Episode 25 : Garden Of Eden (1)

"Mimi.. I want to ask you something." Behemoth, speaking in a gentle and kind voice, asked Mirai.

Having to experience such a soft tone of voice coming from Behemoth, Mirai was greatly startled by this.

"Nani Kore?" As Mirai was doubtful of Behemoth's sudden softness, she spoke to him in disbelief.

* ( "Nani Kore?" Japanese → English "What's this?" )

Behemoth grumbled. "Don't just speak Japanese to me as if I can understand that."

"I can understand cat's language from you."

"Ahem. Anyways, I was going to ask you, but now I don't feel like it."

While glancing at Behemoth, Mirai had taken out her fan and was unfolding it, swaying it in front of her face to hide her lips.

After that, Mirai shifted her gaze elsewhere as she was repeating the words of what her captain had informed her in the past, saying it to Behemoth.

"Captain once said that if you have something important you wanted to say, just say it instead of keeping it within you."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You're not the only one who has heard master's words."

"Then ask me already."


Gulping down his saliva as he didn't want to speak of this, Behemoth walked along the snow while thinking seriously about the question he wanted to ask Mirai.

By the time he had reached his conclusion, there were wind-blown snows flying into his face at this moment.

Behemoth didn't think much of this as he wiped the snows that got on his face, brushing them off until he felt a slight shaking on the ground he was stepping on.

As if his cat instinct had arisen to warn him of danger, his fur began to raise to give him goosebumps.

Not long after that, the ground soon proceeded to violently quake below him, it was extremely noticeable that everyone around could tell that this wasn't normal.

"Not this again.." Behemoth fazed, staring at the steep slope of the mountain.

In the direction he was gazing at, was where a tumble of snow was devastatingly rolling off the side of the mountain.

An extreme avalanche of snow has appeared in front of everyone and is now descending upon them at an unbelievable rate.

Since the avalanche was incredibly wide, nobody would be able to escape back to a safe zone if they were trying to run away to safety.

At that moment, Behemoth was preparing to 'Beam Blast' the whole avalanche if possible, but he was instantly interrupted by Frostina.

"Don't do that. You'll only worsen the situation." Speaking elegantly and calmly, Frostina stroked Behemoth's head before observing the avalanche.

"Frostina! What should we do?" HwanGi ran toward Frostina, expressing concern and fright with his calm face.

In an instance, Frostina didn't give an answer to HwanGi, instead she sprinted toward the front of everyone before swiftly controlling the snow underneath her.

In a matter of seconds, the floor covered with snow in her area was immediately turned to that of ice cubes.

By merging and decreasing the temperature of the snow, Frostina was incredibly able to switch those snow into ice and build them upon each other to create a large wall before her.

A wall that was huge enough to defend everyone, had raised up from the ground without any difficulties.

"That won't be enough to stop that!" Louis exclaimed as he watched Frostina standing and keeping the shape of the wall in perfect condition.

During this timing, Alaine catching up to HwanGi, had stopped when she got by HwanGi's side.

Panting a little before asking HwanGi. "Shouldn't we help her too?!"

"What can we do against a ton of snow?" Louis interrupted by joining in on the conversation.

By now, the snow had stumbled to the ice wall, aggressively piling up and bumping into the wall because it was in the way.

In the moment when the snow collided with the wall, it caused an extreme earthquake when it came into contact with the wall, making everyone in the vicinity hard to stand up straight without staggering.

Not only that, when the wall showed a distinguishable crack that could possibly weaken the wall, Frostina was there to fix it up by turning the snow from the avalanche to ice to increase the defense much more.

And since she was stuck on concentrating to re-enforce the wall, she didn't notice how much the snow had stacked up.

However, even if she did notice it, she would have easily defended herself as best as she could. But the challenging part was if she could hold on if the wall were to crack much further.

Soon after, because of the avalanche, snow had almost covered the wall on the other side, seeming as if it was closed to falling off the top of the wall.

In that period of time, snow was starting to fall off the top of the wall, unfortunately dropping down onto Frostina while she was trying to fix the ice wall.

"What luck." Frostina muttered as she raised her right hand to create a snowflake shield above her.

As tons and tons of snow was caught on her shield, without a doubt, the weight of the snow had taken a toll on her. Because it wasn't enough for one of her hands to lift this much snow, she needed both of her hands to support it.

But how, when her other hand is fixing the crack of the wall?

Afterwards, Frostina mumbled while the avalanche was still going as strong as ever. "I'll get crushed by snow if I don't hurry."

Within a second, Frostina's hand became numb and was trembling by the weight of the snow. As a result, her hand had failed her as it lost its power to support the snow.

"If only my power wasn't limited, I would have no difficulties in fending off the avalanche." Frostina grumbled to herself.

