
Progress, improvement, growth, change, whatever you want to call it, is both awe-inspiring and awful to observe. Watching my baby grow every day, slowly leaving behind pieces of dependance as he moves through this life is both the most wonderful and terrible thing I have experienced, and I know that in these first three months with Nobuyoshi have only given me a small taste of this phenomena. When he begins to crawl I will feel it again, and stronger, he won't need us to carry him as much. When he learns to walk he will need us even less. When he speaks we will lose the secret language between mother and child.

Similarly, with each moment of improvement we see with Nobunaga brings a surge of hope tinged with fear as he groans and cries. Each and every advancement seems to bring with it it's own set of consequences.

After that first day of resting and nursing we were able to get him to eat some regular food and quickly weened him off of me, despite his best efforts that evening when we were trying to sleep. Grubby warm hands search for my ribcage at night to press his face to my chest. I have resorted to sleeping with an obi secured with several sashes.

Nights seemed to be the worst for him, when the sun dipped and the air cooled it was if he was pulled into nightmares. If we were not there to hold him on either side he would thrash and writhe in pain.

It was that fourth night though, I was on the cusp of sleep when I heard him, at first thinking it was just a dream. "Rina. Rina, is this really you? Rina!" My eyes snapped when he yelled my name and suddenly all three of us were sitting up in the futon looking bewildered in the moonlit room.

He reached for my face. "I can barely see you…" He whispers. "I know it's you. And I can feel Hide behind me when I lean back." He huffs a small laugh. "You would be there wouldn't you? Keeping me steady."

"Always" Hideyoshi chokes on the word and coughs before continuing. "I can light some candles if you would like to see better."

Nobunaga sounds humored. "Please. Although I don't think the low light is the only cause of my near sightedness…"

Hideyoshi gets up and Nobunaga strokes my cheeks with his thumb. He sounds shocked. "What's this I find on my wife's cheeks? Tears. What for? I'm here."

I let the sob I was holding back go. "Because you are here. Do you know how long you have been gone?"

He smirks. "No… The last thing I remember…" His expression drops into something more cautious. "oh— you two must hate me…"

"Never." Hideyoshi and I state at the same time just as he begins to light the other candles around the room so we can see each other better.

Nobunaga chuckles, surprised by our response. "To come back to the same life and not find my lovers angry with me, what did I do to earn this life?"

I place a hand to his cheek and as he leans into the warmth I speak with some seriousness. "We never said we weren't mad, only that we don't hate you."

His smile softens as he lets go of my face. "I accept that."

Hideyoshi returns with a candle and as the light catches his eyes I softly gasp and let my hand fall to his lap.

They speak at the same time. "What?" Nobunaga continues as Hideyoshi settles back behind him. "What's wrong? Am I horribly disfigured? Do I look like a monster?"

"No…" I begin carefully. "You're eyes… they're dark. Like a newborn."

Nobunaga laughs as Hideyoshi moves to the side to see and also lets a small gasp out. Nobunaga uses that gasp to locate Hideyoshi's face and turn towards him, placing a hand to his cheek before leaning their foreheads together and speaking lovingly. "It's your dream come true Hide. I am like a child that needs you to take care of— speaking of children…" His head whips back to me, hands finding my shoulders and moving down my arms until he can glide them to my stomach. "Is it still so early we cannot feel him?"

Hideyoshi and I both sigh as I grab his wrists. "Nobu—"

"I missed it didn't I? I missed seeing you full didn't I? I imagine she was a handful for you Hide." Hideyoshi chuckles and rests his chin on the other man's shoulder as Nobunaga continues. "I'm so sorry Rina. I wanted to be there… even if you insisted I wasn't, even if Ieyasu tried to get me to leave, I would have been by your side."

I lean forward to press my forehead to Nobunaga's. "If you could see me better right now you would have seen the way my eyes rolled. The two of you are impossible. Just because you rule Japan you think you can do whatever you like. Hide was with me the whole time and was the first to hold our child."

He smiles as his eyes take my face in, recognition and admiration filling his features. "I can see you when you are close enough… How did you get more beautiful since the last time I saw you?"

I slowly blink and smile. "Flatterer."

His smile grows before faltering. "What did you name him?"

