Episode 14 : Catastrophe (3)

A gust of chilly air rustled through the Dragon with ease, freezing her leaves and trunk body.

Her signature attack was soon canceled by a sudden offensive attack to her amulet, unfortunately, she handled it by using her wings to prevent the attack from hitting the amulet.

Although, Her body now having frost, forced her to freeze in place because of that gust of air.

[This is fascinating..] The Dragon showed her curiosity through her voice while unfolding her wings to allow her to see me, saying as if she was interested by the person who dared to use this attack on her.

"Don't bring the other players in this. It's just you and me." I grasped my sword's hilt, pointing its tip at the Dragon's amulet.

My expression revealed how frustrated and tired I was from the previous battle, including the fact that I wasn't able to stop the Dragon's revival.

The Dragon seemed to have some interests in me while staring at me with her fierce eyes.

[So it was you, human.] The Dragon spoke, swaying its tail which caused a gust of dusty air to arise while also repelling the frost on herself.

[Imitation of 'Divine Flame' Lv. 3 has activated.]

"Amaranth." I caressed my blade, masking it with HwanGi's 'Divine Flame'.

With flame as white as snow setting fire on my blade, burning fiercely when I swung my sword.

Not a second to waste, I sprinted toward the Dragon, using the trees that were spawned in when the Dragon arrived, to climb up for a better chance at hitting the Dragon.

When the Dragon heard me say her name, she became angered by the point that she swiftly flew down at an incredible in my direction, dropping in so fast that I quickly prepared to land an attack.

Immediately when I grabbed my sword's hilt with both of my hands, Lucifer transformed himself into a greatsword for me to damage the Dragon even more.

At that time, the Dragon was almost close to headbutting me, I used my greatsword to block her, creating sparks in the collision between us.

Thanked to my sword having flames engulfed on it, the flame began to spread onto the Dragon's head instantly.

This made the Dragon lose focus, giving me a window of opportunity to strike back at her.

Using all my strength, I knocked back her head that was trying to headbutt me and slashed at the Dragon.

[Imitation of 'Slice and Dice' Lv. 3 has activated.]

Bloodthirsty claws made out of magical energy, thrusting downward onto the Dragon's head as it began to slice everything in its way to tiny pieces.

Not only that, I had my bow ready in my hand, pulling back the bowstring as fast as I could before releasing two arrows to the left and right of the Dragon.

That served as a pinpoint for my next attack which was..

[Imitation of 'Electric Arc' Lv. 3 has activated.]

The arrowheads of those two arrows bursted out with electricity, linking up together which in turn shocked the Dragon that was in between the 'Electric Arc'.

Damaging the Dragon while also paralyzing her in the process.

Thinking that this wasn't enough to defeat her, I leapt off the tree that I was standing on to get a bit further away from the Dragon.

Since I memorized the Dragon's skills, I didn't want 'that' skill to be used on me which was why I'm being cautious of the Dragon right now.

Despite being exposed to my attacks, the Dragon appeared to be fine after my attacks were gone.

On the other hand, the white flame that was still burning in one place, remained on her head without stopping for a moment.

It looked as though the Dragon's regeneration is battling against the 'Divine Flame' to see which one comes victorious.

'Even the flame won't work..' I mused to myself, switching to my sword instead of my bow.

"Tch." I grunted, hopping into my portal that I generated on the ground in front of me before reappearing on above the Dragon, falling down toward her.

[Pathetic human.] The Dragon noticed me, growling at me before letting out a burst of green fire toward me.

[Imitation of 'Frostbite' Lv. 1 has activated.]

Icicles looking like teeth ready to bite, tried to block off the wave of green fire ahead of me, swallowing half of it before melting away from the immense heat of the green fire.

Fully knowing that this was about to happen, Lucifer morphed himself into shortswords for me to do a cross block to defend against the green fire.

[Imitation of 'Wave Vortex' Lv. 1 has activated.]

