4 - Holy magic won’t do anything to me you fools.

Lucius, Carmella, And Albedo stand nearby a window looking out at several mages with familiar-looking white robot looking monsters floating around them. Lucius doesn't quite recall their names but he knows that they are from Yggdrasil. He looked to his left seeing Gazef approaching him he leans against a nearby wall waiting.

"There's quite a lot of them out there do you know who they could be?" Lucius asked Gazef right as he reached him.

"There's only one country that could send that many magic casters at once. The Slane Theocracy They are all part of the special ops unit directly under the head priest. So it's one of the six scriptures." Gazef said gazing out the window.

"They dressed themselves up as soldiers from a separate country… Smart if you want to put two countries at odds or keep them as such." Lucius said trying to make sure he covered every front that could be happening as to not give away he hasn't the faintest idea about current affairs.

"I believe that to be the case." Gazef responded. Lucius nods his head and looks outside once more.

"Hmm, they may want revenge on me for killing all those faux knights earlier… But if that was the case why didn't they attack sooner." Lucius said to himself thinking of the possibilities before coming to the most likely reason. "Ah, it must be you they're after. The timing of this is way too 'coincidental'."

"To think the Slane Theocracy is after me… Sir Saintlin I would like to hire you I will be sure to reward you as you wish." Gazef said now looking right into the eyeholes of Lucius's mask.

"No." Lucius simply responded.

"I see. Then please take care, Sir Saintlin. Thank you again for saving this village." Gazef said taking ahold of Lucius's right hand. I am really, truly grateful…"

"Those eyes are those of somebody who is about to go to their death… I've seen it more than I would have preferred in my line of work. Ahem, I said no to the reward I already told the knights from before this village was under my protection and I'm just not going to stand by and let somebody else protect it for me." Lucius said placing his left hand on Gazef's shoulder. Gazef looks even more grateful. Lucius smiles under his mask his goal achieved.

"You have my eternal gratitude Sir Saintlin…" Gazef said with a smile.

"I only have one condition. No peaking. I have a last resort spell that kills anyone who witnesses it… So if I am forced to use said spell I don't want to worry about you, your soldiers, or the villagers. My allies here are trained in how to avoid the spell so they will be just fine." Lucius said looking out at the mages with his eyes glowing red. Gazef's eyes widen as he witnesses this.

"Huh? Oh, don't worry it's merely my mask it's an enchantment that allows me to see the weaknesses of my enemies." Lucius said removing his mask and using a silent cast spell to cause the eyes of the eyes to retain the glow Lucius actively looks outside while showing him to hide his features. "Now then it's time to show them what a true mage looks like."

Lucius, Carmella, and Albedo leave the building after Lucius puts back on his mask. He glances at Carmella who nods and turns to face the building staying behind incanting a spell. Albedo and Lucius continue walking until they find themselves close enough to talk with the leader of the mages. Lucius looks over to Albedo and nods his head at the ground nearby she bows then walks over to the spot he nodded at.

"I am Lucius Daimon Saintlin of Ains Ooal Gown. Those who are in the village are under my protection. So I'm giving you one chance to leave this place no harm will come to you. However, if you try to attack me or the village you will know death." Lucius said dead seriously.

"Ha! What an obvious bluff! After we kill you we're going to kill every person in that village. Angels attack!" The hoodless mage shouted. Two angels fly towards Lucius at breakneck speed but as they reach him they suddenly split in half horizontally all there is to be heard is a simple 'click'. Lucius remains still with his arms crossed yawning loudly. The angels fade away leaving behind floating yellow sparks the scatter.

"You're going to have to try a little harder than just two angels if you want to even attempt to put a singular scratch on me. Hmm, I'll be sure to capture at least one of you alive I have many questions." Lucius said uncrossing his arms.

"Have all the angels attack at once! Hurry!" The man shouted waving his arm about. All the angels move to surround Lucius. As soon as they're all in place they all move to attack at the same time Lucius unsheathes his sword and waits for them to get close. As soon as they are blade length with them the all freeze in place as he swings Right, Left, Right, then spinning in a full three-sixty with a final right swing striking a pose with the sword aimed outward with his right arm fully extended as a large gust of wind swept over the open field knocking back all of the magic casters. Every angel that was nearby had been all cut in half horizontally in five different places they disappear after falling to the ground.

"Shit, I said I would show you all what a true mage looked like, and yet I haven't used magic as of yet…" Lucius said before all of the mages stood up as fast as they could and casting many different spells all of which Lucius knew were from Yggdrasil. He sheathes his weapon once more and crosses his arms letting all the spells be nullified by his defense skill. After a short while, all the spells stop so he uncrosses his arms.

