Episode 31 : Absolute Zero (1)

"Did we do it..?" Mya panted.

Gasping for air as she was exhausted from firing dozens and dozens of arrows as well as putting all her concentration on aiming, it was quite obvious that Mya collapsed on her knees when she was very tired.

Fortunately for her, she was caught by Louis's arm, lifting her up to help her stand properly again.

Louis then told her. "Yes, we all did it, Mya."


There goes a quaking clash when a certain creature had fallen as per its defeat in this one hell of a battle.

[The Mini Boss, Yeti has been defeated!]

"Good job, everyone."

Accompanied by a system message that told everyone their victory, the voice of JoonChul congratulating them left an impact on everybody.

Because it was the first time Louis, HwanGi, Mya, Noel, Crystal, Felix←(probably) and Alaine had felt the importance of teammates from this battle.

..It felt incredible to them.

The feeling of easiness when facing such a monster could cause anyone to tremble, and yet to think that they were able to fight without fearing their lives..

"Unbelievable…" Dazed, HwanGi mumbled.


In a blink of an eye, the light that was emitting from the Yeti's dimming body, was flashing like a light bulb that wasn't working anymore.


With one flick of a light, the system began to do its things by showing messages in everyone's viewpoints.

[Stage #15 has ended.]

[Stage #15's rewards will be distributed to the accomplishers.]

"It took us 4 hours to kill him, and just looking at us having no injuries, isn't it marvelous?" Louis fazed as if in awe.

By then, the ones who fought the Yeti, had been rewarded with 2000 coins, a token, an unfreezing bracelet, the fur coat of the Yeti and +5 stats points.

"We did it! Hehe!" Mya chuckled with a gleeful gesture.

The reward and the satisfaction of finishing stage #15 gave everyone's goosebumps and a beaming smile.

It was too exciting because some of them felt like they could do anything without being warnful of death and injuries.

…But regretful to say, this exultation soon hit rock bottom when they all heard an unwelcoming voice.

"C-Congratulations, everyone..!" It was Pearl.

Shortly after that, Alaine grumbled while she was walking up toward JoonChul and the others next to him.

"..It was so thrilling a moment ago.."

"Seems like that angelic buffoon can't understand the mood." Asher scowled with her hatred of bitches, obviously directing those words to Pearl.

"At least we agreed on something."

"Yeah, whatever."

Needless to say, HwanGi swiftly warned these two ladies. "Shh. We shouldn't anger them."

"Agreed, we don't want to cause trouble right after a mini boss fight." Louis agreed with HwanGi.

After a while, Pearl adjusted her new glasses on her face, she then announced to everybody.

"Since your heroic effort to take down t-the Yeti had managed to deal the most damage to it, I'll offer you a b-bonus."


Hands smacked together to bring forth boxes of strange colors, rainbowed with the colors ranging from gray, green, blue, purple, orange, magenta and yellow.

As the boxes floated in front of each and everyone's faces, they were puzzled by the odd colored boxes, looking at each other before their glances landed on JoonChul and his comrades.

Of course, JoonChul and his friends felt all those glances falling on them, which was why JoonChul decided.

"Would you mind leaving?" JoonChul looked at the angel before he smiled kindly at her, clearly faking it.

After that, Pearl reassured them as she looked quite falsely nervous. "There's n-no need to be c-cautious..!"

"There is no need for an angel to stay here when her task is completed."

"W-Well..If you want me g-gone, I can leave and let you do your things.."


And immediately after that, the body of the angelic and shy Pearl soon vanished toward the light with a dazzling glimmer falling upon the corpse of the Yeti.

Asher grunted when she saw a nuisance out of the picture. "That's a relief."

In the end, there was no need to gaze upon an unneeded person such as Pearl…


After a short period of time passed when the 'Helper' left the area..

"So.. what are these boxes?" Alaine, curious as always, asked JoonChul's comrades.

The energetic and sociable Raiden quickly stepped in to give his disciple an explanation. "It's a 'Randomizer Loot Box'."

"Loot boxes?! Really? Does that mean I might get something cool from it?!"

"Yes, but it depends on your luck."

Eventually, Louis asked him. "A randomizer? And what's with the colors?"

"Ah, it means all of the rarities are in one box."


"Then can you tell us how many rarities there are?" HwanGi asked as well.

"Let's take a look at the loot box." Raiden, looking like a teacher teaching his students, began explaining to them.

While Raiden's randomizer loot box was floating casually, Raiden pointed one of the colors with his lightning stick.

"This is common." Raiden pointed to the gray color.

"This is rare." Aimed at the color green.

"Unique for this one." Pointed at blue.

As he was talking, Raiden spotted Alaine raising her hand which made him feel extremely excited.

'So this is what it feels like to be a teacher!' Mused, Raiden shredded a tear of happiness.

"Ahem. Yes, Alaine-chan?"

Sadly, Alaine requested him. "May you go faster, please?"

"A-Ah.. Yes, I will."

"Heheh." Mirai giggled in the background.

Quicker this time, Raiden directed his lightning on purple, orange, magenta and lastly, golden yellow.

Speaking in order of the color, Raiden named the rarity of these colors. "Epic, legendary, mythical and star relic."

"Star relic? What's that?"

"It's a holy and historical item. For example, Louis-kun can get the trident of Poseidon."

Somewhat enlivened, Louis was looking forward to getting his hands on that star relic weapon. "That's going to be hard to acquire since it's at the highest rarity."

"That's why you shouldn't get your hopes up."

"What do you mean?"

"There are loot boxes specifically for common to mythical, but to get star relics, you have to get the randomizer loot boxes and other varieties."