Hideyoshi and I both look to each other a bit nervous despite how sure we feel about our child's name. My voice does nothing to hide the nervousness. "Nobu-- Yoshi…."

His brows pull together in thought before he speaks. "Nobuyoshi… is a good name." He smiles playfully.

Hideyoshi smiles at this sight. "He's beautiful. He looks like you Nobu."

Nobunaga smiles, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "What about the war?" He manages to speak through the lump in his throat. "What about Japan?"

Hideyoshi smiles fuller than I have seen in nearly a year. "The war was won, thanks to Rina, and Japan is unified under one ruler…"

Nobunaga's nose crinkles with his excited grin. "You. Right? I didn't sacrifice myself for anyone else to rule."

Hideyoshi chuckles. "Yes. I am the emperor of Japan."

Nobunaga's expression moves from excitement and joy to solemn like storm clouds rolling into a valley. "Thank you." He turns to Hideyoshi and brings all three of our foreheads together. "Both of you. I'm so sorry I had to leave you… it was the only way I saw." His tears are flowing faster than his words.

I stop him from continuing his rambling. "We know. We trusted your decision Nobu…"

He smiles as is hands slide behind mine and Hideyoshi's heads to pull us into a kiss. There are no words for how wonderful that first kiss feels. I think the closest I can get is that it felt complete.

There is no fighting over dominance, Nobunaga has taken full ownership as he half blindly kisses each of us with equal fervor.

He turns his frail body to sit in Hideyoshi's lap and face him while I kiss his neck from behind. After a long and passionate kiss Nobunaga pulls away, his arms wrapped around the other's neck and I stop my kisses as well to listen to Nobunaga's serious words. "Hide, it seems our roles have reversed. You are the one in need of a legitimate heir now…"

Hideyoshi and I both begin to chuckle before he responds to Nobunaga. "Are you saying you won't enter her from the front until we know she is with my child?" He asks with humor.

Nobunaga remains serious. "That is exactly what I mean. There can be no confusion."

I cough to get their attention. "What if I want to see your face, and never wish for it to be hidden from me?"

Nobunaga dramatically rolls his head. "Then you we will only use positions to accommodate and when we cannot you will have to compromise."

I look to Hideyoshi with mock seriousness. "Quickly Hide, fill me with a child, or better yet, fill me with many children." We both start to chuckle and Nobunaga is getting flustered.

Nobunaga suddenly removes himself from Hideyoshi's lap and lays back on the futon beside us, his tone turns to a pout. "Yes. Many many Toyotomi brats should run the halls of Azuchi with Nobuyoshi so he is not lacking company."

Hideyoshi and I slowly turn to Nobunaga, realizing we have bruised his ego a bit. I quickly crawl on top of him and lean in to his ear. "Nobu—" I purr his name into his ear. "We've missed you. Let's not worry too much about our children's pedigree tonight…hmmm?"

Hideyoshi behind me, also straddling Nobunaga while working to loosen the obi and the three sashes used to keep it on. He speaks confidently despite the struggle to unbind me. "I'm not concerned either. The phoenix said she would bear each of our first Nobu."

I can feel Nobunaga continuing to stiffen beneath me as the first sash is removed and I rotate my hips against him to illicit the kind of moan I've been praying to hear from him over the last four days. His hands slid up my robes to grip my hips. After a moment he speaks. "Why is it taking so long to strip her Hide? Have you not had enough experience while I have been away to disrobe our wife in a timely manner?"

Hideyoshi lets out a scoff and leans to my ear while peering down at a smug Nobunaga. "I will leave it to you dear wife to explain to our husband why you are wrapped up so tightly for bed."

Nobunaga's face is fully confused as he realizes I am in the wrong attire to sleep in. I huff before mumbling back to Hideyoshi. "I would just like to remind you that it was your idea in the beginning that led to these tedious bindings." He just hums while working on a particularly difficult knot.

I look down at the confused Nobunaga and smile softly. "When you came back to us, at least in body, you were not able to eat anything, but you needed— sustenance…"

Nobunaga's brows knit and he still looks confused as he speaks. "What does that have to do with you being wrapped three times more than necessary to go to sleep?" I was hoping he would put it all together before I have to tell him explicit details, but it looks like that is not the case.

