Episode 14 : Catastrophe (5)

Without a second to waste, I dashed using 'Discharge', barging through the pack of wild beasts with my swords spread out.

The beasts that were caught by my blades, got their bodies sliced in half with ease.

The mind controlling flowers began to descend down upon Frostina, angering me to the point of activating Raiden's 'Overdrive'.

Charging in like a bolt of lightning, resulted in beasts getting stunned by the lightning bolts remaining from where I ran through.

Despite knowing I just used Raiden's deadly skill that could harm one's body from the electricity that gathered inside one's heart, I took that risk without a second thought.

Because I have my hidden skill..

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 2 has offset the pain.]

The moment I arrived by Frostina's side, I spawned a ton of portals above Frostina to capture all the flowers, along with hugging her just in case one of the flowers touched her.

Flowers fell into the portals instead of Frostina, however there was a small gap in between the portals which meant if a flower fell into there..

Out of the blue, a flower popped out of that gap, dropping onto my back while I was hugging Frostina.

[Hidden Skill, 'Scopolamine' Lv. ??? has entered your body!]

[Hidden Skill, 'Scopolamine' Lv. ??? has begun its-]

Truly, I would have been a goner if the flower mind controlled me..

On the other hand..

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 2 has blocked off the Hidden Skill, 'Scopolamine' Lv. ???.]

If it weren't for those players in the competition battling me with their mental related skills, 'Simulation' wouldn't have leveled up to 2, and I would have been mind controlled the moment the flower touched me.

"Phew.." I mumbled before looking at Frostina's sleeping face.

Her long eyelashes, her skin almost as white as snow, her lips which were red despite being pale lips, looked as majestic as her position of the Empress.

Regardless of how attractive Frostina was, I wasn't at all captivated by her beauty, however, as for the other players, her beauty was enough to make them try to protect her at all cost.

Which was why there were a lot of players joining in on the fight against the Dragon, instead of idly sitting in their seats.

I looked around, noticing tons and tons of players attempting their bests to kill the beasts, including a whole lot of chantings.

"Protect the Empress!" One of the men shouted this, raising his battle axe in the air before chopping off a head of a beast.

I could never understand why people would go this far for a beautiful lady without knowing her fully.

But I did appreciate those people for helping out. Now, I just needed to get Frostina's memories back.

Until now, she must be stuck as a 'Saint' because of what those bastards (←Archangels) had done to her.

Frostina should have been an NPC instead of a 'Saint'.

There were differences between NPC and 'Saint'.

NPCs are residents who reside in this world. They could do and interact with any players as they please, but as for 'Saints', it's different.

'Saints' once were NPCs before getting forced to turn into a 'Saint' by the Archangels.

Once an NPC switches to a 'Saint', their memories of their lives will be locked and new fake memories will be implanted to their brains.

Perfectly making 'Saints' as puppets of the Archangels or vessels for Archangels.

I murmured this out loud instead of musing inside my head. "And to think that Frostina.."

The only way to stop this was to change a 'Saint' into a player.

On the contrary, Frostina was still unconscious from our battle, meaning that she wouldn't be able to accept my 'Numbers' until she wakes up.

"..Forgive me, Frostina." I said this while holding onto a 'Numbers', before having my subconscious hovered to somewhere else.

[Imitation of 'Bodyjack' Lv. 1 has activated.]

The moment I opened my eyes in Frostina's body, I ignored the fact that I felt body parts which I shouldn't have as a man and immediately grabbed the 'Numbers', then I accepted to be a player in Frostina's stand for her sake.

After I was done with this, I quickly went back to my real body, feeling my subconscious drifting back.

Now that I was finished with this, I caressed Frostina's hair before covering her within a cocoon.

When the cocoon was done, I coughed a lot before having a look at my hand that was covering my mouth.

There was blood all over my palm as it dripped off my hand.

In spite of me not feeling the sensation of pain thanks to my hidden skill, my body would still receive the damages that was caused by Raiden's skill 'Overdrive'.

But this much blood was nothing compared to the time I had lived in those multiple lives of mine.

And more importantly, I had a Dragon that I needed to kill.

I held my katana, staring at the Dragon which was breathing green fire at my comrades.

