Episode 30 : Abominable Snowman (4)

The plan that JoonChul had discussed with the guild members of 'The Rebels' Guild, Asher and Felix, were imprinted flawlessly into everyone's heads, playing inside their heads constantly.

「 "The effective pair. HwanGi-ssi and Raiden will be the damage dealers. Both of them will also need to take care of the first snowball attack that the Yeti will do at the beginning." 」

「 "Let's just say that Raiden and HwanGi are the only pair to be effective against the Yeti, since lightning and fire are somewhat effective against the Yeti's fur and ice, they will need to be the ones who will deal the most damage." 」


HwanGi, who had launched himself straight at the Yeti, struck down his blade to coat the Yeti's fur with flame.


There goes a slash at the arm of the Yeti, blazing with the 'Divine Flame' that was burning away the fur on the Yeti.


Not only that, thunder was striking along with the white flame, traveling across the arms and legs of the Yeti as it set fire with a buzz.

"Heigh ho!" Raiden exclaimed.

When Raiden was almost grabbed by the Yeti's giant hand, he had immediately impelled a thunder lance at the Yeti's hand, escaping the Yeti's grasp in the process.


Not long after that, the furious Yeti was beginning to launch a ferocious punch at HwanGi who was in front of it.

As HwanGi was gazing at an advancing fist that was emitting glaciers and was falling upon him, he didn't even show the slightest reaction to this dangerous fist.

..It was as if he knew he'd be fine.


「 "The neutral trio. Frostina, Noel and Crystal will be the tanks since their ice powers won't affect the Yeti as much, but they can still use their ice power to minimize the Yeti's attacks." 」

「 "They also have an important role to stop the next snowballs the Yeti will throw, since taking HwanGi-ssi's and Raiden's stamina and health into consideration, the tanks must come in to block most of the attacks to let the others focus only on offense." 」


"So this is all you got, huh?!" Crystal exclaimed with her paws clashing against the Yeti's giant fist.

Compared to the Yeti, Crystal looked like a prey that could be easily taken down, but to think she could defend and handle such a devastating punch from the Yeti…

It clearly prompted the Yeti to be humiliated by a small bunny..


Humiliation and rage at the same time, the Yeti let out a vicious growl toward everybody, unknowing of its own foolishness to allow such an opening to unfold.



「 "As for Asher and Alaine, they will be dealing fatal wounds on the Yeti's blindspots while the damage dealers and the tanks are fighting the Yeti." 」

「 "Make sure to pop in and out quickly so that the Yeti can't put a single scratch on you. If the Yeti does attack, the tanks will be the one to protect these two while the damage dealers pull an aggros on the Yeti to draw its attention." 」

In that moment, Asher cried out with excitement written all over her ghastly weapon. "Ha! This feels great!"


"Stop giving away our position!" Alaine argued as she dragged her daggers down the Yeti's back.

"Oi! Watch out!"


Having noticed a lady scratching on its back, the Yeti's hand went behind and tried to aggressively grasp the lady as if it was planning to squeeze Alaine's inside out.


"Don't worry, sister Alaine!"

「 "Mya, Mirai and I will be the supporters. When one of our team gets attacked or such, we will fire arrows and kunais to draw the Yeti's attention to us which will allow the others some time to escape the Yeti's attacks." 」

「 "Even though we may be the ones who attack from behind, we can also give the others buffs as well as a debuff for the Yeti. So attack without worry." 」


Firing arrows with a deadly thunderous trajectory and a bullseye accuracy, alongside a reasonable amount of flowery arrows, there stood the archers who were aiming their arrows at the abominable snowman.

"More focus, less talking!" Scolding his guild members, JoonChul appeared to be calm and was concentrating on his aim.

At that point, Mya and JoonChul were drawing their bows with great proficiency, though looking closer, they resembled that of a master and a pupil.

There was also Mirai who was navigating her strings tied on the kunais to effectively pull and strike the Yeti.

In due course, she cried out. "Captain! The Yeti is about to do 'that'!"

What Mirai meant by 'that', was the Yeti who had stomped the ground with its might, forcing tons and tons of ice spikes to fall from the ceiling of the cave.


As the ones closest to the Yeti watched, the Yeti took an easy leap to get in front of the ice spikes.


..In a blink of an eye, everyone witnessed the Yeti give a destructive kick to the ice spikes, leading those spikes to shoot and target the supporters.

If somehow the supporters are dead, then it would be a disadvantage to the whole team..

Which was why…



「 "The ineffective pair. Considering the Yeti can eliminate supporters, there should be those who protect them. And that's why Louis and Behemoth will be fending off the Yeti's attacks at the supporters." 」

「 "I can already see the looks on their faces, but the only reason why they are protecting instead of fighting, is because Louis's attack is a water type while Behemoth's is an explosive type. Water won't do much against ice while an explosion is effective in getting the cave to collapse on everyone." 」


"I want to help them fight, but what JoonChul said is true…"

Louis, who was quite an observant because of his hidden skill, allowed him to lance through the ice spikes with no further difficulties.


Sliced and diced the ice spikes to ice cubes, Behemoth leapt from one ice spike to another, cutting them down to protect what he was ordered to.

"Don't complain, Behemoth." JoonChul told the mad cat.

