Episode 14 : Catastrophe (4)

Despite being in this heated situation, I must think of a plan to fix the holes in my cocoon that were made from being melted by the green fire of the Dragon.

The more the cocoon proceeded to burn away slowly from the heat, the more I needed to concentrate on fixing the holes by using 'Silk Cocoon'.

Even though I was sweating too much to the point of soaking my clothes with my sweats, the fire kept my clothes dry, making my sweats evaporate instantly.

In a situation like this where my life might cease to exist, I started to come up with a way to get out of this dilemma.

So when the moment the fire died down drastically, I bursted out of the cocoon and launched myself upward into the air by using 'Wave Vortex' to send me flying up high.

It was quite refreshing to feel the cold sensation of the wind when I was flung into the air.

On the other hand, I didn't get to enjoy this cool breeze when the Dragon directed a whole bunch of vines to capture me while I was in mid air, thinking she could get me since I couldn't move much in the air.

In a split second, silk threads ejected out of my fingertips as I guided the strings to cut off the vines one by one.

Considering that Mirai's 'Silk Threads' had silks that could beat any minerals in this world, it was quite easy to cut through the Dragon's incoming vines.

But what surprised me was her next attack…

['Amaranth' has activated the Hidden Skill, 'Ire of The Wild Beasts' Lv. ???.]

Wild animals suddenly appeared around the Dragon, having bodies made out of magical energy before changing into real life beasts while a few had vines-like bodies.

'I'll be outnumbered..' I had that thought lingering in my head while I panted.

The beasts began to rush in toward me, roaring at me with all of its wrath.

Hundreds and hundreds of wild beasts continued to surround me completely, not giving me a single chance to get close to the Dragon.

"Tch.." I bit on the apple that I grabbed out of my inventory, restoring some of my stamina slowly but surely.

A beast created out of vines, stood in front of the pack of wild animals.

At this moment, not even the slightest sound could be heard in this area.

However, with a loud frightening roar from the vines-like beast, the pack of wild beasts proceeded to charge in on me before uttering out a loud deafening roar.

When one of the animals came closer to me, I shoved the leftover apple into that beast's mouth before rotating its head to kill it.

I grabbed the beast and tossed it at the others, hopping onto one of the beasts as I staggered upon landing on a beast.

Immediately, I parkoured my way through the wave of animals while killing off the ones I stood on.

It wasn't as easy as I thought when the beasts began to jump into me, along with flying type beasts driving from above.

Although I dodged them, the flying type beast caught me off guard and pushed me off while I was leaping over to another beast.

"Urgh.." After falling to the ground, I stood back up, wiping the blood off my lips.

Despite having my face bleeding blood all over my face, I ignored them and continued to focus on the task at hand.

With countless beasts being spawned in like raindrops continuously falling from a storm cloud, they surrounded me from the underground, surface and the sky.

There was not a single exit to leave this area which meant I had to fight my way through this swarm of wild creatures.

If I could disturb the Dragon's concentration, the beasts will disappear like a speck of dust.


How was I supposed to penetrate through this wall of beasts?

Without thinking, I quickly dashed in using 'Discharge', spiking the beasts with lightning while dual wielding my swords to deal with those who got in my way.

But one of my swords got struck in a beast's mouth when it bit my sword.

I swiftly let go of that sword before using that sword as a platform to hop on, jumping toward the sky in the Dragon's direction.

Obviously, I paid close attention to the bird beasts in the sky. Thus, I drew my bow, shooting those who were blocking my way.

While doing that, I activated Raiden's 'Thunderstorm' to electrocute those in the ground, including the ones on the ground as well.

With most of the beasts paralyzed, I was able to leap from one bird beast to another one after that.

But after all my efforts, I was greeted with a green fireball coming toward me at full speed.

Caught off guard by this, my eyes widened as big as ever seeing the incoming threat.

Thus, having no time to think things through, I activated 'Silk Cocoon' and 'Wave Vortex' to stop the giant fireball.

On the other hand, those skills activated until the fireball touched me, meaning my body was burning up from the heat.

Soon after, the cocoon covered me, along with the wave of water shooting at the fireball.

Once again, I fell to the ground with my body looking almost like charcoal.

Beasts took no time to stare at me and charged in as if they found prey to fill their stomachs.

In a life and death situation, I had to risk it. 'Should I use 'that'?'

Afterwards, a tiny speck of dark aura began to ooze out of my figure as I was laying on the ground.

I was already prepared to get out of control of my power…


"JoonChul-ssi!!!" Out of the blue, a loud familiar voice resounded from the seating area.

"Huh..?" I mumbled by surprise.

I got up from the ground before seeing a pool of water spurting down around me, enclosing me with water spiralling into a tornado.

"...?" I was bewildered as to what was going on around me until I saw the man who was responsible for this.

A man descended down from above by using 'Wave Vortex' to support himself in the air.

He set foot on the ground, gripping his sword with an angered but worried expression on his face.

When I had a clear look on his face, I found out it was HwanGi who came here.

He shoved a HP potion in my mouth, causing me to drink it. And after that, he stared at me as he bawled at me. "Why did you have to fight alone?"

"HwanGi-ssi, the situation is complicated." I tossed the empty potion away, glancing at HwanGi tiredly.

"Your friends are fighting while we speak."

"Are they mad?"


I understood very well why my comrades were angry at me. It was because I didn't request their help when I was battling against the Dragon.

Even though they might not know I was dueling against an Empress before the Dragon, they would still be frustrated toward me.

HwanGi suggested to me after that short period of time. "JoonChul-ssi, we'll take it from here. So you should just support us from behind."

Not even a moment to answer back to HwanGi, the tornado-like water slowly disappeared, revealing the beasts that were ready to kill us.

I could witness my comrades dealing with the Dragon while Alaine fought the beasts.

HwanGi and I with our backs against each other, we grasped our swords as the beasts ran in.

I smirked, knowing that I didn't need to worry about what would attack behind my back.

When the beasts came closer, we slashed off their legs and heads while protecting one another.

Using our skills to shorten the amount of beasts charging in, we were able to reduce the numbers of beasts attacking us.

It was also thanks to my comrades for stopping the Dragon's concentration on producing beasts, meaning no more beasts were spawning in after that.

However, the Dragon's attacks that my comrades weren't able to block, appeared in front of me and HwanGi.

We both launched waves of water vortex toward those attacks, along with me using 'Thunderstorm' to pause the beast's movements so that we could only focus on the Dragon's insane attacks.

At this timing, I spotted Frostina being carried away by some random players.

It irritated me to the point of throwing kunais into their heads, bellowing angrily. "Ignite!"

The random players blinded by Frostina's beauty got hit in the heads, dying instantly as they were electrocuted, leaving dark lightning zapping out from their corpses.

But I should thank those players for keeping Frostina safe in this catastrophic Chao as well as their 'Numbers'.

[Player '500' has died.]

[Player '160' has died.]

[Player '133' has died.]

[You have obtained three 'Numbers'!]

"HwanGi-ssi! Could you handle this by yourself? I need to get someone!" I told HwanGi while I was slaining the beasts in front of me.

Just then, what seemed to be harmless flowers dropping down from the sky, turned out to be mind controlling plants that bodyjacked those who had touched it.

Which meant if one touched it, they would be a mindless monster attacking everything in their surroundings.

Unexpectedly, there were a bunch of flowers that were falling downward toward somewhere...

"...! Frostina!"