"Come on you're not going to get anywhere using such pathetic angels and spells. Maybe that larger one will be able to make me try a little more." Lucius said tilting his head up at the commander waiting.

"Principality of Observation! Attack!" The commander shouted rattled to the core. The large angel summons forth a mace enchanted with holy light. It floats towards him then swings downwards but Lucius sidesteps letting it hit the ground before ripping the arm that held the mace from the angel and claiming the mace for himself. He swung upwards as hard as he could sending the angel flying into the sky before it faded away along with its mace.

"It would be a waste to even use magic on such weak things surely you have something much better your hiding." Lucius said in a bored tone of voice placing his arms behind his head as he yawns once again bored. The mages are left completely speechless.

"You wanted something better so I'll give you just that! I shall summon the highest level angel!" The man shouted reaching into his outfit and pulling out a magical sealing crystal Lucius recognized also being from Yggdrasil he perks up at the sight of this feeling extremely excited.

"Oh-ho-ho! Show me what you've got!" Lucius shouted excited that he might actually have to try. 'I know I should be on guard but I can still resist death at least once today so let's just see where this goes."

"Look, the shining form of the highest of angels! Dominion Authority!" He shouts as a truly massive angel with six glorious wings. A light blue 'halo' Appears above its featureless head. Every mage lets out sounds of amazement staring at its beauty.

"Really? That's all? I thought it would be something actually dangerous like the 'Dire Grigori'." He said with disappointment as the sounds of amazement return to being sounds of fear and shock.

"W-What?! You lie! There is nothing higher than this angel besides the six gods themselves!" He shouted angrily.

"The six gods you say?" Lucius said placing his fingers on his chin. 'These six gods are either physical or made up gods they actually worship… They could also be players I should defiantly take him alive after dealing with that disappointing angel."

Lucius looks up to see he's being attacked by 'Holy smite' he hadn't noticed it. He then wondered if it was attacking him while he was thinking to himself about the so-called 'Six gods'. The attack finally ends and he just stands there as every single mage begins to run in fear.

"Holy magic won't do anything to me you fools. Albedo kill every single last one of them just leave the angel and their leader to me. Oh, and be sure to send the bodies to Nazarick as morbid as it is we need to learn about their physiology." No sooner than these words have left his mouth Albedo disappears tearing into the mages with her axe.

"Now then Dominion Authority bend to my will!" Lucius shouted as his eyes glow red and blue as the vapor from before bursts forth from his back. Dominion Authority begins to shake violently as the blue light coming from it as well as its 'halo' turns red while the overly white body begins to turn to a dark grey.

"What did you do!?" The commander shouted as Dominion Authority flies behind Lucius and waits. Lucius appears right before him and grabs hold of the cloth of his outfit.

"Dominion Authority recognizes the power of the 'fierce deity Lucius' perhaps you'll be told just how I got that nickname. There are many questions I'm going to have Carmella ask you and you will answer truthfully otherwise you will suffer eternally. Gate" Lucius looks to his left as a massive gate opens up which he throws the commanding mage into. Dominion Authority slowly floats into the gate. As Carmella who is now standing nearby bows then enters as well.

'I suppose in these people's eyes Dominion Authority is powerful so I should work on making the mind control permanent when I get back to Nazarick… I hope I didn't startle Aura and Mare opening such a large gate on the sixth floor.' Lucius thought to himself as he watches Albedo clean up the corpses of the mages.

"Albedo, let's go and tell the villagers their safe so we can return to Nazarick." Lucius said looking down at the grass which is pushed down in a perfect circle from his attack when he was surrounded.

"Eh, Albedo get behind me I need to make it look like more magic was used during the fight so…" Lucius opens his hand as a black sigil that swirls appears just above his palm he lets it burst upwards once before pointing his hand at the ground. "Maelstrom."

A large swirling tornado made of dark magic begins to tear the ground apart he stands there watching it swirl and bend all around the battlefield making it appear as if much more of a fight had taken place. He snaps his finger and the vortex disappears dropping whatever it had picked up during its run. Lucius walked back towards the building where everyone was hiding was surrounded by a black cloud. He touches the cloud and it completely dissipates Lucius then looks up at the sky and sees that it's gotten rather late.

"Everyone the threat has been dealt with you may now go back to your homes!" Lucius shouted opening the door as all the villagers slowly step out of the building looking around. Shortly after Gazef stepped out and looked towards where the 'battle' took place.

