The Ghost of Azuchi

The ride back to Azuchi was awkwardly silent until we were hours away from the dragon's liar. Instead of stopping and resting, Nabunaga along with Hideyoshi and some scouts pushed through the night to get back to Azuchi as fast as possible.

"Rina, you can rest now." Nabunaga's eyes were focused on the road ahead.

"I haven't rested in over two months. I can wait a few hours more." My mind was still fixated on Kenshin's last words as I stared out at the dark sky ahead of us and wrapped his cloak tighter around my shoulders.

As if he could read my mind he spoke. "We will deal with that if the time comes." The resolve in his words made my heart hurt.

"You don't have to deal with it." I said with anger in my voice. His hold on me tightened slightly.

He finally looked down at me, anguish threatening the edges of his eyes. "Everything you deal with is also mine to deal with."

I looked away with a scowl. "We shall see." I whispered knowing full well he could hear me.

When we returned to Azuchi I was immediately taken to see the healer, Ieyasu. Despite generally being an unpleasant person to be around, he was surprisingly gentle and cautious as he checked on my various injuries.

He checked each scar and each wound that was still in the process of healing for signs of infection. Upon seeing the brand he gasped under his breath.

"Remove it." I said blankly.

He made a surprised sound and paused before speaking. "Are you sure? It will hurt worse than receiving the brand, and the wound will have to be tended to incase of infection."

"I won't repeat myself." I stood and covered my shoulder back up with my black kimono and made my way out of the room. "Make whatever preparations you need to." And walked out into the halls.

I tried to rest. But I couldn't. When I slept I awoke screaming from terrible nightmares of dragons ripping me apart from the inside. No one could console me either, I couldn't let them touch me and would yell at them to leave me alone.

After a week of this, despite our awkward last encounter, Hideyoshi came to visit one night.

"Rina, I'm coming in." He entered without waiting for a response which was very unlike him.

"Leave. I don't want company." My voice shook with rage as I didn't turn to face him.

"I heard that you haven't been able to get very much sleep since you've returned." That overly caring tone that I used to dream about made me want to punch someone or something. I didn't respond. "I brought you some tea and thought maybe you would talk to me about it?"

With my back still to him I spoke in a cold, removed, tone. "Why would I want to talk to you? You're his right hand, you're the most cautious and protective one on his council. It stands to reason that you would have been the least supportive of tracking me down, even if I hadn't just crushed your heart."

There was a silence in the room that felt somewhat like a heavy fog as he tried to get to me mentally.

"So the servants weren't lying. You're spiteful and angry at this house." I could hear him sitting down at the small table in the middle of my room, shuffling the cups and tea pot. "I was concerned about chasing after you."

I whipped around with an icy glare hoping my gaze would cut him, to no avail. He just continued to calmly pour the tea. "So I'm right to hate you." I spat. Maybe if I hate him enough my words will turn venomous and kill him.

"Perhaps. I know part of me hated myself during those council sessions. Nobunaga and I wanted to turn all of our men to focus on finding you, but it's not my job to obey my whims. My job is to help achieve his dream." He was so confident, with his eyes closed as he took his first sip of tea. "I, along with Nobunaga, Mitsunari, and Masamune, convinced the rest of the lords to allow a small party and two highly skilled ninjas to track you down. We had no idea you were with... him" His eyes looked fierce and angry as he stared into his cup.

I moved to the table slowly, it still hurt to move. I settled across from him. "The strategist agreed to that. Perhaps he is the angel the servants think he is." As much as the women shook for Hideyoshi, they also admired Mitsunari's kind and brilliant mind, after calling him an angel.

"And what is it they call me?" A smirk formed on his lips. The smirk that used to make my knees weak.

"I would never betray my staff and tell you what they think of you. Ask of anyone else, but not yourself." I almost sounded as severe as he does when he scolds someone.

"You're teasing me? Does that mean you forgive me?" His eyes softened. Those honey colored eyes that make hundreds of women swoon. He's such an effortless flirt.

