I See You

Sueko and I ride in the makeshift cart that was made for us. Several futons and lots of blankets and pillows help make the whole thing feel more comfortable. For awhile we don't talk much. She asked if she could braid my hair and I let her play with my hair. Her fingers pulling through my hair reminds me of our childhood, the way all of us would play with each other's hair, testing out whatever hairstyles we could dream up.

"Rina— What was he like?" Her voice is soft and careful.

"Who?" I turn to see her curious face.

"Nobunaga. I asked the men and they just speak about what a great leader and fighter he was… but I don't feel like I know him from that… It's okay if you aren't ready to talk about him though… Sorry…" He face falls to her lap.

I awkwardly turn around and need a minute to catch my breath afterwards. "He was beautiful. Full of passion, creativity, and yes, he was a very good fighter, but he also cared deeply for his men."

"He sounds wonderful Rina. I'm sorry I never got a chance to know him better." She smiles again now. "I think you are so blessed. Both of your husbands are deeper than their positions."

I lift an eyebrow. "Speaking of husbands…" Her cheeks immediately redden and spread to over her face as I continue. "You do realize you have three of them fixated on you, which is amazing considering you condition…" I look down to her stomach that is hardly swollen at all.

She laughs and tilts her head, cheeks still pink. "Oh Rina, I don't know what I am going to do!" Her head falls back in a mock whine.

I laugh. "Do you return any of their affection?"

She takes a deep breath with her head still fallen back. "I return affection for all of them…" Her head comes forward and looks at me with wide puppy dog eyes. "But I do treasure one of them above the rest…" Oh please Mitsunari, out fo the three of them I find him the most agreeable. She smiles. "I feel like he stole my heart the moment he swooped into the brothel." Okay great, so it's not Ieyasu, I will worry about finding him a suitable match. Her voice is a whisper, as if she is afraid the man she speaks of is near enough to hear her say his name and my heart stutters. "I think I am in love with Masamune Date."

I choke on a drink that doesn't exist and am quickly thrown into a fit of coughing. She brings me some water to drink and as I do I eye her embarrassment. Once I have swallowed and take a steadying breath I do my best to hide any rejection I have to the idea of my sensei with my youngest sister. Remembering the look he gave her in the brothel and the way he stands guard for her makes it easier. "What about him over the others?"

She sighs in relief, probably thinking I would try to crush the idea from her mind and she begins to spill out her feelings like an overflowing cup of sake. "He carried me the entire way back to the base camp, and when I stirred he gently pressed his lips to my forehead… the way Papa used to when we were little and scared of a storm. You know he sat outside my tent every day? All because he said he would when I was still barely conscious. The few times he did visit me it was when the other two had to leave, and I asked him to share story about himself to distract me from how much pain my body is in, to make me boil over with laughter, and he never failed to make me forget about how much the wounds itch ad hurt as they heal. He asked me what I wanted to do with the baby once it was born like you did and when I gave him my answer, oh Rina, I think that's when he truly stole my affection, his response was that he hoped to be able to thank my child as well and that he would feel so lucky if his future children had a mother like me."

"Okay— okay— stop. I need time to adjust to the way you perceive him." I chuckle my words.

Her brows knit together and he entire face tilts to one side. "You perceive him differently? I feel like I've seen the real him. Not the mask of fearless warlord and carefree flirt, but the real him who just wants a family to come home to and treasure."

Well, I cannot argue with her when I've experienced a similar thing… twice. Hideyoshi appears to the world as a strict rule follower and bold warlord on the battlefield, but underneath all of that is someone who has lost so much, and doesn't want to lose anymore people he's loved, so he cares too much, he wants to keep all of his fellow warlord safe and thriving and is willing to look like the overprotective annoying mother. Nobunaga appeared to the world as a ruthless leader who spared no life that was in his way to achieve his dream for Japan, and yet, in the privacy of a bedroom or hot spring he shed the mask and showed the wounded young man who had to kill his own brother, his own sensei, in order to survive, the young leader that was afraid to open himself up to love because he knew how much he had to give and how badly it would wound him to lose a great love, and he still took a chance on Hideyoshi and me. Nobunaga was a man who loved too much.

"Sueko!" I wrap my arms around her. "Thank you!"

"For what?" She asks while pulling her head away from my shoulder.

"For falling in love and seeing Masamune Date the way he really is." I could kiss her. I kiss her on the forehead.

At our break I burst from the cart, my guards nearly lost me as I quickly waddle to my husband. I am out of breath when I find him, recently dismounted from his horse. My words are rushed and breathless. "Hide, where are the maps?" He puts his arms out for me to brace his forearms and try to catch my breath.

