Episode 11 : Mist of Deepest Fear (4)


"I should be close to where HwanGi-ssi is." I murmured after such a long search.

When I came to a halt, I found HwanGi standing in the middle of a chaotic tornado.

"It seems the mist took quite a liking in HwanGi-ssi." I scowled, walking closer into the tornado.

The wind spiralling in disarray, wanting me to get caught up with the tornado.

With a step closer, the wind began to get harder to approach.

However, I proceeded to walk inside the tornado without hesitation and soon, I was in front of HwanGi.

"Now.. What should I do?" After what I said, I observed HwanGi while thinking of a way to get him out of here.

'Since the mist is acting like this, HwanGi-ssi must be having a hard time in that illusion.'

'I need to get his consciousness out of the illusion before taking his body outside the mist. Or else his consciousness will just get trapped inside while his body is just a doll without a soul.'

When I had another look on HwanGi's face which was covered by the mist, I exhaled a sigh. "Seriously.."

'Master, I will protect you while you're gone.' Lucifer, who knew my plan, spoke to me instantly.

"Very well."

[You activated the hidden skill, 'Skill Imitation' Lv. 3.]

[What do you want to imitate?]

[The Hidden Skill, 'Bodyjack' has been selected.]

[Imitation level is Lv. 3.]

[Former level is at level 1.]

[Imitation of 'Bodyjack' Lv. 1 has activated.]

[You have 5 minutes before the imitation ends.]

'I only got 5 minutes because 'Bodyjack' is just level 1.. I need to be quick.'

And as the skill, 'Bodyjack' activated, I perceived my consciousness shifting to another body.


When I came to, I discovered HwanGi going through his illusion.

After I took control of his body, I stood up, glaring at that cute monster. "Ain't this scary?"

"..'Mist of Deepest Fear', why not stop torturing him?"

[Who are you?] The 'Mist of Deepest Fear' questioned me through that boy's body with great displeasure.

"Just someone. Now will you excuse me? I'll be taking the owner of this body with me."

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' has activated.]

The 'Mist of Deepest Fear' expressed his perplexity after knowing his power was being rejected toward HwanGi.

[Imitation ended.]

After my hidden skill deactivated, I returned to my body with HwanGi's consciousness back to his body.

I was kinda startled when HwanGi collapsed onto me, forcing me to unstably fall on my back.

"Seriously..?" Annoyed by this, I stood back up, putting HwanGi on my back.

'Come to think about it, HwanGi-ssi did carry me once. Guess this is even.'

[What do you want to imitate?]


[Imitation of 'Clone' Lv. 1 has activated.]

[You have 5 minutes before the imitation ends.]

A replica of me suddenly spawned behind me, looking exactly like me.

I quickly gave HwanGi over to my clone before telling it to leave this mist.

Since my clone knew where Mirai was because of Raiden's skill, 'Connection', I didn't feel troubled by this.

"Now, what shall I do with you?" I spoke, not looking at what was behind me.

[You dare to take my prey!] With the 'Mist of Deepest Fear''s voice roaring at me, he created that angelic lady in front of me.

"Ho. Are you trying to make me fear you? Like I said, you'll only anger me instead."

Out of the sudden, the angelic lady got cut into two before dissolving into a mist like form.

[What the..?!?]

Noise of ear-shattering thunder struck down around me, showering a whole lot of the mist with thunderbolts.

I glared straight at the mist before having Lucifer transform into a Morning Star.

[What are you..doi-]

"Without your power of fear, you're just an easy prey." I smirked, spinning the Morning Star which caused the heavy spikes ball to move incredibly fast.

Then I slammed the ground with the spikes ball vigorously, ejecting out Mirai's skill, 'Silk Threads' from each of the spikes.

The silky strings expanded outside the mist, enclosing the mist within a cocoon.

[Huh?! How did you!? You! A mere human!]

The Mist started to summon plenty of monsters made by its own mist to scare me.

"Shut up and disappear, you worthless curse." I uttered in a loathful tone of voice.

With Lucifer shaping himself into brass knuckles, I smashed the ground using all my strength to demolish everything inside the cocoon.

It was enough to destroy all the monsters created by the Mist to disappear like dusts.


With another smash, the Mist began to tremble, disfiguring its own mist form.

"I said to fucking shut up."

