Episode 14 : Catastrophe (6)

Behemoth who was standing beside Frostina, hissed at the beasts that approached him.

With eyes glaring toward the beasts, Behemoth hissed again, showing his sharp teeth and his claws.

The beasts surrounding him, looked as though they were entertained by a mere cat trying to protect a lady.

'Why do every creature judge a book by its cover?' Behemoth thought to himself after guessing what the beasts might be thinking, then he remembered the words of his Master.

"Use that as an advantage and show them what you got."

After recalling that, Behemoth had a smile on his face, along with his ears pointed upward.

Behemoth enlarged himself to the size of those beasts nearly looking like a black panther.

The wild beasts were caught off guard by the sudden change of the cat's size and began to not underestimate the cat.

They charged in, roaring while baring their fangs toward Behemoth.

With a step forward, Behemoth uttered out an ear-splitting roar back at the beasts, collecting a ball of magical energy in the middle of his mouth.

[Player '13' has activated the Skill, 'Beam Blast' Lv. ???.]

A beam bursted out of Behemoth's mouth, creating a ray of red line across the middle of the beasts.

One touch caused a beast to explode from the inside out, shattering its remains all over the place until it dissolved.

The beam of explosiveness stayed in one place which was the middle of the pack of beasts, however when Behemoth moved his mouth to the left, the beam proceeded to move, blasting those who stood in the way of the beam.

The beasts on the right side were startled, until they realized they couldn't just stand there and do nothing, thus they ran toward Behemoth, thinking he let his guard down.

On the other hand, Behemoth was one step ahead when it comes to traps and explosives.

What seemed to be Behemoth's right side being an opening for the beasts, it was also a trap for them.

The wild animals came closer to Behemoth, dripping their saliva as if they can't wait to eat Behemoth.


The beasts in the front were blasted away after they stepped on something that was flashing an air strike symbol on the ground.

Destinate bombs from the air struck the beasts on the surface of the earth, blowing all of them while leaving plenty of crater on the ground.

Behemoth gave a stop to his 'Beam Blast' after confirming his enemies were no longer there.

Afterwards, he glanced over to his right side, noticing a few beasts had survived through his 'Air Strike'.

Behemoth was preparing another attack for those remaining beasts but somehow, they appeared to be afraid and cowardly ran away from him.

Not long after, Behemoth stood beside Frostina proudly, praising himself. "That's right! You can't beat me, the most powerful cat!"

Just then, he became stunned by a sudden round object falling from the sky, landing on the ground with an abrupt sound.

It made Behemoth jump to the point of hiding behind Frostina, until he had a gaze at the round object.

It was a Dragon's eyeball.

The eyeball rolling across the pack of beasts was the center of the attention, attracting everyone's attention the moment of its arrival.

Behemoth thought that his Master and his comrades had defeated the Dragon, so he looked up, spotting the Dragon slowly descending down to the earth.

But something was off.

Behemoth perceived a drifting green light flickering within the Dragon where the amulet should be.

The Dragon started to grow vines of flowers, increasing its length to grab her eyeball that was on the ground and bringing it back to her.

Behemoth scowled before coughing out a ball of fur, hitting it with his tail to knock it at the Dragon's eyeball.

The fur ball landed a hit on the eyeball, blowing it up upon contact.

Behemoth thought he did a good job, however..

The Dragon grew in a new eyeball for herself after a flash of green light illuminated the area, improving the Dragon's regeneration as the green light flickered.

Upon staring at the Dragon, Behemoth hissed to express his anger against the Dragon.

Behemoth gritted his teeth, collecting another batch of magical energy to blast at the Dragon.

He aimed carefully at the Dragon, making sure he wouldn't harm his comrades as well as his Master.

When he finished, he was about to shoot it all out at the Dragon, until a hand was placed on his head, patting him with great comfort.

It got to the point of making Behemoth purred before he became aware of who it was and why this chilly yet warmth sensation felt so familiar.

