Episode 15 : Imprison ‘Amaranth’ (2)


When HwanGi went to support Alaine, a lot more beasts began to increase in numbers.

Despite two of them fighting against a huge amount of beasts, they were still holding on.

Even though HwanGi was concentrating on stopping the beasts, he also paid close attention to the other players who joined in, because those players didn't have a choice to escape this place.

He witnessed a couple of players trying to fight the Dragon, but instead got burned to bits when one of the Dragon's green fire touched them.

Those players who were eager to fight the Dragon, died miserably in just a few seconds without the Dragon even knowing she just killed them.

Death messages went on and on.

HwanGi couldn't even save those who died from the Dragon, he was already having a bit of a handful with these beasts in front of him.

Most of the players who were handling the beasts, were the ones who witnessed how powerless players were when they tried to fight the Dragon.

So they changed their minds and dealt with the beasts instead while letting those guys (JoonChul and his comrades) defeat the Dragon.

But sadly for these players, they couldn't even endure or survive through the beast's attacks.

The more time passed, the more it was difficult to fight off the beasts, making it hard for Alaine and HwanGi to handle these beasts themselves, including a few surviving players.

Alaine with her clones slowly disappearing after they received too much damage, struggled to spawn in more clones.

"HwanGi! I can't generate clones anymore!" As Alaine shouted, she slashed a beast's leg after blocking a surprise attack from a beast.

HwanGi thrusted his sword in a flying beast's mouth while his other hand was choking a beast as big as himself.

He pulled out his sword and chopped off the beast's head that he was holding.

The beast he killed, turned into magical energy as it flowed back to the Dragon.

Afterwards, HwanGi wiped off the sweat on his cheek while panting from the exhaustion, telling Alaine. "How long do you think you'll last?"

Alaine backed off a few steps, bumping into HwanGi's back as she spoke. "Probably not much. My HP is low, what about you?"

"My HP is half." HwanGi responded when he realized it was Alaine who had leaned on his back.

Soon, HwanGi spotted someone and stamped his foot to the ground, as a result, a wave of water emerged from the ground, launching the players who were almost eaten by the beasts.

"This is no time to be worried about those guys!" Alaine saw this sight and quickly grumbled to HwanGi.

Out of a sudden when HwanGi was about to say something to Alaine, he let his guard down and unexpectedly, two beasts bursted out of the earth, spinning while shooting upward toward HwanGi's chest.

In that moment, HwanGi was bewildered and thought to evade these beasts until he noticed a ton of flying beasts were grabbing onto his hands.

"Damnit!" As HwanGi gasped, he struggled to free his hands from the flying beast's grasp.

Alaine, who was cross blocking from the beast's claws, noticed HwanGi was in trouble. "HwanGi!!"

In spite of wanting to help, Alaine was already preoccupied with defending herself from the incoming flying beasts targeting her.

In a second, HwanGi's head was thinking of a way to get out of this situation, thoughts shifted through his head like a train.

When he got a plan, he quickly did it.

[Player '1' has activated his Hidden Skill, 'Divine Flame' Lv. 3.]

[Insignificant Mana!]

[Canceling the activation of the Hidden Skill, 'Divine Flame' Lv. 3.]

"What?!" HwanGi was confused as to why this was happening until he remembered why his Mana had been depleted.

'It was when I tried to save those players using 'Wave Vortex'!'

When he was musing, the two beasts who were spinning toward him, got to him and..



"HwanGi!!!" Alaine deflected the flying beast's attacks and even sliced off their wings to immobilize them.

When she turned around to have a look on HwanGi, she noticed something.

Two portals appeared with hands going out to grab the underground beasts that had almost killed HwanGi.

Those hands crushed the underground beasts and magical energy hovered out of them before being absorbed to the hands that killed them.

HwanGi was puzzled about this but soon, he moved his hands down to get the flying beasts to bump their heads together.

When he was done, the two portals disappeared from his viewpoint and he began to wonder why this person saved him.

He looked around to find this person while striking the beasts toward him in a blink of an eye.

Without expecting it, an underground beast popped out of the ground, firing itself toward HwanGi's waist which punctured through his left upper quadrant.

Even though his HP was still half of his health points, the sensation of pain was as intolerable as ever.

HwanGi understood how the HP doesn't help that much when you're experiencing pain like this.

If your vital parts or any of your body parts get damaged, the pain might force you to undergo an overwhelming agony while also giving a halt to most of your movements.

HwanGi remembered a scene where he witnessed a flying beast penetrate itself toward a player's heart, even though that person should be dead, the HP kept him alive, forcing that motionless person to suffer when beasts began to eat him alive.

Immediately, HwanGi held his waist, blocking his wound so that his blood wouldn't bleed too much while enduring the unbearable pain.

In the meantime, Alaine severed a medium sized underground beast's body into half before she got ambushed by a flying beast coming from her side, injuring Alaine's right eye and her head. "Kewk! Kuagh!!!"

Her blood proceeded to bleed out of her right eye until she covered it with her hand.

Not only did she lose her eye, she had to bear the pain and continued to fight with only half of her field of view.

Unable to endure the pain, Alaine groaned, having her blood dripped into her left eye, causing her to close her eye and wipe it off as she attempted to defend herself.

"Alaine!! Watch out!" HwanGi who had a glimpse at Alaine when she groaned, spotted beasts lacing into her.

Alaine swiftly opened her eyes with blood remaining in there and tried to block the beast's attacks by cross blocking, however she flinched from the pain by accidentally opening her wounded eye.

In an instance, Alaine's right hand covered her injured eye by reflex, causing her to block the attacks with only her left hand.

The claws as sharp as a knife were descending upon Alaine's face in full speed.

Alaine bellowed at the top of her lungs. "Darn you!"

During that time, Alaine was swinging her shortsword, hoping that it was enough to deflect the claws of the beasts.

But it was worthless if she couldn't completely defend herself.

Alaine felt like her life was flashing before her eyes when she saw these claws coming toward her.

Without knowing, Alaine had already closed her eyes, wishing that a miracle would occured.


..A miracle did happen.

In a short period of time, Alaine waited for the pain that the claws could inflict on her, but when she waited long, she opened her eyes to be greeted with a portal popping out from nowhere on the ground.

Along with a person standing and swaying her scythe toward the incoming beasts that should have murdered Alaine.

That person's cloak fluttered with the wind when she pulled out a small pouch from her waist and threw seeds that were inside the pouch, at the approaching flying beasts.

Her seeds exploded in growth after they landed onto the beasts, sprouting vines on their animal bodies to wither away their magical energies.

That person turned around to have a look whether Alaine was fine or not.

Alaine was dazed and astonished after seeing the black and white mask on this person's face.

After HwanGi dealt with beasts on his side, he shifted his gaze over to Alaine to help her but it seemed his help wasn't needed.

Both HwanGi and Alaine were staring at the person in front of them until that person started to ask them. "Are you okay?"

Alaine was still in the state of being stunned before she answered the person's question. "U-Uh.. Yes, we're fine."

"You.. Why did you help me?" HwanGi glared at that masked person.

The masked one glanced over to her right to see beasts and flying beasts approaching closer, including the sensation of underground beasts moving from below her.

That person was about to talk when the entire beasts began to dissolve into magical energies, travelling back to the Dragon.

Along with an explosion and an earthquake coming from where the Dragon and JoonChul's comrades were.

"Did JoonChul's friends defeat it?" HwanGi blocked off the smoke that were gusting out from that area, pondering as he noticed a fog of smoke preventing him from seeing what was happening inside the smoke.