Episode 25 : Garden Of Eden (2)

"Are we really going into that place?" Alaine spoke while narrowly staring at the glasshouse.

"I hope so! I really like the flowers." Mya blushed as she was also glancing at the wonderful plants from the transparent glass.

Although not certain of this place, HwanGi looked at Frostina who was seemingly gazing at the greenhouse, appearing as if she was struggling to come to a decision.

'I wonder what this place is for her to make such an expression.' HwanGi mused, dazing from Frostina's expression.

Until then, Raiden had come up toward Frostina with a coffin on his shoulder, casually talking to her without having any problem with the coffin's weight.

"What are they talking about?" Louis with his arms behind his neck asked in curiosity.

"Whatever it is, I'm honestly surprised by that boy over there. Didn't Frostina say he was JoonChul's murder? So why did he help us?"

Alaine asked such a good question that prompted Louis to ponder about this as well.

"He's a good person overall, he was just not in his right mind earlier." HwanGi added.

Didn't like how HwanGi just said, Louis narrowed his eyes while not feeling rest assured by Noel's behavior.

Louis then spoke. "You shouldn't be calling him a good person when he had murdered someone and could have almost killed us as well."

Obviously, HwanGi denied it. "But he's not a dangerous person."

"How is he not dangerous when he was raining down snowballs at us earlier in the cave? One of us or all of us could have died in that situation."

"Guys! Guys! We shouldn't be fighting!" Alaine intervened in between them, just in case they were to start a heated argument.

During this time, Mirai had walked up toward those three to inform them of something important.

"All of you, from the moment we enter that place, do not touch anything." Mirai warned them while covering her face with her fan.

When hearing that, Alaine became nosy, and so she asked Mirai. "And why is that?"

"You'll see."

At that timing, Raiden shouted to catch everyone's attention, telling them this while waving his hand toward them.

"Everybody! We're going to head into the greenhouse now!"

"Alright, Sensei!" Despite being curious over what Mirai was trying to say, Alaine responded to Raiden instantly.

Afterwards, everyone in the vicinity began to depart toward the glasshouse, traveling there without any trouble since all the snow that had covered the way to the glasshouse, had fallen off during the avalanche.

Even though the pathway toward the glasshouse was snowless, it would take only a matter of time before it would get showered by the falling snow from the clouds.

As a result, 'The Rebels' Guild along with Crystal and Noel were walking in a swift manner, going so far as to almost running instead of walking.

"Mirai-Chan! Give everyone a boost!" Raiden told Mirai which made her pout.

Mirai responded back, using her skill to increase everyone with buffs. "Don't order me around, baka!"

The reason why, was because they found out that the glasshouse might soon get masked away by the snow. Therefore, it would make it harder to locate the greenhouse.

Thankfully for them, they had Mirai to empower everyone's ability to the maximum, increasing their speed much more rapidly.


In the 'Helpers' headquarters, there was Ruby who was resting on the couch in the lounging room.

It was filled with peace and quiet without any noises to disturb Ruby as she was sleeping soundlessly to recover.

But things don't always last forever. And eventually after a few minutes or so, a loud ringing star had flung onto Ruby's face, prompting her to jolt up from her nap.

"...Just why..?" Still feeling somewhat dozy, Ruby spoke while slowly removing the star from her messy face.

But upon removing the star away, Ruby had accidentally activated it which led to the star showing a bright screen into her naked eyes.

Just like how a modern person opened their phone in the middle of the night and had to experience a blinding light the moment it opened, that was exactly the same for Ruby's situation right this moment.

"Eeeeeekkkkk!!! My eyes!!!" Her shriek had filled the once peaceful room to that of a room full of screams.

While she remained shrieking, someone flew into the room to check what was going on, only to find a redhead screaming from the light.

"Ruby.. How mindless of you." The person who entered the room was Sapphire.

Going toward Ruby, Sapphire arrived by her side and quickly took the star away from Ruby's hand.

Upon holding onto the star, Sapphire proceeded to stare at Ruby, then she swiftly turned off the star for a minute.

"Are you okay now?" Sapphire asked, feeling tired by Ruby's behavior so far.

After that, Ruby rubbed her eyes as she was blinking nonstop to get her vision back.

Nevertheless, Ruby responded. "I'm alright! I think.."

Until she was fine, Ruby sighed before stepping up from the couch to take back the star from Sapphire.

Ruby blinked again, trying to take back the star. "Hm??"

"That's great." Sapphire spoke, not handing the star back to Ruby, but instead was moving a step backwards.

Ruby, unsure of what Sapphire was trying to do, gazed at her in bafflement. "Oi, give it back."

Instead of replying to Ruby, Sapphire just tapped the star to turn it back on, watching the screen that had projected in mid-air.

