Episode 25 : Garden Of Eden (4)

Within the field of attractive flowers by one's side, it was no wonder that anyone would fall deeply for these gorgeous flowers.

And the one who has a flower name within her name, had fallen for these miraculous plants inside this gigantic garden.

"So.. beautiful." Mya with mesmerized glances was directed to all the flowers in her sight.

Roses, lilies, tulips, daisies, she named it one by one whenever she spotted one flower different from the others, even if it was the slightest difference, she managed to easily notice the dissimilarity between the flowers.

"Polyantha Roses." Mya spoke with a thrilled voice.

"...Lycoris radiata.."

Eventually, her excited voice decreased to a bittersweet one, she then named the other flower she saw.


The moment the last flower name left her mouth, Mya felt a wave of sadness quickly submerging her excitement, and because of her sudden change of expressions, Louis had noticed it immediately.

And so he tried to ask her why. "Lycoris radiata, was it? Why did you stop?"

Mya, staring at that lilies, averted her eyes to Louis and responded. "It's a Red Spider Lily flower."

"Oh, I see. It looks great, do you not like it?"

"It means Death."

"...Uh." Knowing that he made somewhat of a mistake, Louis sweated a bit while trying to change the subject.

"M-Mya, you must really love flowers."

By then, Mya just smiled happily as if she was only forcing a grin on her face. Even Louis could figure out Mya's unusual grin when she was talking to him.

"Yes, I do. Since my mother always brings home tons and tons of flowers, I learned a few things about them."

Out of the blue, Adam started to talk to everyone, looking at them closely with his surveying eyes.

[Seeing as we will begin the event soon, we will need to know what you all seek. But be wise about it, since there is only one reward.]

[Now, is what you seek fortune? Or..]

While Adam was speaking, his eyes laid upon the coffin on Raiden's shoulder, from there, Adam could clearly tell what these players were probably striving for.

Thus, he spoke while the edges of his lips were craving upward. [Or is it to resurrect your fallen friend?]

Moments when Frostina heard him, she directed a glare at Adam, not showing a slightest change to her calm and uninterested expression.

After that, she moved her lips to reply to Adam's question. "Yes, we all seek for the flower that will bring back our guild leader."

[Very well. If it's resurrection, you should prepare for the price you might pay later.]

Adam sneered before turning his back and walking toward the humongous tree, eventually disappearing from everyone's sight.

Leaving behind Eve, she proceeded to announce this to everyone inside this glasshouse.

[The event will begin in 1 hour. If you have any questions you wish to ask of me, please do feel free since you might never know if you'll ever get to hear it again.]

Sounding atrocious with how she was speaking, it oughta send shivers down anyone's spine.

By the way, the first to ask the question was Seong HwanGi, including Frostina. As it was unexpected that their voices intertwined with each other, the most shocking part was that their questions were almost the same as one another.

"Can JoonChul-ssi really be resurrected?" HwanGi asked.

While Frostina's question was this. "Will it truly be possible for my Liege to be revived?"

After they finished their questions, they both were surprised by each other, shifting their glances at one another with an expression that described puzzlement.

'For him to care more about my Liege when he is a player. Doesn't he want to get something else?'

As her hatred for players got drafted by HwanGi's words, Frostina was greatly astounded by him. And she wasn't the only one who's shocked.

There was HwanGi who understood why Frostina asked such a question. That was why HwanGi thought.

'JoonChul-ssi is her friend, so of course she would want to bring him back. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken first.'

Without giving moments for HwanGi to think, Eve answered the first question swiftly and honestly.

[Indeed, he'll be resurrected. But only if you all can obtain the flower needed for the resurrection.]

After that, Eve smiled when she witnessed Frostina's and HwanGi's questioning at the exact time, then she silently giggled by herself while she gazed at the other people.

[What about you? What do you seek the most?] Eve asked as she glanced at Alaine.

Afterwards, HwanGi averted his gaze at Alaine as he was curious if Alaine would give up a chance to get whatever she wanted for JoonChul's resurrection.

'If she says her desires except JoonChul-ssi's revival, what can I do to make her change her mind? Even if I try to persuade her, she may not listen.'

HwanGi wondered, dazing at Alaine who was rubbing her chin and was thinking hardly about Eve's question.

'Desires are things you cannot easily change. Just like how I want JoonChul-ssi to be resurrected, no one would be able to change that.'

Thinking like this, HwanGi took a deep breath before praying for Alaine to be selfless for just this once time.