"Let me handle this." A feminine voice resounded to Behemoth's ears as he turned around to see the person who was caressing his head.


In the meantime, I noticed that the Dragon had finally recovered all of her power from the amulet. "Tsk."

Without wasting a second, me and my comrades leapt off from the Dragon, landing onto Mirai's strings that she just placed.

"We need to retrieve the amulet this instant." I shouted to let my comrades hear clearly.

Raiden understood what I said and swiftly replied back to me. "But we can't stop the Dragon's regeneration since it is faster than us damaging the Dragon."

"We need to stop it somehow until big sis wakes up." Mirai spoke, looking at the Dragon's eyeball growing back up before having a glance toward me.

I looked at what was underneath me, since I was curious and anxious if the players at the bottom were fine dealing with the beasts, then I found HwanGi easily fighting against the beasts below me and Alaine sending out her clones to support the injured players.

Despite knowing that they were doing great against the Dragon's beasts, I was more concerned about how much they can last.

[Kekeke! You puny insec-] The Dragon was having fun insulting us when her speech was cut off by an arrow having a ball of fur stuck in the arrowhead.

When the arrow struck the inside of the Dragon's mouth, it exploded from within the Dragon, causing gas to leak through the holes of her trunk body.


I spoke with anger, glaring toward the Dragon. "Don't you dare use insects as an insult in front of Mirai."

With a dark lightning zapping out of my katana, I swung in the air, releasing a massive amount of lightning toward the Dragon which gave a reaction from the gas surrounding the Dragon, inflaming fire around her as fire emerged to burn fiercely on her wooden body.

Without me saying a word, Mirai and Raiden jumped off from the strings, attacking the Dragon with their offensive skills while I dashed onto the strings that Mirai produced behind her as she ran.

By staying behind my comrades, I got to avoid getting hit by the Dragon's attacks.

It might seem like I'm using my comrades as shields to protect me from the Dragon's attacks, but I had no choice since I won't be able to endure the Dragon's next attack if I face it head on.

Raiden and Mirai combined their lightning and strings together to create a web filled with electricity, enclosing the still in fire Dragon inside the web to electrocute her.

While their combined skill, 'Web of Electrocution' was trapping the Dragon, I hopped off from the strings to get down.

As I was descending downward, I tried to locate where the Dragon's amulet was, since I couldn't see while the Dragon was within the 'Web of Electrocution'.

Once I guessed where the amulet was, I used 'Wave Vortex' to support myself in the air.

I grasped my sword, signaling to Lucifer for him to morph into a spear with a spearhead that was as big as a tree.

And when he did, I gripped my spear before using Raiden's other skill to empower my spear with lightning bolts striking uncontrollably from the tip of the spearhead.

[Imitation of 'Overcharge' Lv. 3 has activated.]

I threw my spear at the location which I predicted the amulet might be, penetrating through the 'Web of Electrocution' to strike the Dragon's amulet while leaving behind a trail of electricity jerking out with no restraints whatsoever.

Not only that, Raiden launched another 'Overcharge' after the spear went through, forcing the vicinity we were in, to turn into an outbreak of thunderous lightning strikes.

Furthermore, that wasn't all.

Mirai unleashed her deadliest venom into the hole on the 'Web of Electrocution' that was made by my piercing spear, intoxicating the inside of the web to impact the Dragon's internal conflict while inflicting damage to the Dragon's physical body as well.

After me and my comrades had released our attacks at the Dragon, a short period of time had passed and no movement was made from the Dragon.

It seemed oddly quiet inside the 'Web of Electrocution' as I got back to the ground where there were no beasts.

At the time when Mirai and Raiden arrived next to me, a flare of green light, including flowers and leaves bursted out from the 'Web of Electrocution', completely obliterating the web as it revealed the Dragon in perfect condition.

"Son of a bitch." I swore after discovering our attacks didn't work against the Dragon.