting on the seesaw alone?"

"It's because everyone gets scared whenever they see me." Sans frowned upon hearing that question and it caused HwanGi to regret what he had asked.

HwanGi tried to cheer Sans up. "But I'm not scared, right?"


"My mother always told me not to judge people from their looks.. my mother..?" HwanGi finally remembered what occured when he arrived here.

"HwanGi-ssi? Are you okay? You look unwell." Sans paused himself from playing on the seesaw and got off of it.

HwanGi answered back. "I'm fine.."

Sans went over to HwanGi, watching him with worrying eyes.

Sans knew that what HwanGi said was a lie, so Sans hugged him, patting his back. "..."

Sans didn't say anything and so did HwanGi.

It was a quiet evening with the two of them in the park alone.

Soon after, they waved their hands to say goodbye because they both had to go to their homes.


The day after, HwanGi went to the park to check whether or not Sans was there.

And when he arrived, he noticed Sans waving his hand to call HwanGi over.

Naturally, HwanGi was happy to see Sans, so he instantly ran to Sans.

From that day on, HwanGi was enjoying his time with Sans, but he didn't notice how he was slowly forgetting about himself.

Days passed as quick as a second..

HwanGi and Sans hung out with each other a lot, sometimes going to each other's houses after school.

One day, HwanGi became curious as to why Sans wasn't allowed to say his name. "Sans, why can't you tell me your name?"

"My mother said I can't say my name to anyone yet."

"Is there a reason for it?"

"Hm. I don't know. I think she said people will think I'm a cursed child.."

"What? You're not cursed."

"I don't care either way. Since I have you." Sans smiled, extending his fist out. "To be honest, I'm glad you are my first friend."

HwanGi looked at Sans's fist before fist bumping. "Yeah, me too."

"Let's go to your house. I'll race you there." When Sans finished declaring that, he quickly ran to the direction where HwanGi's house was.

"Hey! That's a false start!" HwanGi chased after Sans the moment he saw Sans run.


Two of them spent most of their time together whether it is having a sleepover, or walking home, they were always seen together without breaking apart from each other.

And just like that, months passed like a waterfall and winter arrived when snow began to fall.

On one cold day, HwanGi and Sans were having a walk through the park.

"Are you cold?" Sans asked HwanGi after seeing him shivering.

"No, I'm fine."

"Seriously.." Sans took off his scarf and wrapped it over HwanGi's neck.

"Thank you, Sans." When he was thanking Sans, he found a box placed underneath the seesaw.

HwanGi took no time to waste and sprinted to the seesaw which kinda surprised Sans.

"HwanGi-ssi?" Sans watched as HwanGi ran through the thick cold before also noticing the box under the seesaw.

Both of them immediately ran with each other to find what the box was for.

When they laid their eyes on what was inside the box, they discovered a short-cut hair Maltese puppy, freezing from the snow which was on top of it.

HwanGi without hesitation took the dog out but was stopped by Sans.

Sans glanced at HwanGi, asking. "What are you doing?"

HwanGi grabbed the box containing the puppy. "I'm trying to help it."

"It will die either way, so why?"

"What? It doesn't mean I would turn a blind eye on a poor puppy."

"...Fine, let's get it to your house." Sans removed his coat to wrap it around the puppy.


After climbing a lot of stairs to get to HwanGi's house, Sans put the puppy on the couch.

"What time is it?" Sans said before looking at the clock. "Damn. I need to get home."

"Wait! You forgot your backpack yesterday. Let me get it."

"Thank goodness. I thought I wouldn't have anything to study with for school tomorrow." Sans chuckled, feeling rather relieved.

Afterwards, HwanGi returned with Sans's black backpack before handing it to Sans.

Sans thanked HwanGi and was about to leave when HwanGi said. "I'll go with you."

"Oh, sure."

As they were going down the stairs, they started chit-chatting.

"I wanted you to stay longer.. Sorry if I waste our time today for a puppy." HwanGi apologized.

"It's fine. I had fun today because I was with you. So don't be hard on yourself." Sans smiled, pulling out his pencil case from his backpack.

Sans said to HwanGi while climbing down the stairs. "Here. I'll give you my pencil case. This was supposed to be your birthday gift but I forgot."

HwanGi was a bit surprised by this as he struggled to talk. "No no. It's fine."

"Why? I even got every school material inside the pencil case." As Sans frowned, he opened the pencil case to show it to HwanGi, thinking if his gift wasn't cool enough.

HwanGi saw how sad Sans was just from his expression, so he changed his mind. "Wait, I'll take it. Thank you."

Sans's expression brightened up quite rapidly when HwanGi accepted his gift.

As Sans was about to give his present to HwanGi, a slight misstep was made and Sans slipped on one of the stairs.

"Sans!" HwanGi reached his hand out to grab Sans's hand however, it wasn't enough to reach him.

Sans fell with the pencil case opened, causing the school material to shatter everywhere.

With a pen dropping down underneath Sans, it pierced through Sans's head when he landed on the ground with the pen.

The sight of witnessing blood bleeding through Sans's head horrified HwanGi as he slowly but surely climbed down the stairs.

"Sans..?" HwanGi called out to Sans while looking over to his face.

Sans's pale face with his eyes opened and mouth faintly turning pale, traumatized HwanGi as he gasped.

In that moment, HwanGi remembered who he really was which terrified him even more.

"Wait.. no. How could I let this happen in front of me again..?!" HwanGi's tears began to flow down his cheeks before it dropped onto Sans's face.

"Anyone! Someone! Please help!" HwanGi yelled for help as he hugged Sans's body.

HwanGi tried to stop Sans from bleeding too much blood but that was when he became aware of something.

Sans's face was changing into a fog with creepy eyes and mouth, smiling as if they were entertained by HwanGi's suffering.


HwanGi realized something was wrong and quickly backed himself away from Sans.

Sans's body levitated upward with that creepy face watching over HwanGi.

Afterwards, the body flew toward HwanGi as fast as lightning, forcing HwanGi to crawl back using all his strength to retreat faster.

On the other hand, his luck was as unfortunate as he is when he bumped into a wall.

HwanGi looked around to find somewhere to escape but there was nowhere to exit.

And with that, Sans's body creeped closer to HwanGi, floating toward him like a ghost wishing to possess him.

When that body got near, HwanGi curled up like a ball while trembling in fear of death coming upon him.

Out of a sudden, a familiar voice echoed through HwanGi's head. 'Let me take over this.'

"That voice..Joo-" HwanGi mumbled out.

'You suffered enough. You should rest.'

When the voice ended, HwanGi felt himself losing consciousness and the control over his body.

HwanGi sensed as though someone was taking control of his body and he tiredly closed his eyes to have a long rest.