"I see… Then what is the percentage in getting the star relic from the randomizer loot boxes?" HwanGi asked with an expression that was prepared to accept the lowest percentage.

"Hmmm.. Percentage? I seem to have forgotten about it. Mimi-chan, do you know?"

Mirai, fanning her fan, folded it back together as she gave her response. "For a sensei, you don't know that?"

"Don't act like you know." Behemoth yawned.

"I was talking to you, scaredy cat!"

Before an argument could start, Raiden speedily stopped them. "Guys, don't start fighting again."

"It's 0.0000007%." Frostina informed everyone.

Obviously flabbergasted by that number, Crystal asked her. "How many zeros are there?!"

"There are 7 noughts." Felix joined in on the fun. "What are we standing here for? Let's just get right into it!"

Since he's the only one who wanted to open the loot box, he felt keen on being the first to open it which was why he didn't hesitate.

In due course, Frostina quickly warned everybody. "For those who have photopsia, close your eyes."

Along with her words, Felix had proceeded to unveil his loot box, opening it himself as the light shining from the inside flickered with the color of rarities.

Shimmer! Shimmer!

Without a doubt, since loot boxes required good luck, Felix depended on his Hidden Skill to increase his fortune.

[Player '777' has activated the Hidden Skill, 'Heaven-Sent' Lv. 2.]

"Once the flicking of light stops at one color, that will be the rarity of the items you'll get." Raiden spoke with his hand blocking most of the light.



It was a short moment until it appeared…

Gasped and agaped, Felix cried out with a trembling voice. "...! I am.. gobsmacked..!!"

"What is it?!" Alaine asked as she couldn't see because of the light.

Sooner or later, the light died down slowly when the item that made Felix astonished, appeared gracefully in front of them.

"This.. is a dench item! Bloody hell.."

Remaining baffled with the item on his arms, he carried it carefully before he showcased it to everyone to reveal why he was too surprised.

"Wut..?" Asher murmured.

..In that moment, shock was slowly but surely written on everyone's faces, and they couldn't even believe their eyes.

Wide-eyed by the color of the light remaining on the item, Louis astounded while he exclaimed his shock. "C'est impossible! That's a golden color!"

* ( "C'est" French → English "This is / That is / It is" )

Having witnessed it, Alaine gasped as well. "Mon dieu!! Then is that a star.. relic?!!?"

"Wasn't the chance of getting that 0.0000007%?!" HwanGi expressed his amazement as well.

While they were being thunderstruck by this situation, JoonChul's comrades grew puzzled by the item Felix received.

Not a weapon, a consumable, or an armour…

Eventually, Frostina had to ask the still astounded Felix. "Excuse me, but can you tell me the name of this?"

As if he misunderstood it, Felix dared to flirt in front of Frostina. "Oh~ Did my charm finally work on you, madame?"

"..." Disgusted, Frostina glared.

"Ack.. Maybe not, but your glare looks bloody gorgeous~"

"..." Clearly, Frostina was speechless and resumed on with a glare and an expression of death directed at Felix.


"Just explain it, you donkey!"

"Ouch! Easy there!" Felix turned as he spotted Asher and JoonChul behind him.

"Name. Now."

"Eek—It's the Wheel of Fortune!"

In no time, JoonChul exhaled a sigh before he gave a much more informative response than Felix.

"Its name is 'Rota Fortunae', an object belonging to the goddess of fortune, Tyche from Greek Mythology."

Secretly, Asher checked the item while complimenting JoonChul. "Wow, aren't you a smartass?"

JoonChul shrugged for his reply.

"Any~ways~ Felix, you're coming with me now!"

In an instance after making up her mind, Asher grabbed Felix by the collar and mercilessly dragged him toward the exit of the boss room.

"Hold o—!"

Not allowing Felix some time to speak, Asher kept on moving without stopping nor bidding farewell to the others.

"Madame! You need to be gentle!" Felix complained before storing his item in his inventory.

At that point, HwanGi called out. "Why are you leaving just like that? Shouldn't we work together so that we can beat the stages easier?"

In the end, HwanGi was fast to chase those two, but he didn't make any progress in his chase as he was halted by JoonChul's hand grasping on his arm.

Ultimately, JoonChul told HwanGi. "It's their choice."

"What about Felix?"

"Didn't you see how he treated Frostina? I rather not have that guy harass anyone in my guild."

"..." HwanGi groaned when he realized what Felix's personality was.

Even as they spoke, Alaine pouted with her unsatisfied curiosity. "Bummer. I really want to know what that item does."

"It's the Wheel of Fortune, so I'm sure it brings about fortune or misfortune to anyone who spins it. Something like that."

"That doesn't help my curiosity at all, Louis!"

"Is your curiosity always this extreme?"

"No, it's not! Are you not curious why a star relic appeared when its chances are 0.000007?!"

"You missed a zero, and I once thought that guy's luck to be a coincidence, but I guess not."

"Enough." JoonChul interrupted.

He then continued on. "We'll be taking a 20 minutes break before we head out to the next stage. While we're at it, do what you want at that time."

"Whether that be opening your loot box or resting, I suggest doing it right now since I won't be merciful in giving any breaks in our journey."

"JoonChul-ssi, that's a bit harsh." HwanGi commented.

"We wasted so much of our time that the players behind us may catch up to us in no time."

"Even if players reach us, we'll be fine more or less. Though, it's good to hurry things up, we still have a team to look after."

"If you're worried that we might head out to fight again, then no need to worry, we won't have to fight much in the next few stages."