"You truly are an incredible man Sir Saintlin." Gazef said taking ahold of Lucius's hand squeezing hard. Lucius raises an eyebrow under his mask as Gazef is causing him the tinniest amount of discomfort from his tight grip.

"I am indeed an incredible man… But I must return to my home I doubt anybody or anything would dare to attack the village. However, I will still leave an item here so I'll know if anything further tries attacking. Be it a monster or man I will know. I hope our paths cross again someday and we can sit down and have a chat." Lucius said turning away and walking as he removed a black totem from his inventory and tossed it onto one of the roofs. They walk until they enter the forest. Lucius looks around making sure nobody is around. "Gate"

After confirming nobody is indeed around they enter the gate and find themselves inside of Lucius's room where he doesn't see the real Carmella so he figures that she saw the gate and used 'perfect unknowable' to hide and make sure she isn't seen.

"Lord Lucius's room! Are you going to take me for the first time?!" Albedo shouted in an excited tone as she removed her armor.

"Uh… No? I have important business to attend to Albedo I still have to test my theory from when we first came to this world." Lucius said causing albedo to look rather disappointed before bowing.

"If I may ask why you went so far for that village? You even swore to protect it even further." Albedo asked in a curious tone.

"If you don't know the reasons then go ask Demiurge." Lucius said to Albedo who bowed before walking away.

"Lord Lucius is so badass!" She whispered rather loudly to herself while leaving the room Lucius smirks but decides to not comment on what was said. As soon as Albedo closes the door to the room Carmella appears in a nearby chair with a large number of sweets on the table.

"Master, may I ask what your theory you mentioned?" Carmella asked taking a bite of chocolate cake Lucius sits nearby her and cuts himself slices of the various cakes.

"I've told you a great deal about the game of Yggdrasil correct? You know 'Shooting Star' Right?" Lucius asked gripping something on his finger and pulling it off after a second a ring with three gems made to look like shooting stars appears. "It allows you to use the 'Wish Upon A Star' spell three times I'm am also wondering if the effects of the ring have changed since coming here."

"Ah, you told me to use your card while trying to get that ring." Carmella said reaching into her inventory and removing an identical ring to what he had mentioned. "It took an incredibly long time to get it…"

"I got it on my first try but then I looked at my account and saw just how many times you had to try and get it… I couldn't help but laugh as Momonga shouted in jealousy." Lucius said before clearing his throat. "My theory is I might be able to remove my level cap if that exists in this world… And if it does or doesn't work I'll then wish for XP to be much easier to earn."

"I may just have to do that as well if you allow me to." Carmella said enjoying the sweets she most likely prepared. Lucius proceeds to eat far more than should be humanly possible and stands up walking to a more open part of the room. He raises his hand after placing the ring back on his finger.

"Wish upon a star! I wish for my level cap to be removed!" Lucius shouted as a blue magical circle appeared beneath him as he begins to glow extremely brightly. After the glow fades he feels slightly different but isn't completely sure if it worked. He looked down at the ring to see one of the gems is gone.

"Did it work master?" Carmella asked staring at his perplexed expression.

"I think? Well, it used the charge so I'm going to assume it did as it didn't reject the wish… Ahem, wish upon a star! I wish for XP to be incredibly easy to earn!" After another glow appearing, he once again feels slightly different. He thinks about what he could use for his last wish.

"Why not wish for the ability to have full control over what levels you gain?" Carmella suggested. Lucius thought further on what she said and decided on what his last wish would be.

"Wish upon a star! I wish for complete control over my levels!" Lucius shouted as once again he is surrounded by a glow. He looks down at his ring to see every gem is now gone but the ring itself remained on his finger not disappearing. "Hmm, I thought the ring would disappear after the uses were up… Conceal"

The ring disappears right before his eyes but still feels it upon his finger. He cracks his fingers as he exits the room. He walks the halls for a short while before coming across Entoma of the Pleiades.

"Hello there, Entoma. How are things?" Lucius asked grabbing her attention completely.

"Lord Lucius! I'm doing great!" She said in a high pitched cheery tone. Lucius raises an eyebrow as he sees her lips aren't moving.

"Ah, you're wearing a mask I never really noticed before." Lucius said looking at it closely.

"If you so wish Lord Lucius I can remove it and show you my face." Entoma said with a bow.

"Sure if you want to that is." Lucius said hardly hiding his curiosity. After a moment she removes it and shows him. His eyes widen in shock for a moment before he calms himself down. "Ah, you're an insectoid quite fitting for an entomancer. Do forgive me but I have to learn everything that Carmella learned when we went to that village. Take care."