Episode 15 : Imprison ‘Amaranth’ (1)

The moment I got encaged inside the Dragon, I arrived at a forest that was exactly like the forest I saw from the illusion.

"Another illusion?" I walked toward the pond and when I looked over the water, it mirrored my face with sparkles, including a ball of light in the reflection.

"Hm. I need to get out."

I glanced at the ball of light before walking around the area, eventually I found walls made out of trunks.

I placed my hand on the wall as I moved along the wall, trying to sense the weakest spot in the wall.

For me to get out of here, I needed to break through the place where the amulet used to be.

And in order to find that, I had to sense the magical energy within these walls, if I found the weakest of them all, then that is the breaking point.

"This might take a bit long." I sighed but felt rather relieved that I was having a break from fighting the Dragon for a few minutes.

After a short moment of trying to find the breaking point, I began to talk to myself. "If it were me and not the girl that got trapped here with the amulet, I wouldn't have been able to break free."

'Master, you're talking to yourself again.' Lucifer, who had been hiding since he got here with me, spoke to me in a worried tone as he appeared beside me in his katana form, floating casually.

With how worried his voice was resounded in my head, I was a tiny bit pissed off, telling him. "Do you think I'm crazy or something?"

'No, no. I was just..'

I exhaled a sigh again before saying. "Anyways, now that I have taken the amulet out of the Dragon, it will be easy from now on to fight the Dragon."

Lucifer shook himself as if he was nodding. 'Yes, that young girl should be grateful toward Master for saving her.'

"When I took the amulet out, the girl would have popped out as well. It wasn't my intention to save her."

'Is that so, Master?'

After I nodded, I flinched when I discovered the breaking point in the wall. "Found it."

[Imitation of 'Glacify' Lv. 2 has activated.]

The wall that I was touching with my hand, became icy, freezing into ice crystals.

[Imitation of 'Wither' Lv. 3 has activated.]

[Imitation of 'Wave Vortex' Lv. 2 has activated.]

With the seeds in my hand, I clenched my fist as I punched through the frozen wall and bursted out a wave of water, letting the seeds flow through the inside of the wall.

Soon, the seeds proceeded to absorb the water, increasing its growth before sprouting black vines everywhere in mere seconds.

Out of the blue, my fist which was still inside the wall, perceived a chilly touch from the other side of the wall.

This cold sensation felt familiar when I sensed it, then in an instance, I knew who it was.


Without a warning, I felt an icy power flowing through me as if Frostina was lending me her strength.

"So you're awake." I chuckled before having a smile on my face.

Being empowered by her power, I utilized it by strengthening the seeds which led to a blast of black vines poking out of the walls.

As the black vines grew out of control, it started to wither the forest, sucking up the lives and colors of the plants.

Before long, the ground vibrated insanely, moving so much so that it felt like an earthquake.

"Looks like the Dragon will be taking a lot of damages from the withering." I observed my surroundings, noticing that this place was turning into a colorless forest after the black vines had taken over.

Suddenly, a vine bursted out next to me from the wall and it sprouted to an enormous size, entangling together with the other vines.

Seeing that I had to wait for 'Wither' to destroy the inside of the Dragon, I got onto the vine beside me and decided to lay on it for a short rest.

"Watch out for any dangers while I take a nap." I ordered Lucifer who was hovering above me after closing my eyes to sleep.

Lucifer responded back instantly but in a low tone of voice not to disturb my rest. 'As you wish, Master.'

After a couple of seconds, I was fast asleep from fatigue.


[W-What is happening?! Why are these vines growing out of me..?!] The Dragon feeling weakened by the black vines, started to use her own vines with blades to cut off the black vines.

Since the Dragon's magical energy was depleting, the beasts that she made, were slowly but surely dissolving back to magical energy, returning to the Dragon to restore her power.

Black vines stretched out from within the Dragon nonstop, despite the Dragon struggling to get rid of them.

Frostina watched over the black vines screwing out from the Dragon as she was standing onto her ice golem's shoulder.