He looks to Ranmaru who darts off to find them. "Do you want to tell me what is going on? Why did you rush over hear and ask for maps?"

I smile and stand up on my own. "Because I remembered something— or rather— Sueko helped me remember something."

When the maps are splayed out and they show me the route I explain everything to him. "It's hardly a detour from the original path, maybe two days added to the journey." I point out after Ieyasu tries to argue that Sueko and I need to get back to Azuchi as soon as possible.

Hide eyes the map, glances at me a few times and a cautious smile tugs at his lips. He points to the divergence from the original path. "It's very close to Azuchi… Rina, thirty or so guards and scouts will come with us and we will join you all at Azuchi shortly."

"You're the Emperor now, you need to be return and begin your reign properly…" Ieyasu tries again. I swear he needs a wife or concubine before I start slapping him.

Hideyoshi smiles defiantly, which is something beautiful and rare to see. "Get everything set up for a celebratory parade and feast. We can discuss the details before Rina and I split from the rest of you. While I am away you're in charge."

Ieyasu's eyes go wide and he started to stutter random protests until Hideyoshi places his hand on the panicked healer. "If it's too much for you, I can place Mitsunari in charge."

"N-no. I will do it." Ieyasu rolls his eyes, his composure returning to his entire body.

After the maps are put away and Hideyoshi and I are left to alone and pulls me as close as the belly will allow. "I hope that you're right." His eyes close as he brushes his nose against mine. A warm breeze pushes past us more a moment and I try to breath all of it's warm in, enjoying the smell of jasmine flowers that the wind carried to me. I whisper as I lift my face to be kissed. "I know I am."

Hideyoshi walks me back to the cart, trying to temper and control the hope we have lit within our hearts. When we return to the cart I find Sueko is not there yet, and my heart starts to race. Something in the nearby trees catches our attention. The light from the sun his the ornamental metal work of a Katana, the one that taught me to fight, on the other side of the tree. "Oh gods." I whisper and look up to Hideyoshi to avoid the rest of the scene before I see something I cannot unsee.

Hideyoshi laughs as he turns us both away. "I think it's just a conversation…" He tries to reassure as he helps me into the cart. He surprises me by joining me inside and sitting beside me. "May I?" He asks with his hand outstretch and eyes on my belly.

I nod my head and his hands gently touch. "Have you felt him move inside you?" He asks as he rubs like he is trying to find buried treasure.

"Here and there." I admit while laying back on one of the futons. He lays down next to me, his eyes drifting up my body until he reaches my lips, his hands rests just below my naval.

"Rina." All the hope we were trying to hide was starting to fill the small cart our eyes met and overcome with that we lean in to kiss and I reach into his hair. "Hide" I whisper as his hand begins to move again, this time in a steady Southern course.

I reach down to feel his excitement growing and quickly lift his robes and push away any barriers between us and quickly grasp and begin to pump his length. His voice shakes with excitement as he presses two fingers in and after only a couple of teasing motions he pulls them out and brings them to his lips. "I can tell how excited you are to think he might return to us. It feels like you've already reached your peak without me. " He smiles as he licks his fingers and his eyes shutter at the taste.

I struggle to position him with my belly in the way and frustratingly continue to stroke his length as I speak with half lidded eyes and need in my voice. "I can feel your excitement for his return as well. Please, let's share our hope with each other."

He smiles as he pulls my leg over his hip and brings himself closer, reaching down to help guide himself inside. I bite my lip, trying to quiet my moans. He's movements are slow and unsure. "Maybe if we—" I start but stop when he pulls out and shoves a thick pillow under my lower back before pulling my thighs out wide and reentering deep. He starts to thrust in and out at an almost punishing rate and I forget to conceal my loud moans of pleasure.

His eyes are soft despite the strength he is exerting as he continues to push his hips into me and I reach a second climax with him still shaking the cart for everyone outside to see. As he gets close to his own breaking point he begins to groan, and at first I think it's just random sounds, until he finally strings the two syllables together in a way that I can understand. "Nu— buh— ah— ah— Nobu—"

My head falls back and I try to mask his voice from everyone else who might hear with louder, coarser words each time his presses in as deep as he can and my toes curl. "Yes! Oh! Hah! Hah! Yes!"

When he finishes he waits inside of me before pulling away and using one of his inner robes to clean us both off. He lays down next to me and kisses my warm sweaty temple and pulls my back close to his chest. His voice is warm against my ear. "Soon we will be a complete family again." I close my eyes and breath in his masculine scent before sighing my response. "NobuHideRin."