And the moment she spotted the title for this screen, Sapphire's face grew somewhat thrilled, feeling the edges of her lips craving upward from her excitement.

"Garden of Eden. I can't believe it appears right now." Sapphire spoke with an exasperated voice.

"Wait, hold on what!? Is that true?! That garden?! No freaking way!" Along with Sapphire's excitement, Ruby also joined in on the exhilaration.

"It seems it appears in the 'Arctic' World. And the people who came across it are 'The Rebels' Guild."

"Those guys again? Why do they always stick out like a sore thumb?"

"Either way, thanks to them, we'll get a chance to witness the Garden Of Eden in its full glory."

"Right, that's true! Come on, what are we waiting for!? Let's get our asses there quickly!"

"Language, Ruby!"

When Sapphire heard Ruby's statement, she speedily grasped the star and threw it at Ruby's face.


During which Ruby caught the star before Sapphire could do anything, smiling as she felt proud of herself to have noticed Sapphire's intent.

"Shall we leave now?" Sapphire spoke softly, etching a warm smile on her face that completely seemed out of place from her usual cold look.

Having to catch a glimpse of her grin, Ruby was shocked for a bit while she was tossing the star far away.

"Creepy.." Ruby mumbled to herself. "Not even Emerald's scolding was that scary."

"What is that I hear?" Sapphire smiled chillingly at Ruby.

Needless to say, Ruby flinched as she quickly changed the subject to something else. "Uh. Why do we get our butts to the Garden Of Eden before it's too late?"

"Do not speak like that. And yes, we must head out hastefully."

After that, Ruby and Sapphire proceeded to exit out of the headquarters as they set their destination to the 'Arctic' World.

Upon doing so, they had taken a leap off the cloud, dropping down to the 'Arctic' World in an instant.

As might be expected, they only needed to fly toward the location of where the Garden Of Eden was. While they were flying gracefully through the chilly sky, it only took them a couple of minutes to finally arrive at their location.

"Where is it?" Ruby asked while floating in the sky beside Sapphire.

However, the scene in front of them was just a snowy mountain, not knowing that the snow had covered the entirety of the greenhouse, they just didn't figure out what was going on.

"Strange. It should be here. Were we too late?" Sapphire spoke, also wondering where the garden was.

"This snow doesn't look right at all. Why is it shaped like that?" Ruby commented on the scenery.

With that, Sapphire came to understand what was occurring right before them. At which Sapphire flew closer to the mountain to have a proper view of it.

"It is odd.." Sapphire agreed.

That was when Sapphire flapped her wings with elegance, forcing the snow to raise up from the ground.

The moment when the snow had uncovered the greenhouse, Sapphire was able to discover 'The Rebels' guild already stepping foot inside this place.


In that split second, Sapphire made contact with Frostina's menacing glare, getting chills down her spine like her body was going through a death sentence.

Because of that, Sapphire lost focus of controlling the snow which caused the snow to drop back to the ground in disarray.

"Oi, Sapphire! Are you alright?" With her reactions being bewildered by Sapphire, Ruby hovered toward her immediately.

'Who the heck made Sapphire flinch to the point of her losing her concentration?!' Ruby thought while being worried about Sapphire and fearful of the person responsible for this.

"I'm fine." Sapphire replied calmly after getting her composure back.

"Are you sure you're fine?"


"Just let me handle this."

Even though Ruby disliked Sapphire, she still showed her concerns for Sapphire and thus, she instantly wanted to help.

Hereafter, Ruby was lighting up her nail on her pinky finger with her flame. Before the fire could get any bigger and fiercer, Ruby had blown the fire toward the area where Sapphire had originally removed the snow.

In mere seconds, the snow had melted into water, revealing half of the mountain in that insane rate of speed.

"So that's the person who made you jump.." Ruby spoke with a wavering voice for a bit.

..What Sapphire had experienced earlier, was what Ruby was staring at right now.

Eyes of the wintering chill, was sending out shivers to Ruby's spine when she had locked eyes contact with Frostina's icy glance.

"A player.. no a former NPC is easily scaring us, 'Helpers'? No goddamn way." Ruby scoffed at this thought.

Out of the blue, Ruby was smacked in the back by Sapphire before getting dragged by the hand toward the glasshouse.

"Oi! Wait!"

Not giving Ruby a chance to talk, Sapphire had dragged Ruby quickly to the greenhouse, flying into it and crashing into the glass wall without precautions.

"My wings! Ouch! Why did you have to do that?!" Ruby cried out after landing on the grass field.

Ruby resumed on. "Don't you think it's bad to destroy the gard—?"

At that moment when she turned around to look at the damages she and Sapphire had done, Ruby noticed the glass was flawlessly fine without a scratch.