After that, sounding alerted, Louis suddenly cried out. "The second snowball is coming!"

"Front! Fall back quickly! Tanks, get in position!"


Glimmering glacier from the massive snowball that the Yeti had thrown, it blasted toward the supporters' direction instead of the front.

The direction in which the Yeti had shot the snowball, was as if its anger for the supporters didn't subsided at all, forcing a devastating attack to target them while completely ignoring the people at the front.

"Mya! JoonChul-ssi! Mirai" HwanGi exclaimed in distress.

Which was why the tanks got caught off guard by the unexpected, rushing in to handle the second and much stronger 'Snowball Blast'.

It wasn't as though the front didn't trust the defense handled by Louis and Behemoth, they were just too surprised to see that the situation was actually..

"Allow me, mates!"


「 "All I can say for Felix is that he should be an All-rounder. Since I don't know him much nor his fighting style, he should do as much as he can with his extreme luck while not interfering with the others." 」


A starlight of a thrust that pierced the 'Snowball Blast', forced the snowball to change its trajectory in one go.

As if lady luck was on Felix's side, the snowball was countered like a piece of cake and changed its direction toward the Yeti instead.



Struggling to understand its situation, the Yeti staggered back on its giant feet and stood upright before letting out a deafening scream of fright, confusion and frustration toward everybody.


Meanwhile, Louis stood with a questionable expression as he wondered about the insane luck of Felix.

"Is that even luck to begin with..? How lucky is that guy for him to reflect the attack back at the attacker?"

"That's because the angels have fallen for me!" Felix praised himself with a proud look.

"..." Seeing this sight, JoonChul scowled with a disgusted expression.


Somewhere safe from the battle against the mini boss, there existed a nervous and dumbfounded angel.

"How are they so strong? They even know the Yeti's s-snowballs attack!" Pearl timidly stuttered.

"Are my glasses not working?"

Removing and putting on her glasses, Pearl was bewildered by the fight with the mini boss.

"..They're powerful." Grunted with complexed thoughts, Pearl bit the temple tip of her glasses, showing her true personality bit by bit.

Not only were they fighting with ease and no casualties were made, they weren't at all fazed by Yeti's overwhelming strength and power.

It was almost like they expected this to happen or they knew about the stage being a mini boss fight from the beginning.

"But how..? This is the first time a mini boss appeared, so how can they know?"

"Should I contact my sisters and ask them? But aren't they busy at the moment solving the lack of monsters?"

"Urghh.. What am I supposed to do?"



An arrow of black lightning flew by Pearl's cheek, luckily or purposely missing her cheek and her twin ponytails.

"What the heaven was that?" As Pearl turned to look at the arrow, she quickly shifted her gaze on JoonChul.

Because the one she saw that could use the black lightning, was obviously JoonChul.

Pearl uttered with slight anger. "There's no way he would shoot me.. I'm on the opposite side of the Yeti, so why?"

A little bit annoyed by the arrow and the fact that a mere human almost pierced her pale cheek, Pearl glared her pearl-like eyes toward JoonChul.

"I heard he's the one who killed the holy tree, and irked Sapphire and Ruby enough to make them break the rules."

Staring at JoonChul for a short moment, Pearl suddenly got an idea in her head as indicated by her wicked smile that erased her timid expression.

"Then… If I kill that guy before Sapphire does, how angry would she be? Haha."

Once thought to be shy and nervous, was actually hiding a wretched personality behind that soft smile.

Afterwards, Pearl held her cheeks with a villainous grin. "Oh the look on her face when she realized the person she wanted to kill was murdered by my hands."


Laughing mischievously while looking at JoonChul, Pearl was cooking up some plans to assassinate JoonChul with her limited time as an overseer of this world.

"This will be the start of my revenge for picking a fight with me, Sapphire! Hahah!"



Blood soon fell on Pearl's colorless cheek as it was dripping off from a small scratch that was made by a single arrow.

"Hush." JoonChul uttered with his finger on his lips.

In the spur of the moment, Pearl, baffled by JoonChul's voice and his piercing eyes, jolted away as if his aura was too much to handle for a 'Helper' like her.

"What kind of human is he..? To do this to an angel..!" Vexed by an arrow shot by a human, Pearl trembled with irritation.

As she grew enraged because of JoonChul, her glasses that were giving her a clear sight, cracked by the inability to withstand Pearl's rage.

"Just you wait, I'll put an end to your life just to irk Sapphire!" Pearl declared with confidence.


Accompanied with her words, the third snowball which had been blasted by the Yeti, had commenced.

"Ahem.. Let's act humble.." Pearl coughed as she found herself to be disgraceful by acting out.

Eventually ignoring the things she said above, Pearl let out a sigh before she went back to observing the situation.

She giggled by herself. "Oh my? It's a pity that the Yeti couldn't kill some of the players.."

As if her words were lies, Pearl laid her eyes on the floor to only find corpses of players, some were snowed under by the 'Snowball Blast' while some were single-handedly slaughtered by someone.

"There's another monster in the form of a human. How exciting, to think humans could kill their own kind." Pearl giggled.

"I didn't expect this stage to be filled with bodies unlike the few players who had come here already."

"Truly fascinating!" With a creepy grin, Pearl mumbled.