Moments before the clump of snow had fallen on top of her. Not within her expectations, someone had heard her words clearly and had come to save her.

"Then ask for help."

Out of the blue, the voice of a person Frostina showed hatred to was appearing before her.

'Even though I was mean to him, he did this?' She pondered.

In an instance when the snow was too close to touching Frostina, Noel had speedily arrived by her side and was helping her out by using his 'Cryokinesis' to remove all the snow that had descended off the wall.

Surprised by Noel's help, Frostina remained focused on stopping the avalanche instead of dazingly being fazed by Noel.


A resounding voice coming from the top was Crystal who was doing her utmost by kicking away the chuck of snow that was about to fall.

"Leave this to us! We can handle this easily!" Crystal exclaimed loudly.

With the help of Crystal and Noel, this avalanche should be a piece of cake to prevent the others from getting hurt.

Be that as it may, it seemed the avalanche wouldn't be stopping anytime soon, since it had been going on and on for a while now without a rest.

"Why is it still..?" Frostina murmured as she was slowly changing the snow into ice cubes and was using it to strike down existing snow lumps.

"Watch out!" Crystal exclaimed to the people below which were Noel and Frostina who were busy keeping the ice wall intact.

The reason why Crystal was calling out to them, was because she couldn't hit back the giant rocks that unexpectedly slid off the wall.

Noel gasped by surprise when he looked up to find a rock coming his way. "Even rocks..!"

All of a sudden, the rock was cut to tiny pieces of pebble as if it was sliced and diced by someone.


"...A cat?" Noel uttered, perplexed by a cat saving his skin until he was smacked by an ice cube.

"Focus." It was Frostina's doing.

'I'm helping her and yet she's repaying me with this?!' Although angered by Frostina, Noel listened to her and just helped her out.

Eventually, HwanGi, Raiden and Mirai had rushed in to prevent the snow and rocks from descending onto their teammates, making Frostina and Noel do their things much easier without any worries.

And just for safety measures, Louis, Alaine and Mya were checking for anyone or anything that might pose a threat from the back. While doing so, they also helped out with the others by destroying some of the rocks and snows.


After a long session of dealing with the avalanche...

Thankfully, the avalanche was nothing but an easy obstacle when everyone had come together to help one another.

Alaine who had been protecting everyone's rear, uttered. "Is everyone okay?"

"I'm fine as well as Mya too." Louis informed everyone while standing beside Mya.

Standing by Frostina's side and had been burning away the snow that got in Frostina's way, HwanGi let out a sigh of relief before turning to look at Frostina.


When his eyes landed on Frostina, he had witnessed a huge ball of snow in his sight to suddenly get turned to that of a tiny snowball.

Because Frostina was removing a great deal of snow from the avalanche, she was shrinking those huge snowballs into small ones.

HwanGi's eyes, having to observe this, became amazed. "Incredible.."

It was as though Frostina had compressed the snow to a small size without much effort. As a result, the snow that the avalanche had caused, had been squished to simple snowballs.

In the meantime, the wall of ice was slowly but surely becoming clear to see without the snow having to block the view.

It was at that moment when Crystal suddenly uttered loudly. "Ah! There it is!"

Dropping into the arms of Noel, Crystal pointed her paw in one direction. "The place we're looking for!"

Once Frostina heard that, she quickly removed the wall of ice away to clear her point of view, finally discovering a building in front of her.

A building that had submerged within the mountain as though they were one, was illuminating the area with an odd one out color.

Instead of colors that matched the 'Arctic' World, this building had a variety of green mixed in. Befitting for the plants inside this place and for what this building's functionality was, this place was a greenhouse filled with dozens and dozens of plants.

Upon viewing such a sight, Mya's heart began to race as her eyes were sparkling by just this once scene.

"..Magnificent!" Mya gasped as she held her hands together.

Not noticing that her amulet was shining along with her astoundment, Mya was leisurely marveling this view with her twinkling gaze.

Of course, there were others who were surprised to see such a building.

"This is..!" Mirai let out a gasp upon seeing this greenhouse.

"Are we able to complete it though?"

For a moment, her facial expression was described as though she had found a miracle within her sight, but when she thought clearly of this scene, her expression turned grim immediately.

'We failed this event once.. Will we do it well this time?' Saddened, Mirai clutched her hands together while glancing on the glasshouse.

"Is that place dangerous or something?" Louis asked Mirai when he noticed Mirai's wavering expression on her face.

When Mirai heard Louis's question, she didn't know what to say because she was expressing her wariness and uncertainty onto her look, speechless of what she had remembered about the past.

Yet, Mirai took a deep breath after getting herself out of her mind and ignoring the past that was surfacing from deep within her memories.

..She looked at Louis bitterly. "It is.."

"..A place that turns one mistake into a life-changing experience." She muttered under her breath.