By then, he realized that maybe the others also had something they really wanted all their lives, so if that was the case, what would HwanGi do?

'I don't know..' HwanGi told himself.

As his glances laid onto Frostina's usual expression, looking at her to guess what her thoughts might be for this situation, he became aware that it was a stupid question to want Frostina's answer.

'Frostina would definitely kill them, I can clearly tell from her eyes..'

At that moment, HwanGi noticed how Alaine was beginning to speak, so he listened closely to her every word.

By then, Alaine's answer to Eve's question was as follows. "I want my guild leader to come back to life."

Even though it was what HwanGi wished to hear, he felt stunned by Alaine's benevolent response to the point of his eyes becoming wider in these fews seconds.

From that moment on, another person joined in on answering Eve's question.

And it was Louis. "Don't know JoonChul much, but I would rather have a leader than not having one."

But the odd ones out was Mya with her answer relating to resurrection, yet it was for someone else.

While holding onto a hydrangea flower, Mya spoke with all her desperation mixed into her voice.

"..I.. I want my mother to come back."

With her trembling voice and quivering hands grasping firmly onto the flower she had picked, she knew already that she shouldn't have said that desire of hers in front of everyone who had agreed to seeking JoonChul's resurrection.

She mused as she shut her eyes closed to avoid everyone's gazes. 'Please forgive me.. but I really want..my mother back..'

Because of the flower in which Mya had chosen, Eve narrowed her eyes when she had spotted that flower before asking the child.

[A Hydrangea flower. Is your mother perhaps named Annabelle?]

"..." Without saying anything, Mya's silence told everything immediately, along with a slight nod.

[Did you think of your mother when you held that Hydrangea Arborescens Annabelle?]

Once again, Mya nodded with her eyes closed still.

Until then, Eve became a bit amazed by this child and because the child might bring a good show for her later, Eve felt rather eager to view Mya's ability.

[Seems like this will be interesting. Either way, all of you must only pick three people to participate in this event when it begins.]

[I'll see you all in a few minutes or so. Do take your time to find the perfect people for this event.]

After informing everyone, Eve instantly left the moment she finished her sentence, leaving behind the others who looked startled by Mya's desire.

There were also the 'Helpers' which Eve almost forgot. But fortunately for them, Eve remembered in the last second.

[Ah, 'Helpers', I have prepared seats for you to sit while you watch this event unfold. Please follow me this way.]

With a smile on her face, Eve led the 'Helpers' instantly since she knew that they didn't like her already. Though they aren't the only one, Eve also didn't want to stay beside the angels as much as they did.

Eve sighed while she thought. 'Adam, why did you leave me to deal with these angels?'

The moment they were seated, Eve immediately left without a word to the 'Helpers'.


Until a short time had passed..

Since he knew that Mya may encounter persuasion from his teammates, HwanGi stood in front of Mya, blocking anyone from getting close to her nor not allowing anyone to force their opinions on Mya.

"Hey! Don't get mad over this!" Although Louis wanted to help, he got a cat on his face to deal with currently.

Moreover, Louis was getting lots and lots of scratch marks on his poor face from Behemoth's claws. One can think Louis is a pitiful man.

Thankfully, HwanGi wasn't the only one who was protecting Mya. There was Alaine who stood guard just in case, since Frostina and JoonChul's comrades seemed highly suspicious.

Moreover, Alaine was already concerned about this guild, judging from the situation alone.

Which was why Alaine tried to tell the others. "Please don't fight guys..!"

As a result, there were only Alaine and HwanGi to take care of Mya. However, it wasn't until Frostina came forward to stand in front of HwanGi.

With an expression that was hard to tell whether it was a good or a bad thing, HwanGi was struggling to figure out what Frostina's intention for approaching him and Mya.

HwanGi told himself. 'Whatever it is, I won't let her hurt Mya.'

Eventually, when the words slid out of Frostina's lips, HwanGi couldn't believe his ears the moment he heard it. Even Mya who was standing behind HwanGi, got extremely flabbergasted by Frostina.

Mya, clinging onto her amulet, wondered before staring at Frostina. 'This wasn't what I expected at all.. Just why?'

Upon turning around to leave her spot, her eyebrows twitched when HwanGi interrupted Frostina, pondering what he wanted to ask about.

"Could you repeat that?" HwanGi asked as if he was too surprised by Frostina's statement.

A long and exhausted sigh slipping out of her attractive lips, Frostina repeated her words one by one more clearer to allow these fools to listen properly this time.

"Mya will take part in this event."