Frostina looked at Mirai, giving her an order. "Mimi, help the girl with the amulet and get her ready."

Mirai nodded as her response before going to a cocoon with the young girl inside.

"Behemoth, you do what you want." Frostina shouted to let Behemoth know since she couldn't find out where he was.

Then Frostina shifted her gaze at Raiden as she told him. "Rai, you and I will be subduing the Dragon."

"Hai." Raiden quickly replied back before dashing toward the Dragon with his hands being engulfed with lightning.

[You think you could win just because I'm being weakened?! Fools!!] The Dragon spotted Raiden, blasting her leafy fire toward Raiden's direction and releasing a bundle of vines to catch Raiden.

Luckily, Raiden dodged as he reappeared behind the Dragon unnoticed, grabbing the tail of the Dragon before unleashing his lightning onto the tail.

The Dragon roared loudly, swaying her tail violently to shake off the pest on her tail as she spawned in a lot of trees in front of her to block against the bombardment of icicles from Frostina.

Behemoth appeared out of nowhere and leapt onto Raiden's shoulder before getting off and running onto the Dragon's tail.

In spite of the black vines poking out of the tail of the Dragon, Behemoth easily dodged and went up to the back of the Dragon's head.

When he arrived on top of the Dragon's head, the Dragon's horns began to shoot a green beam toward Behemoth while the Dragon's flower crown switched the flowers into carnivorous plants to trap Behemoth inside, stretching out to grab him.

When Behemoth saw them, he quickly evaded most of them while some he sliced and diced them into smithereens.

In the midst of dodging, Behemoth accidentally hopped into a pitcher plant and landed deep inside its digestive liquid.

After Behemoth's furs were wetted with the pitcher plant's digestive juice, the juice proceeded to secrete magical energy from Behemoth.

Behemoth took a second to notice what the digestive liquid was doing to him, then he hissed at the pitcher plant, slicing the plant to get himself out of there.

After slashing at the plant that led to leaving plenty of claws marks on the plant, Behemoth realized it wasn't effective.

Later, he paused himself before he could waste more of his energy, then he had to think of another escape plan to free himself from this pitcher plant before it's digestive juice could absorb all of his magical energy.

Many ideas drifted to and fro from within Behemoth's head until a good idea popped up.


With a step of his paw, his body began to enlarge itself, growing as big as the pitcher plant which caused Behemoth to burst out of the pitcher plant.

When he freed himself, he was in the size of a panther, seemingly looking exactly like it as well.

[Player '13' has activated the Skill, 'Multi-Blasters' Lv. ???.]

Canons like weapons came forth in multiple areas, enclosing the Dragon before blasting a ball of erupted explosion toward the Dragon from all sides.

The Dragon naturally became baffled by the canons and swiftly generated a shield to protect herself.

On the other hand, she was still bombarded by the blasters with explosions happening from inside the shield.

Since Raiden and Behemoth were with the Dragon, they started to shower a rain of thunder, along with explosive furballs.

Combined together, those attacks became extremely chaotic, destroying the Dragon's body in the process.

Behemoth then leapt off the Dragon's head, falling down next to the frontline of the Dragon where the amulet was supposed to be.

While falling, Behemoth opened his mouth to gather a humongous amount of magical energy and absorbed the smokes from the leftover explosions to create a sphere of eruptive magic.

Raiden put up his own shield to defend himself from Behemoth's explosion, not long after, Behemoth blasted all of it at the spot where the amulet used to be, creating a large explosion when it collided into the Dragon's extra shield that she created in the last second.

The explosion cracked through all the Dragon's defensive, eruptedly blowing up the spot where Behemoth wanted to blast.

As Behemoth fell and landed into the arms of Frostina, the vicinity was already covered with smoke from the explosions, making it difficult to see if Behemoth's explosion was enough to free someone from the Dragon.

Silence saturated the surroundings, there were no screams from the players, weapons collisions nor the Dragon that hadn't made a sound when the explosion was gone.

Mirai, Raiden, Behemoth and Frostina patiently waited for a special someone to come out of that fog of smoke..