I paused to think. "I suppose I can forgive you." I reached to grab the other cup and he reached to hand it to me. Our hands met on the cup and the subtle blush on his cheeks was not mirrored on my own as I pulled the cup towards me.

"You seem to have forgiven me as well..."

His throat bobbed as he swallowed. "I could never hold a grudge. Even as a child I was prone to forgive quickly. Mitsuhide says it's one of my greatest weaknesses."

"Mitsuhide has very little friends to have his back should the need arise." I snarked before taking my first sip. "I forgot how good you are at this." I said after.

"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy the tea." His smile was so soft. "I'm glad that you're back. He never lost his vision for the future, but without you around..."

I set the cup down quit forcibly. "He what Hideyoshi? What is your goal here? Why are you in my chambers?!" My voice had risen to crack, betraying the changes I had undergone.

"He didn't smile as much while you were away. Even these last few days, barely seeing you, or being pushed away from you when he does, there is a something lighter and more passionate about him." He started to stand. "I came to check on someone... someone I care deeply about who is hurting in ways I cannot fathom. I'm sorry if I've made things worse." He looked pained as he left. I drank my tea rolling his words around in my mind like a Go piece I didn't know where to place on the board.

I slept that night. I suspect that the worrying monkey, Hideyoshi, had something put in the tea because I slept soundly for half a day.

I felt like a dark cloud that haunted the halls and gardens of Azuchi and soon one of the maids assigned to me confirmed that I had gained a new reputation as the ghost of Nobunaga's first bride. How fitting now that I am no longer a suitable option.

He was busy with war councils. After evening meals, before council sessions resumed he walked with me to my room where I stayed for the rest of the evening. The first night he let his hand brush against mine and I quickly pulled my hands together in front of me for the rest of my walk. When we reached my room he came in behind me and slid the door closed. "Rina—" his voice was tense and his eyes were troubled as he spoke.

"Yes my Lord." My head was bowed.

He approached me and reached his hand to lift my face. I retreated and yelled "do not touch me!" In my retreat I nearly tripped on the fabric of my kimono and he reached to catch me. I was able to catch myself before falling thanks to years of dance training.

His troubled eyes turned sad and I wanted to claw them out of his face. I don't know what came over me, it felt as if the fires that I kept concealed from Kenshin had suddenly turned to a volcano on the verge of erupting and Nobunaga could see it in my eyes.

"You don't want to stand by me anymore?" He asked coldly.

"I can't want something that isn't possible. I've been through enough pain." I said plainly.

"Why isn't it possible?" His face was calm, but his clenched fists at his side betrayed him.

I huffed. "Once again proving to me what a fool you are. I am no longer a virgin Oda idiot. It will be weeks until we can confirm wether or not I will carry Kenshin's spawn, you lousy —" My words were brought to a sudden halt by his slap across my face. I stood and regained my posture before continuing. The slap was nothing, he held back considerably. "I told you to keep your hands off of me. I will not belong to you as your wife, so get rid of me already! Exchange me for another; one who hasn't been defiled."

"Stop!" His voice boomed through the small chamber. He was pinching the bridge of his nose. "Is this contemptuous behave towards me really because he defiled you? because you think you might carry his child? Or is it something else?" He released his nose and looked into my eyes.

"What does it matter if I am carrying his child or not. I am not untouched by other men. I'm not suitable. Pregnancy would simply be a decorative seal on the agreement between us that has been torn apart by Kenshin and you." My words were sharp as I stared at the fool in front of me.

"You sound quit firm in your decision I almost doubt anything I could say would change your mind. If it wasn't for the fire I saw in your eyes that night at Kenshin's I would think you wanted to be back there with him." I hissed at his words. "Ah, there she is. I told you before, you chose a difficult path next to the Devil, and you told me that you would just have to become a devil yourself, I dare say you journeyed to hell and stayed there for two months." He started to exit the room, sliding the door to the side and exiting. When he turned to close the door he spoke. "I will be in heavy counsel sessions for the next two weeks. I will make the time to see you. At the end of the two weeks I will ask you one last time if you will sit by my side or not. Only after these next two weeks will I take your words seriously." His eyes were stern and sad as he closed the door.