"For the first day or so there was only one way you seemed eager to obtain nutrition— and it was the same way as Nobuyoshi… You took such a liking to it that even after you were able to eat some solids you found your way to my breast while we were sleeping so—"

"Okay. Okay. I understand." His face is flush with shame as he continues. "So my little joke earlier about being the baby Hide has always wanted to care for is not that far off…" His face suddenly shifts into curiosity. "Is it good?"

My eyebrow raises. "Is what good?"

He smirks thoughtfully. "It must be if I searched it out so vigorously. I think once Hide gets you loose I will try with a more present mind."

I groan. "Not you too."

Hide finally loosens the last sash and as the obi is pulled away he looks over my shoulder down at our lover. "She pretends to hate that we enjoy what her body can give us, but I heard the pleased sigh when Nobunaga first latched and the way you clenched your thighs while he suckled."

Nobunaga laughs. "So you've tasted from her too Hide, tell me, how was it?"

Hideyoshi nods beside my blushing cheek. "Heavenly." He whispers loud enough for both of us to hear just before he begins to pull away my robes to reveal my changed body to Nobunaga.

His hands glide over my abdomen. "I can just barely make out the marks our child left behind. I'm looking forward to being able to see your body clearly again." His thumb traces a particularly prominent mark from the pregnancy. "Beautiful." He whispers as his need twitches against mine.

Once my robes are removed Hideyoshi stays behind me, his hand glide over my hips and up to my breasts. "Rina, if we warm you up do you think you will leak again for me."

"Mm" I whine as Nobunaga presses a thumb against my clit and begins to circle that makes my spine tingle and my hips jerk.

It doesn't take much effort when they are both on me for warm fluid to begin to trickle from my breasts like tears of joy. Hideyoshi gently pushes me forward until my breasts are just above Nobunaga's mouth. The first droplet of milk hits his lips and he licks it with a smile before opening his mouth for more. Hideyoshi pushes two fingers into me and I lean forward enough for Nobunaga to latch onto my nipple while the other continues to rain onto the futon beside his head.

Hideyoshi is being merciless with his fingers as he thrusts and curls against the spot that quickly brings me to a gushing release over all of us. His fingers do not quit their thrusts in me and soon I feel a second hand beneath me stroking Nobunaga who hums on my breast.

"Hide—" I whine.

"Yes Rina?" I he pants.

I bite my lips for a minute, nervous. "Preparations are needed at the rear gate."

Without any hesitation he spills a generous amount of spit and begins to circle the tense hole between my pale white cheeks until he feels able to press his first finger in.

My body wants this. It wants them both, and proves it to all of us when it accepts three fingers with minimal resistance.

My words are desperate as I pull by breast away from Nobunaga and look back at Hideyoshi when I say his name. "Nobu—Hide—" My eyes are pleading.

Nobunaga is the first to shift and we follow his lead when he asks me to lie down on my back. "You want to see my face when I fill you…" His eyes soften as he smiles and then turns to Hideyoshi. "I want to taste you before you fill either of us."

Hideyoshi steps in front of Nobunaga and above me I watch from underneath as Nobunaga kisses, and licks Hideyoshi's shaft before bringing him into his mouth and begins masterfully bobbing and gagging on the other mans length. After a moment he pulls away and smiles down at me as he positions himself against my back and pushes in one solid motion that makes me arch as I cry out. His face is pleased as he makes his way home. The relief of having him so close off sets any discomfort long enough for him to settle deep inside and begin thrusting looking down at me with admiration and happiness before opening his mouth to Hideyoshi again.

I pant as Hideyoshi's length disappears inside of Nobunaga's throat and briefly repeats, until I feel myself somewhat envious of that mouth. "Hide, come home." I pant and he pulls away.

Silently we move so Hideyoshi is beneath me, his slicked rod eagerly waiting for me as I press his head to my own wanting and slide him steadily inside. Once sheathed he begins moving his hips up into me just as Nobunaga re-enters with vengeance from behind.

Once again, the feeling of completeness overshadows the initial discomfort of being filled with both of them at the same time. This is pleasure at it's apex, being connected to the two men I love simultaneously until they each release their power inside of me and we fall asleep in a pile of sweat and love.