Water spurted out in the middle of my cross block as it spiralled itself into a wave of vortex toward the green fire, extinguishing the fire without difficulty.

However when the vortex started to disappear, the eyes of the Dragon glaring at me with great strength, had enough power to pressure me.

The moment I saw her eyes as I was falling down toward her, I felt stiff in an instance, my grip on my shortswords was faintly weakening as time passed.

In a blink of an eye, the Dragon's tail appeared right behind me, knocking me down to the ground when it hit me.

At the exact time when I clashed landed on ground, the impact was insanely large that it caused a huge crater to form on the surface with me laying facedown on the ground in the middle of the crater.

I groaned, not having eye contact with the Dragon since I didn't know if she was still using her glaring eyes to put pressure on me.

Meanwhile, I attempted to stand up by using the shortswords to support myself upward.

[Foolish human. You think you can defeat me alo-] The Dragon was talking to me until she was bombarded with every player's skills.

[You imbeciles!]

With a flap of her wings, the incoming attacks were reflected back at the one who dared to use lowly skills at the Dragon.

But some of those attacks weren't meant for the Dragon, since a few were targeting me instead.

I presumed this was bound to occur because everyone saw how many skills I had used against the Dragon, and now they thought that taking me down is better than defeating the Dragon.


'These punks think they can kill me?' I gritted my teeth, opening up portals to capture all of these attacks before reopening them to surround the Dragon by using these player's attacks against her.

I pulled out a medium MP potion from my inventory and drank it all, wiping my lips that had the leftover liquid dripping down my chin.

Upon standing up straight, I staggered a bit when I tried to rush toward the Dragon.

A massive amount of player's skills kept on bombarding the Dragon nonstop, including the ones that were meant to hit me in which I returned those attacks back at the Dragon using my portals, of course.

[These weak offensive attacks are nothing.] The Dragon having a displeased look while speaking, stamped the ground which impacted the surface of the earth to vibrate incredibly.

My vision became crumbly from how much the earth was rumbling, even when I was running toward the Dragon, I staggered almost stripping.

"This is getting mentally tiring." I panted, wiping off the sweat that was on my forehead and cheek.

Since I was worried about my stamina, I quickly ate the fresh apples in my inventory to restore my lost stamina.

But then, the Dragon was again about to light me on fire with her green fire when she was inhaling a lot of air.

'Crap. Not this again.' Becoming more or less fearful, I activated two skills to protect me from her flame.

[Imitation of 'Wall of Thorns' Lv. 1 has activated.]

Right in front of me, a wall grew in the size that it was as tall as the Dragon, blocking her sight of view.

[Imitation of 'Silk Cocoon' Lv. 3 has activated.]

When the wall was slowly but surely growing, I covered myself with silk as strong as any minerals in this world, trying to shield myself from the wave of green fire.

Why didn't I use portals to get myself out of here? Or why couldn't I just evade the Dragon's attack by generating a giant portal to catch all her flame?

It was because I was in the Dragon's lair from the moment she glared her fierce eyes on me, leaving me no choice but to be trapped in this area.

And to create a portal massive enough to receive the Dragon's fire, I needed to have a lot more Mana than the Mana which I currently have.

Including the fact that spawning a large amount of small portals meant for receiving the fire won't help me as well, since I also need plenty of Mana to generate another bunch of portals for the releasing side.

Out of the sudden, I noticed how heated the inside of the cocoon was.

It seemed that the Dragon had finally burst out the strongest of her natural fire.

I could hear the sound of the wall of thorns being burnt, including the ashy dust that was poking inside my cocoon.

If the wall of thorns couldn't handle the flame, then that meant I had to rely on Mirai's 'Silk Cocoon' to endure the flame.

If the cocoon fails to protect me, it will be the death of me.

Soon, I felt the sensation of being burned alive from the inside of the cocoon, along with my sweats beginning to soak my clothes.

I could see the silk slowly melting away from the heat of the fire, not only that, a couple of holes have appeared to let the fire inside the cocoon.

I said to myself. "Hot.."