"Ignite." I gave order to Lucifer, causing him to release his dark lightning out from my blade.

While I was glancing, Mirai caught my gaze and nodded as if she knew what I was thinking.

Afterwards, I smirked coldly, gripping on my katana's hilt before generating a portal underneath me.

I dropped into the portal and before I knew it, I was in front of the Dragon's face to which startled the Dragon to an extent.

[How did you..?] The Dragon spoke in pure shock.

"Why not shut the fuck up?" I stared coldly at the Dragon, landing onto Mirai's silk threads that she made for me to stand on the air.

With a growl, the Dragon prepared to breath in all the air to produce a strong fire at me. [..!?! Such rudeness!]

"Like I said, I told you to shut the hell up."

I glared daggers toward the Dragon before having a large amount of my clones surrounded the Dragon.

Not only that, some of the clones were also Alaine's.

[What's this? You think you can't defeat me by outnumbering me? Pathetic.] The Dragon scoffed, laughing away the oxygen she had just inhaled to start her fire.

Without making a single sound, Mirai appeared beside me, having my trench coat with her.

"Keep this lizard preoccupied. And tell Behemoth to look after the ice Empress." I spoke in a cold tone as I wore my trench coat.

Mirai after hearing my request, nodded and went to where Behemoth was.

My clones, along with Alaine's in many areas proceeded to rush in toward the Dragon after I spawned in a wall of thorns to trap and to block off the Dragon's exit.

With me being in front of the Dragon's nose, I leapt on her nose and dashed by putting all my strength to my legs.

The flower crown on the Dragon flattered with leafy green, shooting me with wooden branches to capture me.

The Dragon, including the beasts were already preoccupied with the clones, my comrades, HwanGi and Alaine, thus the Dragon must have thought by using her flower crown, she wouldn't lose to a human like me.

"What a joke." Sprinting toward the Dragon's eyes unnotified, I appeared in front of the Dragon's sight, immediately stabbing my katana inside the eye of the Dragon.


"Screeching won't help you."

With another sword materializing in my other hand, I swiftly thrusted it in the Dragon's unharmed eye.

[Imitation of 'Reap' Lv. 2 has activated.]

The black blades of a sickle spawned right in front of the Dragon's eyes, thrusting in as if it was ready to harvest her eyes.

With slices in the eyes of the Dragon, she started to screech much more, but then, a smirk broke out of the Dragon's mouth.

The Dragon chuckled from this, flapping her wings to hover in the air. [You foolish fool. You think my eyes won't regenerate!?]

Since I was on her nose, I also went with her as she was soaring in the sky.

"Who's the fool?" I grasped both of my swords firmly to support myself so I wouldn't fall off before smirking like a reaper ready to reap one's soul.

[Imitation of 'Reap' Lv. 2 has activated.]

[Imitation of 'Reap' Lv. 2 has activated.]

[Imitation of 'Reap' Lv. 2 has activated.]

Plenty of scythes began to appear, reaping and slashing away the Dragon's soul as if it was nothing but ashes ready to be dust off.

But where would those dusts be? Well..

[Imitation of 'Soul Charge' Lv. 1 has activated.]

Charging up by using souls as its fuel, a blast of radiate light began to burst from within the Dragon's eyes where my swords were.

Those two beams of light blasted through the back of the Dragon without difficulty, unleashing flowers upon bursting out of a Dragon's body.

Since the soul was the Dragon's, the beams will most likely destroy the Dragon's inside in mere seconds.

By using the soul of the Dragon, light scattered throughout the Dragon's eyes like blood vessels flowing from within.

Without a warning, Mirai and Raiden appeared before me, smashing the Dragon's eyes as they released lightning to paralyzed the Dragon and silk threads to further damage the Dragon.

Due to the Dragon being stunned by Raiden's lighting, Mirai having silks attached to her fingers, jumped off while pulling her silk threads as best as she could to drag the Dragon's eye out.

And soon, one of the eyeballs of a Dragon dropped to the ground like a ball, rolling around until it reached and caught the attention of the wild beasts as well as the players.

Despite this, it was quite odd that the Dragon remained in the sky, even though she received so much damage...