[Why would I lower my rank just to talk to a human?!] The 'Mist of Deepest Fear''s voice contained disgust when he argued.

"I see that your life isn't too precious for you."

Not long after I said that, I was about to land another smash to the ground when I heard the mist begging for his survival.

[Okay! Okay! I'll stop! Please don't kill me!]

The 'Mist of Deepest Fear' suddenly appeared in front of me with his true form which was a ghost-like appearance.

There was a core acting as his heart in the Mist's true form. "..."

In this moment, the 'Mist of Deepest Fear' begged me for his life to be spared however his expression told me the opposite.

From my experience, I could tell that the Mist was just lying through his mouth and planned to kill me when I spare him.

I took something out of my inventory, it was the feather of an angel.

[T-That! B-But how!]

I glared at the Mist with a smirk on my face. "Any kind of angelic feathers is enough to kill a low rank curse like you."

[P-Please don't kill me! Please! I beg you!!]

"If you're going to act, then at least, act the part correctly." I gripped the feather and plunged my fist inside the Mist's true form to grab the Mist's core, yanking it out of its body.


I looked over to the core before storing it inside my inventory.

[H-How can a mere human know I'm a low rank curse!?!]

"Even if I don't know, one look I could easily tell that you're just a weakling."

By then, the Mist was already disappearing slowly after I took out his core.

"However, you'll be useful in the future for me." After saying that, I walked toward the cocoon, cutting out an opening from the inside of the cocoon.

[You have accomplished an unbelievable achievement!]

[You have been compensated for this achievement.]

When I stepped outside of the cocoon, I was greeted by three angels who seemed surprised by my arrival.

'Of course, they would be here.' I mused, getting angry by the fact the angels were the first ones that I see after leaving the Mist.

On the other hand, I looked over to find Mirai treating HwanGi while Alaine was letting HwanGi rest on her lap.

I could see that Alaine's face was as red as a tomato until she spotted me.

"JoonChul! Are you okay!?" Alaine exclaimed before getting smacked gently to the head by Mirai.

"Do not disturb me while I'm attending on HwanGi's treatment. Plus, HwanGi is still asleep." Mirai told Alaine in a serious manner when she was touching HwanGi's forehead.

"O-Okay..! Okay." Alaine said before waving her hand at me and I responded back by waving at her too.

"Hey~! 'Last' player! Pay attention to us over here!" Tanzanite uttered, angered by the fact that she was ignored by me.

"The 'Last' player. I thank you for eliminating the curse, 'Mist of Deepest Fear'." Zircon showed her gratitude by smiling at me with her hands clenched together.

"Is thanking me all you got?" I replied to her with an unsatisfied look on my face.

"How rude. You should be grateful that my sister thanked you." Turquoise looked at me, thinking I was a greedy person.

Zircon opened her mouth to speak out her reason. "Dear sister, he's right. The curse wasn't a laughing matter. So he deserves a reward for defeating a curse."

"..." Turquoise kept her mouth shut after receiving Zircon's reason, but she continued watching me closely.

"What reward do you want~?" Tanzanite asked me with her eyes filled with curiosity, even her wings were flapping crazily.

'An opportunity like this needs to be used fully to your advantage, Master.' Lucifer suggested this to me.

"I know." I rubbed my chin, trying to come up with something useful as my reward.

Unexpectedly, Raiden arrived beside me with a handful of monsters behind him.

"Oh. Thank you, Raiden." I patted Raiden's shoulder before quickly stabbing my katana at the weakened monsters to level up.

[You have leveled up!]

Of course, I was using 'Fast Leveling' while I was doing that.

"Did you level up, Sensei?" Raiden asked me out of curiosity.

I nodded before thinking. 'I'm at level 48 now. Two more levels to go.'

I then started storing the monster's meats inside my inventory.

Tanzanite pretended to cough. "Ahem~ ahem~ Don't ignore us!" She was staring at me angrily, feeling rather frustrated that she was ignored again by me.

"Fine, I'll tell you what I want for my reward."

I went closer to the three angels and whispered what reward I wish to have.

Their faces carried shocked expressions when they heard what I wanted and stared at me as if I was a strange being.

"My reward, please." I grinned as a response to their surprised looks.


‹ Morning Star › : A weapon consisting of a heavy ball set with spikes attached rigidly to a staff, in contrast to a flail.